Chapter 43 - Wine, Witches and Wizards

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Waiting out in the street for longer than two minutes in the rain was rather unusual, she pressed the doorbell again but it was to no avail, the soft hue from the street lap glistened off her tired eyes, she pushed open the door gently finally growing too impatient, Hermione had a long couple of stressful days, finally Friday she was just hoping to quickly get home, jump in a bath and fall asleep quickly to a relaxing book, this wasn't going to be the case however as she'd been stuck in traffic most of the night, was made to wait at the door in the rain now soaked to the bone and also she'd been greeted with the most peculiar sight, as she hung up her coat and drop off her bag and files from her shoulder wondering where the bloody hell Eli was, she finally noticed the Hermione petals laid out one after the other on the floor, the incredibly beautiful large blossoms, led Hermione through the hallway, passed the sitting room and finally to the dinning room.

"Welcome home dear, are you hungry?" he asked walking over before gently kissing her, his lips greeted hers with a familiar minty taste, he then removed her blazer and folded it neatly over his arm.

The lights where dimmed, the table had a beautiful white cloth laid across it, instead of the usual sitting arrangement with them sat at the opposite ends of the long table, instead in its place was two chairs seated right next to each other, the cold bottle of there wedding champagne chilling in a bucket of ice, a small pot with steam releasing from it carried the amazing sweet aroma of it's contents to her freckled nose and finally two candles that burned without end lit it all softly.

"Draco I" she stuttered feeling a lump beginning to form in her throat and her eyes start to flood.

"It's alright darling, lately with both our busy conflicting work schedules, the kids and everything else I just felt that we needed some time for ourselves" he grinned at her with that same grin he gave on there wedding day when she stood next him at the altar, however at this moment with her mascara running down her face she didn't feel as beautiful as she did on that day.

"Come here you" he smiles with a twisted head, arms open pulling her in for a hug.

After leading her to her chair, pulling it out for her and placing it back in Draco then served her this amazing looking dish, he waited in anticipation as she took her first bite, she fell silent again before another blobby tear fell.

"It's amazing" she sniffs.

"Then why are you crying?" he muses as he takes his seat, he stretch's out his hand and offers it to her, which she gladly takes and smiles before say "I'm crying because you're perfect", Draco smile's stupidly before taking a bite from his own serving.

After pouring some champagne Hermione asks Draco "How'd did you manage to do all this?"

"What? after all these years you don't think I have a few spells up my sleeve?" he replies menacingly.

"Well clearly not this is amazing Draco, thank you handsome"

"Not at all, it's only a simple gesture of my affection I have for you" he smiles before taking a sip from his glass.

"So darling you'll never believe what happened at work" before she could finish her sentenced Draco interrupted.

"Darling I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I was hoping that tonight we could forget about everything else, forget about wizards, witches and everything they do, I just want you tonight, my beautiful wife and not the minister of magic" he says hoping to not offend.

After a small pause Hermione giggle "You still think I'm beautiful?".

"Always my dear" he winks before standing to remove something from his pocket.

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