Chapter 29: Holy Sword and Fast Food

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It it's free, It's for me.


Location: Japan, Streets

Hunter Westerdyk

I looked at the abandoned warehouse from above, "Guess this is it". "Hunter, Down here" Looking down I saw the rest of the Peerage and I dropped down towards them. "Hey" I greeted. "I'm sorry I had to make you come out" Rias said, I shrugged, "It's fine" Looking at the Warehouse I narrowed my eye's as I sensed the Rouge Devil. "It's here" I said. Koneko nodded, "No-one can miss the smell of a Rouge Devil" I frowned as I looked at Koneko out of the corner of my eye, 'I sure as hell can't smell it'. "No kidding, we've been given orders to take it down before the night is over" Akeno said. "Whatever it is must be extremely dangerous, we shouldn't try to fight it inside, Rin you wait at the rear" Rin nodded, "Akeno and I will be ready and waiting outside, So Koneko, Kiba and Hunter draw the enemy out where we can take care of it." Akeno and Koneko both nodded in agreement, "Makes sense to me", "Right" I nodded, "Very well" I held up my right hand and summoned my Sacred Gear, forming a fist as I did. Rias looked at Kiba, "Kiba?" I turned my head and saw that Kiba was off with the fairy's, {Not literally}. Kiba snapped back to reality. "Yeah, right got it" I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "Let us begin" I said jogging towards the warehouse. I stopped infront of the doorway, "I bet It's going to be another Slut turned Monster" I said as Koneko litereally punched the Steel doors down. "Let's go" Koneko said as she walked in I followed her with Kiba behind me. I looked around and activated another Power I got from Zekrom, Electromagnetic vision, Turning it to Thermal. Koneko and I both spotted it at the same time. "It's here/There". At the moment it looked like a normal girl with blonde hair, and of course she was nude. She didn't even bother with speaking and turned straight to monster mode. 

I sighed with dissapointment as she turned into a creature with a spider-like body (albeit with six limbs), With sharp teeth within her now big mouth, large eyes, pointy ears, a huge horn form her forehead and to finish it all off 6 spider legs st...

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I sighed with dissapointment as she turned into a creature with a spider-like body (albeit with six limbs), With sharp teeth within her now big mouth, large eyes, pointy ears, a huge horn form her forehead and to finish it all off 6 spider legs sticking out vertically from the sides around her head. "Every time" I said as the Stray jumped onto the ceiling and crawled towards us. "Kiba focus" I could tell that Koneko wasn't looking at the Stray so I didn't see what has happening. "What are you doing? Hey Kiba!" Koneko said. "Oh sorry" The stray stopped and shot a white liquid from it's ass-thing, or whatever spiders have. Koneko grunted as some of it struck her left arm and dissolved her clothes. I narrowed my eye's as I stepped infront of Koneko, The Stray lept at me and I held up my hand shooting a jolt of lightning. The Stray just slapped it away, causing me to groan in annoyance, I knew I should've charged up before I left! I looked at Kiba and frowned, "OI! Earth to Princess! Pay attention!" I shouted angrily, Kiba shook his head, "Oh, sorry" he drew his sword and leapt at the Stray, cutting off one of the Stray's arms. As he landed, The Stray leaped ontop of him. "Kiba!" I shouted, Koneko ran over and before the Stray could Eat Kiba's face, grabbed one of it's legs. "it's time to go" She said tossing the Stray up through the roof. I looked up and saw a thundercloud, without thinking I summoned my wings and jumped, flying up towards the storm. I faintly heard Rias say, "Akeno" I saw as Multiple Yellow circles appeared around the Stray, I flew straight into them and taking a deep breath. Slurped one of Akeno's lightning bolts. "huh, not bad" I said as I swallowed Akeno's lightning. I looked down as the fried stray hit the ground, then back up at Akeno who was looking at me like I had turned into a unicorn, Again, {Don't ask}. "What?" I asked as I slurped up the last bit of the lightning. "You just... Ate Lightning" I tilted my head as we floated back to the ground, "What?" I said frowning. I blinked as I realized what I had just done. My eye's widened, "I, just ate, lightning" I shook my head, trying to figure out what had just happened. 'You ate lightning, that's what happened. But if you want to know why, It's because I used two, It's another way we Ponitus Spirits can recharge our batteries, we eat our main element, Magical or natural, and It gives us a little snack while we're at it' I blinked, 'uh, thank's Zekrom, but why did I do it on instinct?', I heard Zekrom's voice chuckle, 'It's a habit we all have' I sighed and looked at the others. "So what, I ate Lightning, Aren't we going to talk about Kiba?" I looked to my left as Rias approached the Devil. "Wanted Devil, You ran wild away from your master to fulfil your own desires, for such a crime you deserve to die a thousand times over, and now in the name of the marchey of Gremory, you shall pay, with your life!" Rias shouted as she summoned her destruction magic "Time to die!" and killed the Stray. Rin walked over to Koneko, "Need some help?" She said as she used her Divine healing to fix Koneko. We then all heard a slap, looking over I saw the source had been Kiba. "Think you've got it together now?" I smiled, nice slap. "With a mistake like that, you put everyone here in serious danger" Rias said. Kiba looked at Rias, "I apologize" Rias put her hands on Kiba's arms, "What's the matter Kiba? This isn't like you" Kiba looked at Rias, "I'm fine, just having an off day" He bowed to Rias, "Now if you'll excuse me president" He said as he walked away. "Kiba" Rias said. I frowned and ran after Kiba. "Oi" Kiba stopped and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Care to tell me what the hell happened there? Or are you just Losing your sanity?" Kiba didn't turn around, "It's got nothing to do with you" I shook my head, "And? I know your lying, so spit it out" "You're Worried, what a surprise. Devils are by nature selfish creatures" I rolled my eye's, although I had to admit it He wasn't completely wrong, Most Devils were Selfish but hey, so are humans, "And your point is?" "Well, for the record, I do think I was wrong, Later" I frowned again, "Wait just a minute Buddy, If you're that upset then I'm not taking no for an answer. You can talk to me, We're friends right?" Kiba scoffed, "Friends? Right." He turned around, "Hunter I appreaciate it. However, something has been recently brought to my attention" "Like What?" "A purpose, See i remembered my reason for living. That is to say the reason I fight" I looked at Kiba confused, "I thought you fought for Rias". Kiba shook his head, "You thought wrong, All I want is revenge" I narrowed my eye's, "Revenge?" "It won't be much longer now, I'm going to destroy excalibur. That alone is my purpose" I was silent as Kiba walked away. 


"Holy swords are the worst weapons against Devils, Simply touching one burns a devils body, More importantly to be cut by a holy sword can mean instant death. The truth is, A holy sword would annahilate a Devil." I looked at Rias, Rin beside me. We were sitting on my bed as Rias explained Holy Swords. "That doesn't sound good" "It is, The fact that those who can use one are extrodinarily rare is the swords biggest weakness. The Church did what they could, They tried to raise people artifically. Perhaps they could wield excalibur, Then they could annahilate devils everywhere. It's known as the holy sword project" I frowened as Rias spoke, "The holy sword project" I said 'Attempting to raise people artifically to wipe out Devils? Treating Sentient beings like stock you can breed, like warhorses. Can never be forgiven' "I didn't know something like this ever happened, It must've been kept under close observation." RIn said. Rias nodded, "Not surprising, It's in the past. I heard the project failed completely" I nodded, "It better have" "Kiba, Barely survived the project." My eye's widened, "He was a participant?" Rin shook her head sadly, "Poor guy" My head raced as I gasped, "Oh no" Rias looked at me in concern. "What is it?" I stood up, "I think I know what's happening to him." I pointed at my sword. "When I told you all what it was, Kiba seemed disturbed and after this he started to act up. I believe this was the cause" Rias nodded, "It makes sense, But still I thought for sure" I tilted my head, "For sure what?" Rias looked up, "Oh I'm sorry, look how late it is, Come on lets get to bed" Rias said standing up as she began to undress. I looked at her bewildered, "Uhh Rias why are you taking off your clothes?" Rias chuckled, "What? You know I can't sleep unless I'm completely nacked" I nodded, "Oh I know that, What I meant is why are you taking off your clothes in my room?" Rias looked at me, "Well obviously because I'm going to sleep with you silly." I gasped, "I'm joining two!" Rin said. I looked at her my shock growing as Rin also stripped, "I'm sleeping with Hunter!" She said defiantly. I sweatdropped, 'That will always need context' Rias put her hands on her hips. "Fair is fair, I claimed him first so he's mine tonight." Rin shook a fist at Rias, "like hell he is! You're always hogging him I want the chance to sleep with him as well" I started to drool as I looked at the double tity dose, 'Oi, Sir Horney, focus' I shook my head, "Girls?" I said but they ignored me. Their arguement about me, not letting me say anything. Rias turned to me, "Fine, then I guess the choice is Hunters" I gasped and Rin nodded, "Very well, I agree, All right Hunter who will you choose?" My eye's widened as they both shoved their tits in my face. 'I'm screwed either way! How the hell do I get out of this?' When I didn't respond they both grabbed an arm and began to play tug of war with me. "I started living with Hunter first! And I'm getting tired of you always sleeping with him!" Rin shouted, "Obviously you're very patient so whats one more day?!" Rias shouted back "Let go!". "I might lose space on the size of my chest but not my heart!" Rin shouted, My eye twitched as they continued to pull me. 'Time for an alpha male move' With a yell I pulled both Girls closer and into my arms, "Shut up! If you want to sleep with me so bad then share! There's enough of me to go around! Jesus Christ!"

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