Chapter 33 - Pug face & The Weasel

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Ron popped up on the end of the street. A call was placed saying that a couple were screaming at each other and arguing , even the sounds of breaking of fragile glass. This was the job of an Auror, one who was extremely bored.


Another fragile vase shattered.

Ron groaned taking out his wand and knocked on the door. The screaming only continued. He knocked again ;it only happened again. With a scoff he blasted the door off the hinges and for it skit across the floor in front of him .A deathly silence followed.
"Auror department !" Ron yelled. "Come here so I can see you with your wands down"
His demands were followed by two pairs of footsteps.
"Weasley " Blaise Zabini greeted . Ron's brown eyes widened slightly.
"You do know I've had seven calls, three howlers and nine complaints within the last hour because of you two" Ron snapped. Pansy and Blaise were filled with hatred and didn't even looked at each other. "Now please out of pure boredom and amazing curiosity, why am I here when I should be in Diagon Alley buying birthday gifts for my son?"
Pansy was the one who answered.
"Divorce papers came in" Ron was not expecting that.
"And?" He pushed.
"Blaise got a little mad" She answered.
"A little?" Ron scoffed looking at Blaise. "Look this is clearly something you both have to deal with, but hexes and jinxes are not permitted in a family home, I know you have children" Ron stated strongly. "So that 250 galleon fine each and you'll have to sign this" He pulled out a pocket sized notepad, that grew once in his hand and walked over the glass to Pansy. "You first Mrs- Pansy" He corrected. She signed it with a quill he'd created. Then Blaise followed.
"So what now?" Blaise asked.
"Well I'll need a statement from you both, if you'll come with me, your daughter and son are not here, are they?" He asked.
"Arianna is staying with a friend for tonight, Leo is at school" Blaise answered.
"Well you might as well bring the papers with you , you can get that sorted over there to" Ron said bored. "Now the handcuffs are just a percussion , so-" he waved his wand and Zabini and Parkison had handcuffs on. "And wands" He walked to Blaise who had his in his pocket, Ron took it. He walked over to Pansy. "Wand?" He asked her.
"Back pocket" She stated, her brown eyes looking away from him. He reached over behind her and grabbed the wand from her trouser pocket. "Thank you " Ron said with a smile and turned around. "Come with me" They followed to his disasperation spot and they arrived at the Auror Department.


"This is a tad, dramatic, for simple family dispute" Pansy said her handcuffed hands seated on a table with Ron entered the mirrored room and taking a seat opposite her.
"Pansy, I'm not gonna handle this with cotton mittens, it's because of your previous occupation during the second war, why were a tad dramatic, so please, be nice and you'll be out of here in no time" Ron opened up her file he'd brought in.
"Fair enough" She nodded. Ron raised a red eyebrow at her and began his questioning .

"Have you or Mr Zabini been violent toward each other before today?"
"No" Pansy answered.
"Have you or Mr Zabini been violent toward any relative ?"
"No" Pansy answered.
"Who, from the second war, have you been in close contact with?"
"From my side, I'm guessing that's what your insinuating?" She seethed.
"Yes"Ron answered unmoved by her tone.
"The only person, who we've both been very close with, is Draco Malfoy"
"Explain your phrase, very close with"
"Sunday dinners, hogsmede trips with our children, were like family , I'm his child godmother " she stated.
"Thats interesting" he wrote something down on his notepad.
"What's that?"
"Had you been in contact with Astoria Greengrass before her death?" He ignored.
"Loosely, on and off, letters and such" She explained.
"And she picked you to be the child's Godmother?"
"Yes..?, I fail to see-"
"And you are aware of the fatal illness Ms Greengrass suffered from?"
"Yes she received it from her mother, it's genetic..."
"And you as the child's godmother, that she visits  St Mungos every week?"
"Yes , she visits your brother, George Weasley" Pansy answered smoothly.
"Does she indeed ?" Ron asked closing the file and leaning he his hands on the table.
"I'm sure your aware that your brother has a full notepads at his bedside table, it's because Mia and him fill the. Up with new ideas for his shop, recently him and I have started a business transaction, I visited him just this Saturday" A leer spread across her face.
Ron leaned forward toward her face and whispered
"And Finally, Ms Parkinson are you secretly a pug in disguise?" Her smile dispersed from her face.
"I want a lawyer"
"You don't need one, your free to go" Ron smirked closing the file and standing back up again.
"Really?" She asked standing eagerly.
"Yes" He answered quickly.
"Auror Weasley " He corrected.
"Auror Weasley, I don't want the press to see us, would it be to much to ask for a disasperation home?" She asked. Her brown eyes were tired, sore from tears he'd known had fell and she clearly needed a break. He felt pity for her .
"Fine" He sighed and lead her out of the room. He waved his wand and the handcuffs were removed. She leapt from her seat and walked over to join him. "But one last question " He asked before opening the door.
"Why are you ending things? With Zabini?" She let out a deep sigh and again like before, couldn't look him in his eyes.
"Because for a long, long time, I've loved someone and I can't stop loving that person, they're available now and Blaise and I have drifted apart"
"Thought as much" he said sarcastically. He extended his arms and she hook her hand into it and with a weird squished , sucked feeling they disapperated.

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