Chapter 31 - My Hero, Albus Severus Potter

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Half way through their second year the four sat bored in the Gryffindor common room. Lazing about in the plushy red arm-chairs.

" So , what the hell are we going to do then?" Albus asked rubbing his hands together wickedly

"Nothing by the looks of it ; look at the time , five minutes to curfew" Rose stated, pointing to the grandfather clock in the corner. Mia sat upright and Scorpios scoffed.

"Uh oh" He said comically and Mia frowned.

" What?"

" When you get an idea we either break rules and not pay consequences or usually we do break rule and pay the consequences" Scorpios stated with a sigh. Mia shrugged and stood up right .

" Albus ; check if the coast his clear" He nodded at her request and circled the common the room .

" What are you up to ? " Rose asked, half in anguish half in excitement.

" I have a wonderful idea, Scorpios fetch the map and the cloak, Rose get my broom, I'll check the dorms to see if anyone's awake" They set off to the duties and returned back again with everything they needed.

" Why do I have a horrible feeling about this ? "Scorpios asked Mia passing her the cloak.

" Oh I'm hurt Scorpios truly ;don't think so low of me " Mia gaped as she took the broom from Rose.

" I'm excited and well hungry" Albus smiled childishly

"There's a surprise " Rose scoffed.

" Precisely the reasoning behind my adventure tonight my Albus; I'm heading to the kitchens and returning with a grand banquet, a midnight feast in the tower sounds wonderful doesn't it? "She smirked to the three. " And - she continued- I'm going to do it in the quickest time ever done, George and Fred Weasley snuck to the kitchens near every night and did it under twenty minutes , that's from here to the bottom hall , remarkable to say the least but I'm going to do it in under ten; Rose I'm going to need your help"

" Oh hell no, I will not going anywhere, Merlin will hop out of the grave and do a jig before I'm doing anything " Rose crossed her arms.

" But your my amigo, I need you ! " Mia stated . " Please" She begged, flashing her puppy dog eyes. Rose grumbled curses under her breath .

" My mum is going to go mental when she finds out about this " Rose said snatching the cloak.

" So tell me, how are you going to do it then?" Albus asked . Mia smirked .

" You two boys are going to be my houston, you know my call back , my help , my eyes "

" Houston?" Scorpios question.

" You know Houston we have a problem?" Mia stated . She turned to Rose.

"She means her control room" Rose explained and the boys went 'ohhhhhhhh' . Mia rolled her eyes and continued.

" So you two will have the map , we'll use the wand walkie talkie spell my dad taught us Scorp" She looked to the blond who nodded and took out his wand .

" Albus you have the map, watch us as we travel , Scorpios you speak through if anything happens and give us the heads up, Rose my dear your going to hold the cloak over us "

" Why can't you hold it?" Rose frowned. Mia climbed on her broom.

" Because I'm driving, now get on the back and don't let go of cloak ;Harry will go mental if we loose it " Rose reluctantly climbed on and they slowly rose a few feet in the air. Rose cast the cloak around them, it was long enough to cover both them and the broom .

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