A strange night

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(A/N: This has no relationship to the story at hand... Which will be returning in several weeks. Enjoy!)

It's strange how there are multiple realities that can be branched off from a singular point. It's very rare for these branches to ever interact with each other for crossing two branches can cause many many problems, some irreparable. For instant if we take a look at this branch of this reality a person who never had fulfilled her goal thus losing her life. While in this one she's a regular school girl with problems of her own. And finally in this one she's still alive and on a journey with another for a goal that'll benefit the both of them. That's only three out of nearly thousands of others like this one where this person suddenly becomes a Jedi; Ah the mysterious way each branch works... Your probably wondering who I am right? If not... Meh who cares I'll be telling you anyways.


Nobody! Yep just a nobody who's apparently a narrator for this ridiculous one shot that was thought up last minute as a joke! Yep I see you in the comments sections there's no need to fix that wall because you won't be reading my line's in about... Eh maybe a second. Well enough with that shall we see what happens when two branches get mixed?! Very well! Here goes!

Haruhiko: Ow... My head... Where... Where am I? W-Where's Akame?!

???: Hey you!

Haruhiko: Huh?

???: Tell me what is this place or else I'll cut you down where you stand Imp.

Haruhiko: Hm... That's quite unreasonable... And did you say Imp? As Imp from Imperial?

???: Pretty sure. Now talk and I might spare your life.

Haruhiko: oh brother... Well from the looks of it we're in a dark void between time and space... I've only once seen sometime similar when I fought this person named Esdeath who used her fin-

???: You fought General Esdeath and lived? Who exactly are you stranger?

Haruhiko: finally putting the sword down huh? The name's Haruhiko Wakagen and you?

???: Call me Akira.

Haruhiko: Akira it is. I take it since you know Esdeath you were part of the revolutionary army then?

Akira: Were? I am part of it... I'm a killer with the rest of Night Raid.

Haruhiko: wait that can't be right Akame never told me abo-

Akira: how do you know that name?

Haruhiko: I should know the name of my wife right?

Akira: that can't be right Akame is my... Lover...



Haruhiko: what's her favorite food?

Akira: Anything with meat. What's her little sister's name?

Haruhiko: Kurome. What was the name of her first squad?

Akira: Elite Seven I was apart of it as well.

Haruhiko: You were that can't be right I knew everyone Akame knew growing up including all her friends name despite me being in Death's Hand.

Akira: Death's Hand? Never heard of them.

Haruhiko: Ok... What was Akame's sword called?

Akira: Murasame. Who had it before her?

Haruhiko: Gozuki. How many children did her have blood related?

Akira: One I believe... never found out if he had more. How much can Akame eat in one setting?

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