Chapter 14 - Two Malfoys would be best buds with a Weasley and a Potter?

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{found some picture on Pinterest ,they're adorable and give you some idea of what Mia looks like )

Hermione and Draco visited Mia , they stayed for hours, talking when finally the doctor came with good news .

" I'm happy to say that young miss Malfoy can go home " Draco was grinning , a real smile , it was so long ago since he'd last smiled , he'd forgotten what it was like . Hermione stayed for dinner , Mia opened all her 200 and 1 presents and demanded that she should write a thank you to everyone . But on everyone's mind was the other news the doctor announced .

" I am , however saddened to say that , due to the age of Mia and the fact she went through something not many adults could survive , she'd need a check up every few months , till she's fully grown , as dreadful as it sounds it is needed , we have no idea the magic Miss Green-grass had placed upon her , for all we know it's a long lasting spell or worse a slow burner , I'm sorry Mr Malfoy , it's all we can do, for now " .

Mia would go every few months , but on the horrendous occasion Hermione would go with them . She found herself , spending more and more time than needed with the Malfoy clan and couldn't understand why , other than the fact she , actually , enjoyed their company . Of course the news of a Malfoy in hospital spread like wild fire but Hermione and Draco took every precaution to prevent any leeks . Rose and Mia had became fast friends and soon went everywhere together . Well , everywhere in their imaginations . Hugo had even come to visit on the summer holidays to meet Roses newest friend. He had brought his broom stick (the one his father bought him for his 12th birthday ) showing the very things Hooch taught him . Mia was fascinated by it and soon grew a trait that she would have forever , if she saw something that amazed her , she would learn how to do it . So soon after she pestered her father for flying lessons . But not till after turned the age of six did she receive one . Speaking of her 6th birthday , Hermione was going to it .

" Do you think she'll like her present mummy ? " Rose asked as they walked up the path to the Manor .

" Of course she will darling , don't get in a fuss , she'll love it , just like you loved yours when she gave it to you , remember ? " Hermione reminded . Rose nodded , her red curls bobbing as she did . " Now then , stopping worrying , let's enjoy ourselves , Pansy and Blaise are bringing their son on his first outing today , we better make good first impressions " She grinned as they reached the door , she raised a hand and knocked .

" Miss Granger , ah and Princess Rose , please do come in , Lady Malfoy is very much expecting you " Eli smiled , they walk in and the servants take their coats .

" See I told you " Hermione gave Rose a wink , who could hardly stand still she was so excited .

" They're in the garden , lunch will be served in about an hour " Hermione nodded as Eli lead them out and their was a sight to behold when she saw the garden .

Everyone she could think of from Slytherin was there . With white tables , covered in gold glitter , balloons tied just about everywhere , the garden was bright and warm from the summer and the flowers were In full bloom . Laughter filled the air , along with the scent of cake and sweets .

" HERMIONE ! , oh thank god Hermione ! " Pansy jogged over the best she could in 6inch heels .

" Is everything alright ? "Hermione held in a laugh , but Rose couldn't .

" Mia just opened her special gift from Draco , a bloody broom stick , he told her , now higher than a foot now Mia , but did she listen , no! , now she went pulled her little cousin on the back of it and now their flying around God knows were ! "

" Little cousin ? " Hermione asked .

" HERMIONE ! , not the point " Pansy waved her hands exhaustedly .

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