Chapter 81: Return of the Oni

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Officer, I drop-kicked that child in self-defense

-Technoblade, Blood God, and Disciple of Laughter-

Location: Japan, Kyoto

Hunter Westerdyk

"What happened?"

Yasaka frowned as she looked over each of us one by one. 

I winced as Rin and Asia continued to heal my leg, since it was being rushed it was painful as heck, but I was able to stop most of the winces, mostly. I opened my mouth to speak when I heard the doors to the shrine slam open, and the others rush in. "Hunter! Are you okay?" Xenovia asked while Irina kneeled next to Rin and Asia, as she looked at my wound. "Tis but a flesh wound," I said grinning, but only Issei got the reference and chuckled with a smile, but everyone else looked at me like I was insane, which I kinda was. Sighing I said, "I'm fine. I just was caught off guard" 'and I really need to educate everyone on culture. Not knowing Monty python and the holy grail? that's blasphemous it is' I continued in my thoughts. "Who could catch the Black Dragon Emperor off guard? You and Issei should've been more than capable of fending off your opponent." Yasaka said a hint of motherly protection creeping into her voice. "Describe the attacker as clear as you can," Azazel said, and I sighed glancing at the unconscious Kunou. "He was around 6 feet tall and wore simple monk-like robes but with a more warlike spin on them. But I'd say his most notable feature was his face, it was definitely large and strange, and he had several horns growing from it. Oh, and it was orange, he said his name was Decer" I said, and a Gasp came from Yasaka, looking at the Youkai I frowned, she was shaking in shock, her eyes wide with fear, and palling even as I looked at her. "Who is Decer Yasaka?" I asked. 

Yasaka glanced around at the others, taking a deep breath to calm herself she spoke. "The monster you met, was an Oni, a species of Youkai like myself." Raising her hands smoke formed the figures of multiple horned shadows. "The Oni are the most powerful, destructive and warlike species of the Youkai. But the Oni you met, Decer, was, is, an Oni Warlord, and known as the Lord of Deception." A shadow similar to Decer appeared, and then beside him, 3 others appeared, "One of 4, Decer is the 3rd most powerful Oni to ever exist, thus making him an Oni Warlord. Every Warlord is equal to a Satan in terms of strength, but it was their abilities that made them as dangerous as they were." 3 of the shadows vanished and the shortest one was highlighted and enlarged, but its features were still hazed and murky.

"Decer, was the warlord of Deception and the only Oni to prioritize magic over physical strength. He had the Ability Lord of Deceit, which allowed him to feed off half-truths, lies, or manipulations, both social, and magical. Meaning he could absorb time and space manipulation magic. Those whom he fed off were weakened, their strength and stamina were taken from them to feed their own death, which he would perform by crushing their hearts." The smoke turned into Decer floating with multiple mountains around him. "He-" Yasaka trailed off, frowning, I stood up as I sensed it, surprising Irina, Rin, and Asia as I did, making them stumble back. "Hunter?" Rin asked, Azazel frowned, and I felt my blood freeze. 

A presence, filled with more malice, more hatred, more fear, than anything I had ever sensed before was filling Kyoto. I ran outside and my eyes widened as I saw the scene before me.

Kyoto was covered in a black fog, and everyone in it had been turned to stone, petrified by it. "It's him," Yasaka said, fear evident in her voice. "Decer did this?" Issei said in shock, anger clear in his voice. But as Issei spoke, 4 shadows appeared, each one different from the others, and then behind them, hundreds of glowing purple eyes appeared accompanied by figures of varying shapes and sizes. One by one the 4 figures left the smoke. First was Decer, a victorious grin on his face. But the others, I didn't recognize. The 2nd, was chuckling maniacally as she looked at us, her aura of hatred emitted out of her like a rushing river.

 The 2nd, was chuckling maniacally as she looked at us, her aura of hatred emitted out of her like a rushing river

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"It looks like we've got some fun!" She said happily. 

The 3rd figure walked forward, he was tall, had 6 arms, and was stoic and silent. His Aura was filled with death and despair and brimmed with power.

He looked at each of us, and a malicious laugh began to come from him, as the prospect of battle seemed to entice him

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He looked at each of us, and a malicious laugh began to come from him, as the prospect of battle seemed to entice him. 

Then the final figure emerged.

His horns made up half of his complete height, but even without them he was tall, his aura was suffocating, filled with destruction, fear, and darkness, it was stronger than even Sirzechs, and the fog seemed to be coming from him

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His horns made up half of his complete height, but even without them he was tall, his aura was suffocating, filled with destruction, fear, and darkness, it was stronger than even Sirzechs, and the fog seemed to be coming from him. "Did you know there were 4?" I asked as I summoned my Sacred Gear, Yasaka gulped, "Yes I did, but I thought the others were killed long ago." Looking at the black one Yasaka called, "Omega! Why are you here? What do you hope to gain?" The Omega laughed, his voice filled with confidence and rage. "What do I want? It's simple. Death and Destruction. I want Kyoto, no, the world, to be filled with anarchy and chaos. As for why I'm here, that's even simpler. I'm here to take your link to Kyoto, and become the ruler of the Youkai as I should've been long ago. Then I will use that power, to spread our influence, and we will destroy everything that stands in our way to domination!!" The Omega raised his hands as he spoke, before saying, "But alas, you will all be too dead to see it." A staff appeared in his hand as he and the other Oni summoned their weapons, "Now Die like the good little fox you are, Yasaka!" As a purple blast erupted from the Omega's staff, I summoned my Balance Breaker, and pushed it aside, albeit with difficulty. "No one hurts Yasaka when I'm around!!" I shouted as I charged at the Omega, but as I raced at him, the Red Oni simply walked forward, and blocked me with his blades, "I will fight this one" he said simply, before tossing me away into the forest nearby.

The War for Kyoto had begun.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now