Chapter 17 - Voldermort Didn't Have Any Children

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" So as you can see , I need " The word felt like vomit in his mouth , especially saying it to Boy wonder .

" I do see Malfoy " Harry sighed , sitting on his chair . Mia was watching the fish in bowl , as it swam about on the desk . He glanced over to Mia and thought for a second , he clicked his tongue and turned his eyes back to her father .

" I really want her in the programme, she's extremely educational , she learns quickly and openly " Draco continues . " I know , she's nothing like me in school , Merlin help her if she was " Harry chuckled slightly . " I also know , that you and are have some how , in the strange turn of events , grew something of a , how would you put it ?"

" Bond ? " Harry suggested with raised eyebrows .

" Yes , Luna believes so too and I've been looking for a tutor for her , Hermione " At the mention of her name , Harry seem to perk up more , a little more interested . " She's suggested that you be her mentor , as did Luna and I can't believe I'm saying but , I think Mia would high benefit from 'The boy who lived' " Draco dramatized his enemies old nickname . All the while , Harry was silent , hand clasped on his chest , as he laid back in his chair , his flickering to Mia every now and then as she tapped the glass of the fishbowl . There was a long pause before he answered , which scared Draco.

" I'll Help " Draco's heart lifted . " But " Draco's heart deflated . " I have my own teaching methods , some you won't like " The blond scrunched his face with confusion.

" Torture methods ? , what are you talking about ? " Draco scoffed .

" I mean , I'm not gonna be easy on her , just because I am fond of her , doesn't change the fact she is learning the same way as the others and if she get's in trouble or fights , her father won't be hearing about it , if you catch my drift " Harry unclasped his hands and raised an eyebrow , to strength his statement . Draco was reminded of how much he disliked Potter .

" Believe me Potter , I'm not my father , no strings will be pulled and controlled by me " Draco answered coldly , sounding to Harry like his former self .

" Uh , huh , well from what I can see Ron won't have any problem with Mia " He changed the subject . " Ron might hate you , but he certainly won't take it out on children , I do have an idea , to fix this " Draco leaned forward in his seat . " Let Mia spend the day with me here , my son Albus is coming to visit in ten minutes , he's going to be under my wing in the programme , he needs ..special , care if you understand " Draco thought for moment 'special care?' was he sick ? . " I do understand , that Mia and Albus are very well acquainted with each other ? "

" Yes, I do believe they're friends "

" Well perfect , they'll be working together a lot so I suppose that's good , Ron however is visiting me to receive his list of houses to visit , in a hour or so , sadly Malfoy , you name is on that list , but if Mia's here , I'll introduce her to him as my newest student and Albus's friend , nothing more , we'll start off slow " Draco agreed .

" My second cousin Teddy , we had lunch together and said he'd like to help " Harry's eyes sharpen. " He and Mia seemed to hit it off , she very much enjoys his company , finds his hair hysterical . I asked if Mia could visit him from time to time at his department , which I'm also aware that Arthur , Percy and Weasel work " Harry nodded , though not stuck on the idea at first but soon softened . " If I may, Potter , ask of what her teaching will consist of ? " Harry almost appeared excited of the question and Mia who was paying attention looked to harry too with the same grey as her father's.

" Well , Mia " He spoke directly to her . " You'll be learning potions , spells, history , with me , along a lot more but they're the basics , then down in Ron's department , counter spells , self defence and others along the lines of the 'police work' . Then theirs advance star work and splattering off others , then their is Hermione's department were they learn of a political nature , each new day brings a entirely new lesson , they'll receive a piece parchment that's enchanted , it has a map to show were they go and who will be teaching them , but their is not just me Hermione and Ron , they'll be working with everyone , whoever and whatever , depended on the day and schedule , up close and personal with a some of the most secret departments of the wizarding world and you Mia , will be one of 15 of the many communities across the Wizarding nations "

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