Chapter 37 - The Unstoppable Quiddich Princess

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"We are just five minutes away from our Quiddich finale, can all supporters take their seats and the owner of a Toad named Barney ,please retrieve it from the teachers box, thank you"

Scorpios sucked in a breathe, his stomach churning.
"Deep breaths dearest, deep breaths" Mia said while passing him. He nodded though , the horrid retching feeling in his throat failed to leave him.
"I am a Wizard, I am a muggle , I'm both, I am a king, I am a champion, I am survivor , I fight , I push , I win" Henson Patil-James was muttering to himself , stretching and jumping up and down keeping his body warm on the January day.
"A'right , all in" Theodore , their team captain called. "Gents and our sexy lady" he winked to Mia, the only girl on the Slytherin team. "Let's kick some gum and chew some ass!"
"Did-did he just say a meme? Like a meme" Mia whispered to Bob.
"Baby girl, I haven't a clue what goes on in such a small mind ..sad really" Bob rests his wrists on his broom.
"I'm going to throw up" Scorpios said.
"Oh you say that every time Scorp" said Bob . "You'll be fine" He slapped his back , not knowing his own strength and made Scorpios turn a few shades green.
"I don't know man, had you seen Potter's try outs? Telling you, the man has a pair of blungers on him" said.
"Did you just refer my friend'; to blungers?" Asked Scorpios.
"Lovely chat and all boys but can we hurry this along?" Said Keenan Bulstrode .
(yes Millicent Bulstrode did reproduce and married a lovely Bulgarian chap named Igor and somehow both of them made the beauty of a young spice machine that was Keenan)
"Right , bro you with us?" Theodore looked to the youngest of the team. Edward Nott was a second year Slytherin , who was very quiet and skittish-highly unlike his brother Theo. He gave a nervous nod.
"Don't worry sweetheart, everyone is nervous for their first game and what a trouper you've been after we lost our other beater and you've been brilliant! Just you don't hit me and you'll be fine alright darling?" Mia wrapped an arm around Edward, who was positively crimson. She pressed a encouraging kiss on his cheek and He nodded again feeling much better and walked over to stand next to Bob (their other beater) .
" I feel pretty nervous myself " Said Theo. Mia curled her knuckles on her hips. "If you have any left, I'd love one" He wondered. She rolled her eyes.
"Any preferences ?"
"Tongue but , I'm a steady guy, I'll take it slow , just here please " he pointed to his cheekbone. She scoffed and feline walked her way over to him. She reached on her tip toes but just as she was about to kiss his cheek he moved so she made contact with his lips instead . It was quick peck that made her laugh.
"You always for that one princess" He winked and strode up to the top of the line, like his brother , feeling much better. Mia shook her head with a grin , turning her head only to fine a very , very disgusted pair - Scorpios and Keenan.
"What?" She asked. "I supposed you want one too?" She raised an eyebrow. They made no objection, she kissed Scorpios cheek. "You'll do great" She smiled and turned to Keenan who's expression changed greatly . she couldn't help it, he was a 6th year , who's face was created by the gods apparently. So without another thought she gave him a peck too.
"How's your judgement level now?" She asked him.
"I couldn't stay mad at you , my lovely , even if I tried" He winked, a toothpick being placed back between his lips.She let out a girly giggle and left to go and stand behind Theo.
"Mia" Bob whispered behind her.
"What?" she whispered back, not turning.
"What's funnier than 24?" Then points to Theo's jersey. "25!" Lo and behold Theo's number 25 and Mia forgets who's she's surrounded by and full on ugly laughs with Bob.
"It's the moment you've all been waiting for, two teams , fighting for the championship , who will win? Gryffindor!" Roaring screams fill the stadium "or Slytherin !" Equal screams erupt again and Mia is grinning bigger and bigger by each waking moment. She can't help it, hearing George-Lee Jordan's voice commentating and the fact he'd announced Albus's name made her even more so excited. Sure competition is hard especially against best friends but it makes it oh-so more interesting for the crowd .
"He's back after two weeks hiatus with a bad fall, but put yours hands together and scream if you love him! Captain of Slytherin Team Theodore The Third Nott!"
Just like George-Lee had asked, the screams burst through the air as Theo sauntered in the field with his broom on his shoulders. Mia was rather enjoying the view when the commentator began again.
"Most goals in the season, brought the Slytherin house the Quiddich cup 3 years in a row, can she do it again? Ladies and mostly gents.. I present Our Quiddich princess, Mia Malfoy!"
Her ears ringing from the noise she laid her broom flat on the floor and stood on it like a skateboard before it lifted and slowly floated out into the field , carrying her into the stadium , covered with praise and boo's , which she loved.
"Our Slytherin beaters now, he's probably uprooted trees and stood on villages , but we love him Bob Goyle! And our newest and cutest guy, little bro to the Captain, proving to more than just a kid, it's the bean himself Edward Nott!"
Bob Goyle swaggered out twirling his broom with his large hands like a baton and Edward awkwardly waving just beside him , they soon sit with Mia in the air.
"It's our hunk, born in Bulgaria and breed in nobody knows where and wants to know how, it's the stallion Keenan Bulstrode! Along with his great side-kick who's proved us all wrong Henson Patil-James!"
With a humble smile and a wave from both, Bulstrode and Henson mounts their brooms and soars up and
Bulstrode gives Mia a wink.
"And finally, our keeper, kicking Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw all season, saving up to 327 quaffles this season , this Malfoy is rocking out world, it's our gentleman of the game, Scorpios Malfoy !"
Mia watches as Scorpios walks out and bows multiple times to the crowd , before climbing his Nibus and bursting to the hoops, Mia was also sure she heard Rose shouting 'Go baby go!' From the Gryffindor box;but knowing her relationship with the Weasley that could be forwarded to Scorpios or her.

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