Chapter 11: End to the Stray

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Next to creating a life, the finest thing a man can do is save one

-Abraham Lincoln-

Location: Japan, Outskirts

Hunter Westerdyk

I looked at the Abandoned house with interest, "So, You're telling me that a Stray Devil, A Devil that killed it's master and now has lost control of it's Demonic Power, Is hiding in here?". Turning my head I looked at Rias, who nodded confirmation. As we walked towards the front door I asked, "So why are we hunting the stray? I mean, aside for killing It's master I mean.", "According to the reports, this Stray Devil has been tricking people into this house and eating them" Akeno said, I turned to look at Akeno in shock, "Wait what? Eating them? That's on a whole new level of Gross". As I finished my sentence we arrived at the front door. Opening said door Yuuto said "Remember, These Monsters are pure evil, they only care about there own selfish desires, And It almost always ends in ugliness". I nodded. As we walked in I looked around, I could sense a vile presence staining the walls around me, It made me want to barf, This Demon Needed to die. "Hunter" Rias said, Turning my gaze back to her I said, "Yes?", Without looking back at me or stopping she continued, "Are you familiar with the Game called Chess?". I nodded, then remembering that she wasn't looking at me I said, "Yeah, I played it every once in a while when I was a Kid, Why?". For a while the group continued to walk towards the Vile presence I could sense, "As the Master, I'm the King, My empress the Queen. My cavalier, Knight, My Tank the rook. My Clergyman the Bishop and my footsoilder the pawn. Devils with titles of nobility grant the characteristics of one of these pieces to each one of their servants" We stopped and looked around, "Okay, that doesn't sound terrible" I said, "We have a special name for them, we call them our Evil Pieces". I frowned, "Why Evil Pieces? Isn't that just encouraging the Sterotype of Devils? And also, why are you telling me this?" Completely ignoring my first question Rias said. "Because I want you to watch and learn, pay close attention to my devils as they do battle here tonight." Annoyed I said, "Why can't I fight? I've already Killed..." My voice trailed off as I took a deep breath. Raynare and Dohnaseek, I could pass them off as dreams, after all my memory was still a little foggy. But the 3rd Fallen was a different matter, I had willingly killed her, I hadn't tried to defeat her, or incapacitate her. I had killed her. But that wasn't the worst part.

I wasn't feeling any Shame.

Sure I felt sorry, Sad, even guilt at taking the life of another. But I didn't feel a hint of Shame in doing so, If anything I felt... Pride. Pride that I was stronger, Pride that I had climbed the pecking order of the universe. And it was that part that scared me, What if I became a mass murderer? What If I became a villain? Shaking my head I pulled myself out of those thoughts, I would deal with this when I had the time. Until then I had to ignore these emotions, Feel them, But pay no mind to them. 

"It's here" Koneko said. 

"Now what could that foul, Fickle smell be?" I looked around as I heard a feminine Voice speak. "Mmm, Something smells quite delicous as well, I wonder if it tastes sweet" With the final word a Figure walked out from behind a corner. She had long black hair and a couple of strands infront of her face, but the more important thing... "What the heck? Where's this lady's Bra?!" I shouted noticing she wasn't wearing clothes above the waist. "Viser wretch, You betrayed your master and ran to fulfil the lustful wants and desires that have consumed you. Your sins are worthy of a thousand hells. In the name of the great markey of Gremory, Begone or meet your death!" Rias shouted pointing at Viser. "Oh just give it a rest you little slut, You've always had it in for me." Viser started grobing her breasts, "You're just jealous that my Breasts will never be as lush as these!" I sweatdropped at Viser's words, While in technicallity her Breasts were bigger then Rias', That was only because she was physically larger then a normal Human, or Devil I guess from what I could see. Pound for Pound I would place my bet's on Rias' Breasts. I Shook my head, Pay attention Hunter! "This is your final warning! Go back to your master now!" Rias said as Viser continued to groob her own breasts while laughing. "And while your at it put some clothes on!" I shouted. Viser smiled, "I think I'd rather show you what I'm made of!" She shouted as a large hand emerged from the shadows with glowing red Nails. I gasped, "You see what I mean? When I said things ended in ugliness, I wasn't joking". Viser's body would best be described as a Centaur of somesort, But rather then a horse it was a dog. She had a snake for a tail, and her 2 front 'paws' were replaced by long human like hand's with long Red nails. I looked at Viser in disgust as she continued to fondle her boods, I mean seriously girl I think this is getting a bit... My eye's widened as I saw demonic circles forming around her... nipples. "Uhh, what?" Her nipples then proceeded to extend. Viser laughed as the Circles began to spin even more and, Fucking LASERS SHOT OUT OF HER TITS!! Acting quickly I jumped to the side, Dodging the Lasers. "What the heck? Couldn't she just settle on milk?" I said looking at the now melted wall where the Lasers had hit. "Please be Careful, Kiba!" Rias said, as she turned to Kiba. Kiba got into a fightning stance and became a blur, vanishing from my sight. "woah! where did he just go?" I shouted amazed. Rias shook her head, "No he didn't, he was just moving fast, In this game he is my knight" Sure enough Kiba reappeared infront of Viser, Then drawing his sword he made two lethal cuts, and litterally dearmed Viser. Viser screamed in pain, as she did Viser's face began to change in appearance. AND HER FRICKING STOMACH OPENED TO REVEAL ANOTHER MOUTH WITH FRICKING HUGE TEETH!! Roaring Viser charged forward, "Koneko Watch out!" I shouted, seeing that Viser was aiming to eat Koneko, and Koneko wasn't even moving. The teeth closed around Koneko, my eye's widened and I gasped in shock. "Koneko!" I shouted in Panic. I went to take a step forward but Rias stopped me, "It's alright" She said. Even as she spoke, Viser's 2nd Stomach began to open, As Koneko Pushed the Teeth apart, Her clothes torn. "Woah!" I said, "In the game she's my rook, Her attribute is simple, she has an unparalleled strength, That won't even put a dent in her" Koneko's face was plain as ever as she said, "See you on the flip side" Turning she punched Viser's teeth out, knocking her away screaming. With Wide Eye's I said, "Note to self, Do not piss her off", Rias turned her head to Akeno, "Akeno" She said. With a smile Akeno began to walk forward, "Oh, is it my turn? How exciting! I so love this game" She said while walking towards the downed Devil. But then I heard a rumbling sound, Turning my head I saw that one of Viser's severed hands started to move and had lunged at Rias. "Look out!" I shouted, "Sacred Gear!". As the Stormbreaker Gear appeared on my Right Arm I pushed Rias aside, My right fist became coated in Lightning and I Struck the arm. I literally disintergrated the Arm with my punch. "Thanks for that Hunter" Rias said, looking slighly surprised, I chuckled, "Don't worry about it" I said. Rias stood up and walked past me, "Akeno finish her off please". My shoulders sagged a little as Rias said nothing else. "I've got news for you" Akeno said looking at Viser, "You're not the only one who likes to play rough here, So lets you and I have some fun" Akeno said, I was slightly confused by Akeno's words. "Akeno is my queen, Her attributes are a perfect combo of all the other pieces, She's simply unbeatable" I looked at Akeno with interest as I saw Yellow lightning begin to flicker in her hand's. "Tough girl, Not ready to give up yet?" Akeno raised her hand's up, "Goodie, I get to play some more!" She said in delight as her lightning curved in an arc and electrocuted Viser. "Her weapon is a dark magical power, and that's not all..." Rias said as Viser screamed in pain, Stopping the attack Akeno said, "This violence, It's making me so Hot!". "She's really into S&M" Rias said as Akeno began to electrocute Viser again saying "Is this as good for you as it is for me?!" She shouted with a loud moan. "You mean she enjoy's this?" I said in disbelif. "Akeno I think she's had enough" Rias said, Instantly Akeno halted her attack and Viser fell down to the ground smoking. "aww, over already?" Akeno said, turning while resting her left hand on her cheek. "I was just starting to enjoy myself". Rias walked over to Viser, "Any last words before we finish this?" Rias said, stopping infront of Viser's head. "Go to hell" She said. "Alright, how about we get this over with then?" Rias spread her arms and a large demonic circle appeared infront of her, "Game over" But before she could preform her magic, I sensed something, a presence, a danger, To Rias. Some-kind of instinct took over, Rushing towards Rias as fast as I could I tackled her out to the ground. "Hey!" Rias shouted in anger and shock at the sudden physical contact.

Moments later a spear of Light soared past where her head was moments ago, lodging itself In Viser's head instead, instantly killing her. We all fell silent as we looked at the Light Spear, But moving quickly I dragged Rias behind a pillar, using my Body to shield her from any further Attempts. "Everyone Scatter! Find shelter!" I shouted, to which they all ran around hiding behind rubble from the fight. I looked back to Rias, her eye's were wide. I gestured for her to be silent as we sat in waiting, I spread my senses to the absolute maximum, attempting to find the assassin. After 10 minutes of waiting nothing happened. I sighed, "I, Think It's safe now" Standing up I walked over to the window, holding my Sacred gear infront of me as I did so. I looked around but saw nothing, whoever tried to Kill Rias was long gone. Rias stood up and looked around as everyone else walked up to look out the window. "Thank's, Hunter, You saved my life yet again" Rias said, Yuuto looked at me in wonder, "How did you know Rias was in danger" I shrugged, "I don't really know, I sensed that Rias was in danger, my Body moved before I even realized it". I smiled, "whoever tried to Kill Rias, they're long gone now" Rias sighed with relif before clapping her hands together.

"We're done here, Come on, let's go home". "Sounds good" We all said in usion, Then I realized something, "Wait a minute", Rias turned to me, "What's wrong?", I pointed to myself, "What chess piece am I?" "You're a Pawn" She said. My jaw dropped, "I'm A WHAT?!"

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