Chapter 35 - "It was just one of those things"

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"Merry Christmas!" Molly Weasley calls once opening her front door.
"Merry Christmas!" The Malfoy's replied. One by one was given a kiss and a hug from the Weasley women.
"Where's Arthur?" Asked Mia excitedly.
"He's in the garden dear with George, don't ask why, I haven't clue , something to do with none sense anyway" Molly answered . Mia and Scorpios shared a look and ran to the back of the house.

"That's it hold it up Georgie nice and high" Stumbling through the two Slytherin teens saw George Weasley who was looking tip top, holding a large target above his head, turning to the right they see Arthur Weasley with a large sniper-looking gun.
"Uh.. Mr Weasley why do you have a paint-ball gun?" Asked Mia.
"Just harmless fun, so I've heard" He returned, aiming within the scope and takes a shot and hitting the target by George's hand, who was possibly giddy by the action.
"Mr Weasley , they're really dangerous, Muggles they were protection and stuff" Scorpios said .
"What was that?" Mr Weasley asked, taking another shot , this time hitting closer to the middle.
"IT'S DANGEROUS!" Cried Rose with a cupped mouth. "I've tried telling him a thousand times" Rose said to them turning the corner and hugging both Scorpios and Mia.
"Merry Christmas" Mia said.
"Merry Christmas!!!!" Screeched a voice from above.
"Santa?" Scorpios joked looked up.
Albus was faster that a speeding bullet (or paint pellet) zooming about and was nothing other than a flesh coloured blur in the clouds.
"Merry Christmas Al!" Cried Mia. Laughing to herself and walking back with Scorpios, but felt suddenly dizzy and stumbled.
"You alright ?" Asked Rose. She laughed and nodded.
" ov'course don't stress just for light headed for a second , left over motion sickness from the disAperation" replied Mia smoothly. Though was guilty as she knew she was lying through her teeth to her two most beloved people on the world.
"Come on, let's get a seat and try some of the awesome food Mrs Weasley's prepped, YOU COMING IN AL?!" Roared Scorpios.
"INAMINUTE!" Albus burst by. George dropped the target, his arms hurting because Mr Weasley hadn't shot another bullet, fascinated by the trigger mechanism.
"He still has to learn how to stop" George snorted. "Come on you can open up your prezzies from Uncle Georgie first" An uneasy feeling fell through them, whatever George had in store no one knew. He had a bad rep for pranking people with 'presents' last time he did, Ron was yelling and cursing a spider that was wrapped in a box in the shape of a large chocolate frog before slowly turning back into its eight eyes , furry legged self again. But they followed and received quite the shock when the presents were actually rather normal.
Mia- had a full range of Pansy and his new skin care for teens line, which she'd been dying for , exclusives boxes only had by her , George and Pansy, along with a box of prankster stuff and bag of sweets. Rose has soon had much the same , but her colours of gifts in shades of pink were Mia's were black matte.
Scorpios-was gifted with a few books and a basket load of sweets, one of the books however was a muggle written , it's name 'how to flirt- for dummies'
Albus who finally joined after being shot down accidentally by Mr Weasley, who hit the trigger while gazing and admiring the weapon, hitting the broom causing it to tip and send him and it straight for the ground and land on a old couch amongst Mr Weasleys strange muggle things display in the garden. He received- a new set of gloves for Quiddich and a basket of sweets for himself.

"So I thank you all for a wonderful day" Hermione said after dinner, while she barley kept everyone's attention.
"But there's something we have to say" She looked to Draco.
"Hermione, is expecting a baby" Draco said excitedly and calmly . The table burst with the news and love circled around them.
"I'm gonna be a big sister!!" Mia jumped up and down .
"Me too" Rose grinned .
"Were gone be big sisters together" Mia beamed bright at the thought and she and Rose hugged tight.
"Congrats Mione" Ginny kissed and hugged her friend. Harry shook Draco's hand. "Well Done Draco" She mused giving him a hug. He flustered slightly.
"So happy for you " Harry said to her.
"Thank you Harry" Hermione smiled, tears brimmed her eyes and pulled her friend into a hugged. "Love you Harry"
"I love you too"

Ron whistled down the streets of Diagon Alley, leaving Dean Thomas's after a brilliant day at the office. He loved the time of year, he loved the freezing breaths you take and leave, he loved watching the lights lit the tow and the snow crunching beneath his feet. The shops were all closing for the night and at the sharper cleaner side sat a large white shop with the name.
"Parkinson's" scrolled beautifully.
Speaking of Parkinson she was closing up for the night when Ron passed .
"Pug" Was all he said, hearing a unflattering 'uck' from Pansy.
"I smell Weasel" She retorted hoisting her bag and raising a brow at him.
"Bad day?" He asked .
"Bad century" She replied , looking as tired and as bored as ever.

Something clicked in that Gryffindor's mind, something told him , maybe it was his heart or pity. But something did say to open his mouth and you know for sure that Ronald Weasley opened his bloody mouth.
"You busy?" He asked. She froze slightly and wrapped her fur coat tightly around her. She shook her head .
"You got kids tonight ?" He asked. Again she shook her head.
"You want a drink?" He asked . The Slytherin girl smiled her allusive smile.
"Are you asking me out ?"
"Maybe, that a problem ?"
Her teeth were in full shoe, looking at the rustic , gritty man. Who's face speckled with experience , freckles and stubble. Licking her lips from the cold wind, she walked forward her tall boots moved the snow ( that was ankle deep) effortlessly.
"You setting me up?" She quizzed playfully. He quipped a brow, looking her directly in her brown eyes.
"Guess you'll just have to figure that out?" He asked extending his hand. She paused for a second, then her silk glove covered hand raised and softly placed in his . He took it and wrapped it around his arm so it sat snug and they walked on.

Only to wake up in the morning together , smiling like lovesick teenagers.

Not caring about the three page spread of lies , out there by the daily prophet, nor caring about anyone really but the other.

Maybe they did at first, regret the first drink, but as they talked on and on, and the other drink came, then the bottle. Destiny was clear as day.

Maybe they regretted leaving the bar as they laughed together, huddling close seeking warmth. The first kiss, they'd never regret.

She was standing by her newly bought home, he'd walked her there. She said she'd had a good time, he replied the same. They wanted to meet up again, so the made plans for New Years. But the temptation and curiosity grew to much when he stood on the top step with her and accidentally letting it slip how beautiful she looked. She faltered , having not being told anything about herself in a long time. To feel someone's touch and not from a grasp or a look of anger but of gentleness. She would always love Blaise, but some softened when she looked into the brown eyes that Ronald Weasley wore so brilliantly, how she could detect which subject hurt and which didn't during their conversation and how when he told her she was beautiful , he meant it. So she would be a fool to stop a man , who said words she had dreamed off him to say to her and she didn't stop him when a finger lifted her chin and gentle lips ghosted hers, within seconds , they were kissing and within more, they were holding each other, then a hop skip and beat ;morning came with brilliant light that melted snow and bathed upon the two where were resting with each other , Ron admiring her hands , she counting ever freckle he possessed.
As the muggles say.
"It was just one of those things"
Which no one really knows what it's true meaning is, but makes sense non the less in unexplainable, mad situations, where the only thing Pansy could do when she told Draco was shrug and grin.

How funny life and love can be ; when two souls, sworn by separation just need a common thought and process , to go from enemies to lovers within seconds of gracing each other's lips.

Short I know but things will be interesting soon #ransy! Or #ponald? Whatever , yeah happy !  Anyways, hope your happy with this chapter I enjoyed writing it , remember to check out my other stuff too!and guys we got 1k!           1-freakin-K! Thank you all so much!- Morgan x

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