Special Chapter : The Wedding

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Now I know a lot of you must of been disappointed about not seeing Draco and Hermione's wedding, we'll be disappointed no more, here you it have folks!
Always - Morgan
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Adjusting his tie. Draco stared at himself in the mirror. Again, here he was ready to dedicate his life to women. Here again he was nervous, here again he wondered if he deserved it. His life much different from where he started. It seemed like forever ago that he sent that letter to Hermione and now look at him, now stood before him a man she believed to be redeemed, a worthy person, a person who she loved. They'd stumbled too many times to count for the short time they'd spent together, but now, where nobody lurked around the corner or problem needing to be solved. Today was a day of two people, stating their love and forgiveness and the finale nail in voldermorts coffin.

The door creaked open. His mother entering the room. A navy dress that fitted her perfectly. Her eyes shining with a smile as she caught sight of him.
"Well" He turned extended his arms till the fell to legs. She walked over to him, her expensive heels clicking off the wooden floor.
"Perfect" She fixed his coat. "Look at you" She coohed.
"Mother I've been married before, you've seen me in a suit plenty of times"
"Yes I have, but none of those times, does a facial expression so brilliant show on your face, I know you love her so much" She said fixing a fallen hair from his forehead.
"How do you know that?" He wondered.
"You look at her the same admiration of beauty, when you walk when past a mirror" She mused.
"Okay easy there, try and not wound my ego to much" He rolled his eyes.
"I don't think anyone could son" She touched the side of his face. He laughed lightly, looking down to her, his hand over hers. "I remember the day you were born, a fighter, eyes like lamps, our little dragon we called you, our own unique creation, I don't think I've told you enough, I love you Draco, with all my heart and beyond"
"Mum, I love you too" He bent down and embraced her. Her eyes filtered with tears; her perfume reminded him the hugs they shared through out his childhood. She was the first women he ever loved, the one he only cared for, for years. One that stood by him through thick and thin, saved him countless times and the women that taught him love. Sometimes he felt he didn't deserve her.

A knock on the door.

The Malfoy's move from their embrace and look to the door.
"Mate" Blaise appeared. His eyes focuses on Draco. "It's time"
Draco let out a long breath, shaky and nervous. His mother gripped his hand. "Time to get hitched" Theo grinned behind Blaise. Draco rolled his eyes as he lead his mother and him out the room and into the hall were many were gathered. Students, teachers, colleagues, friends, once-enemies , Gryffindors and Slytherins all under one roof, for one monumental morning. The day that Draco Lucius Malfoy and Hermione Jean Granger state their love to the world. And the world watched as reporters from all over held cameras at the door of the hall, waiting for the car to appear with the bride.

Harry walked her down the aisle. Draco could hard,y believer how beautiful she was, a shinning Angel as the light seeped through the back of the hall. Ginny (the best women) was just behind walking down with Blaise ( the best man) and Luna and Theodore Nott just after as brides maid and 2nd best man. Scorpios was the ring bearer and tried to fall, while Mia skipped with Rose tossing Hermione petals. Mia waved to Theordore the third who flushed red. Pansy was taking as much pictures as she could, plus she needed them because Hermione was wearing a dress she made, publicity was just as important as memories. Draco has found the ancient Malfoy crest wedding rings worn by he great, great great, great grandparents and they fit perfectly.  Vows were emotional, not a dry eye in the room. Draco managed to keep his game face on.

"With the power vested in me, I now declare you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride"

That was Draco's favourite part, he romantically dipped her as Mia and Scorpios laughed and Rose hid her eyes. Pansy got a picture and Leo stood on his chair clapping with Albus. The whole room erupted in cheers and applause. Lightbulbs flashed and scribbles if description filled the air. Pavarti Patill was covering the story. Seamus Finnigan was already drunk and him and Dean Thomas sang songs with Ron , who needed to get drunk to get through the day. Arthur Wealsey and the rest of the Weasley boys danced with Hermione, Draco darned with his mother, Pansy, Daphne Greengrass and to her great surprise, Ginny.

"You'll take care of her right?" Ginny asked as her Draco swayed back and forth, while George span and laughed with Hermione behind them.
"I will make it my life's mission" He replied.
"You won't hurt her because if you did-"
"I'd rather strangle myself but if I ever, I stand with open arms while you kick my arse" He interrupted,
"Good" She nodded. "Your not so bad are you ferret?"
"Well She-Weasel, it took a while but I'm glad you feel that way" He said. He looked behind again and saw Lucius Malfoy, tap on George's shoulder asking for a dance, George kissed Hermione's cheek and let them dance together.

"I have to ask, are all Malfoy's impeccable dancers?" Hermione wondered.
"Yes, but it's only because we're taught as the age of 4, didn't know, we have to the best at everything" He muses.
"I did know" She laughed lightly.
"Hermione" He began. "I have to say, thank you"
"Whatever for?" She wondered.
"For Draco, for everything, you saved us and I'm more than glad to call you a part of our family, Draco he's never been happier, you must know, I hope you do, that that's' all I've ever wanted for him, peace , safety, happiness...love, I know I've had strange ways of showing it but I do love my family and I'll give my life for them" He stated, choking almost , unable to look at her , face unreadable.
"I remember you and Narcissa running into battle without wands, screaming for him, I remember that love, I do know, you don't have to worry about that and Draco does love you, like all Malfoy's it's just hard for him to express" She smiled.
"I knew a women like you once, fire in every way but she never burned anyone, she cared and she loved and she was beautiful , in a different life , she loved me and in a different life we'd be here together, but Draco has found his own version of her, fire in every way and you Hermione Granger are his true love, in every life" He stopped. "Thank you"
She felt strange, empathy, sympathy, admiration, frustration, curiously all burst through her but he did not continue but took her hand and kissed her knuckles. She so caught up in all didn't see that Harry had wondered over, but soon snapped out of it and her hand was given to Harry's. Lucius gave her a nod and left, walking back to Narcissa with a smile, kissing her cheek, handing her a glass of champagne.
" 'Mione?" Harry laughed.
"Sorry Harry, I uh, got lost in my head" She replied, giggling herself.

They left for America for a week. The returned a tan and excitement to start life together.

I wrote this a while back and forgot to post it, but here you are! My last and 50th chapter on this and to think this book is nearly up to 4K! Thank you so much , much love , Always - Morgan x

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