Chapter 2: My New School

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The Ultimate Aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of it's participants.

-Gichin Funakoshi-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

Hunter Westerdyk

As I drove up to Kuoh Academy, I was slightly taken back by it's appearance, 

As I drove up to Kuoh Academy, I was slightly taken back by it's appearance, 

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'Academy' Deffinetly suited it's appearance. 

As I drove up to the Parking lot, a small crowd of students formed. I groaned with irritation, great, puplicity, before long it would turn into Gossip. As I pulled up, I was tempted to drive away again, but that wouldn't be smart, all it would do is make the gossip worse. So with a sigh I turned off the Engine, hearing the whispers that were already circulating. Worse, it was all in Japanese. 

"Is he new?" Girl 1 said

"Never seen him before, so he's gotta be", Responded Boy 1

"Wonder if he's single" Girl 2 Said

"Ew, he could be a Pervert!" Scolded Girl 1

"Hope he's cute" Girl 3 said absently

"Hope he's ugly" Boy 2 Said. 

With another Sigh, I took off my Helmet, revealing my Blood red Eye's and my scar. Instantly the Whispers changed. 

"Woah, look at his Eye's" Girl 2 said

"I know, Their Blood red" Girl 1 responded, "Kinda Creepy"

"Look at the Scar, never seen anything like  it" Boy 1 Said

"Totally, wonder how he got it" Boy 2 Said

I ignored them as I placed my Helmet on the seat, taking the keys out and placing them in my pocket. This happened whenever I met someone new, all they would look at is my Scar and my eye's, then they would base my entire personality over it.

I walked past the Crowd of Students, Ignoring the questions they were asking. Thankfully they disspersed quickly enough. Yesterday I had memorized a Map of the Academy, along with where my Homeroom was and even my classes, {I had a month of spare time, don't judge me}. As I walked towards my Homeroom I noticed something, Turning my head I saw 2 people looking through what I guessed was a hole in a wall, and judging from how they were acting, they were perverts. I shook my head at Baldy and Glasses in dissapointment, I hated Pervert's like these guy's. Looking around I found a rock and picked it up, Then I made my way around to the door and tossed the rock at the door. By the time it opened I was gone. 

I ressummed my previous trip and headed for my Homeroom, when I stopped. I felt a pair of eyes on me, Now I had felt the stares before but this time was different, This stare felt like it was piercing right into my soul. I closed my eyes, searching for the Watcher, before turning my head left, and looking right at the owner of those eyes. I couldn't see that well from where I was, But I could tell she was a red-head at the very least. I raised a hand and waved, before turning around and heading to my homeroom. At this rate, I was going to be late. {heh, I rhymed}

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now