Chapter 28 - Farewell For Now...

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(just to clarify, in my version Albus is sorted into Gryffindor and fun fact! Mia is actually named after the constellation Maia, I know they are pronounced different but I wanted to keep the galaxy-themed names going and have her own unique twist, enjoy!)

Draco Malfoy was not dying inside. On the contrary he was very proud to stand and watch his daughter grow. He was prepared for the nappie changes, the sleepless nights and tantrums. He was prepared for the world and what it would say, he was prepared to be chopped down again and again for her but he was not prepared to say goodbye for an entire year, for the next 7 years of her life. He knew how much memories could be packed in seven years, his entire life changed in the first seven years of Mia's life, he lost a wife, he lost hope, lost family members, he lost a lot but he gained so much, he now had Hermione, he now had hope, he now had Scorpios. It was all worth it, every ounce of pain to stand there and watch as she packed her trunk with Scorpios from the door way. Silently observing her smile and laugh, next time he might see her, she might change and he might not know her as well as he did now. She might be completely different.

"So you think we'll be put into Slytherin?" Scorpios asked passing Mia her belongings as she packed. Draco had forgotten that part and secretly hoped deep down inside that Mia would not be put in Slytherin, as much as he loved his house, maybe she could differ the Malfoy name.

"I don't see why not?, we are Malfoy's, are names should practically be Slytheirn" She smirked toward her cousin, who shrugged. " What is it cousin?" She paused looking at Scorpios.

"Well it's Abus and Rose ain't it?"

"What about them?"

"They'll be in Gryffindor, for sure and well, we'll be in Slytherin, so what happens then?" He looked to Mia, with his big sad blue eyes that made him look like a puppy who just got a smack bottom.

"Then my dearest, we will scare the world and show them that Gryffindor's and Slytherin's can be friends" She winked. It was moments like these that Draco forgot that Mia was only 11.

"I suppose your right" Scorpios sniffed.

"Women usually are" She said spreading a cheeky grin on her face that made Scorpios smiled. "So where did they say they were going to meet us?" She asked curiously.

"Well it was going to be at Fred and George's but, you know Lilly Luna she uh-might have stolen James's broom and went soaring into the air, so they said they'll meet at the train station"

"How old is James again?" She remembered how handsome Albus's older brother grew over the past years, she called it the 'Hogwarts affect'

"He's 18 why?" Scorpios asked standing to his full statue once more, which was 5'7 mind you and he's still growing. Mia was still her small, small self.

"Just..wondering that's all" She shrugged curving an eyebrow.

"Your not talking about that Ablus again?" Draco asked at the door, unfolding his arms and pushing of the doorframe then strode into the room.Mia cast Scorpios a wink and answered.

"As a matter of a fact, yes, yes we are, Albus Severous Potter, that one, you know the handsome one, with the big green eyes and black hair, the one who's also going to be on the train with me, alone, yeah that one." She teased wickedly as Draco grew more irritable by each syllable.

"Here you go sweetheart, found him under the stair's " Hermione smiled passing ginger pile of fur to Mia.

"I knew I should have called him Harry" Scorpios stated, making Hermione laugh.

"Don't you listen Pallas, you're perfect" The Ginger tom meowed in response.

"Why a cat?, in all the animals I could've bought you, you chose a cat?" Draco scoffed.

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