Chapter 20: A Devil-Maid?

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-Dr Trayaurus-

Location: Japan, Westerdyk Residence

The next day

Hunter Westerdyk

I walked through the Maze of Crystal Pillars. I was surrounded on all sides by Stone, All I had to mark my way was the Purple/Blue crystal pillars that formed the platforms I now stood on, like a spiders web. The Wall's echoed with Thunder. As I journeyed deeper and lower, I found a doorway to a small chamber, but before I could walk in, I woke up.

'What was that?' I thought to myself as I layed in bed. A red glow began to emnate from my floor, I frowned, "A magic circle?" The light entensified and I closed my eyes calmly. Opening them however I saw Rias standing there. "Rias? Why are you here?" Rias walked up to me and pushed me onto the bed, making me red. "Hunter please, you need to take me". I blinked, "What?". Rias looked at me in the eye's, "I need you to take my virginity, and I need you to do it now" I blinked a couple dozen more times. 'Is this a dream? Surely not, I only dream of thunderstorms now, and apparently dark caverns, and I don't hear any thunder. Besides I'm not exactly a Lucid Dreamer, much less a wet dreamer.' Much to my shock, Rias began to undress, 'Holy crap, she's actually going to? wait, what if this is a test of Will? Or restraint? do I deciline?'. Rias looked at me "Am I not good enough? Do you not want to?" My eye's widened and I waved my arms, "No! Of course not! You're Great!" Rias was now in her underwear and Bra. "I've given this a lot of thought and theres just no other way" Rias began to walk to me, making me scramble back, "Other way? What do you mean?" She stopped at the edge of the bed, resting a hand on her hip. "Once it is known I am ruined. I'll finally be free. You aren't lacking in many area's, but I will still be relying on your potential" I looked at Rias confused, "What area's am I lacking in?". "Besides, What I want won't take a lot of skill anyway" I gasped and my eye's widened further as Rias crawled onto my bed, pushing me down as she sat ontop of me. Rias began to take her Bra off "You two? I mean you're a virgin right?" I was paralyzed by Rias, "Uh-huh". "Neither of us have much experience with it, But i'm sure we'll figure something out that works" As Rias finished her sentence she finished taking her Bra off. My jaw couldn't get any wider as I looked at Rias. "It's okay, All you have to do is put yours into mine, Right there" I began to get hard [Lies, I was already hard, I just got Harder], as Rias took my hand and pressed it against her breast. "Let's start here, I'm a little nervous about it myself". I swallowed, "uh, sure, me two". 'Yes I knew Watching all that Hentai would pay off!!' I told you, I'm still a boy. "I know I gave you a time limit before, but take as much time as you want now". "Are you sure you want this? This is so sudden" Rias looked dissapointed, "Does this mean you are choosing to deny me?" I gasped, "What? Of course not!" I said, hugging Rias to comfort her, While getting a nice feel of her tits. Breast is Best. But as I hugged her, a white light began to shine. I looked at it confused, 'who know?'. Rias sighed, "I had a feeling I'd get here to late" Rias hopped off me, just as a Devil dressed up as a Maid appeared. 'A Devil-maid?'

"Really Rias? You're here with this low-born?" I growled at the Devil, Sure she was attractive, but if anything could throw me off, It was insulting me immediatly

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"Really Rias? You're here with this low-born?" I growled at the Devil, Sure she was attractive, but if anything could throw me off, It was insulting me immediatly. "You realize Sirzechs is going to be terribly dissapointed in you". "Who's Sirzechs?" I asked, not completely wanting the Maid to answer. "She means my older brother" Rias said, standing up. I raised my eyebrow's at Rias words. "Older Brother?". Rias looked at the Maid defiantly, "You realize my vurtue is mine to do with as I please. How is it wrong to give it to anyone I want? And another thing" Rias put her hands on her hips. "I will not allow anyone to call one of my honored servants a low-born. I don't care if your my brothers queen or not". The Maid scoffed,  as she leaned down to pick up Rias' clothes. "but, think. you are the next head of Gremory" She said, placing Rias Shirt around her shoulders. "Have some respect for yourself" The Maid finished. She then looked at me, "Pardon the intteruption, My name is Grayfia and I'm also in the service of the Gremory Family" Grayfia bowed. "We'll get out of your way now" I frowned, Grayfia? If she really was the Queen of Rias' Older Brother, she may be powerful, if so then I can't sense her power out of risk of her discovering my ability. Rias pinched my cheek and turned my head. "I'm so sorry Hunter, I haven't been in  my right mind tonight. Let's just forget about this?" I blinked, "Sure, if that's what you want" "Hunter? you mean this is him?" Grayfia said. "Yes, he is my pawn" Rias said, not turning around. Grayfia looked at me. "The one who is bearing the Deep black gear. And is possessed by the dragon emperor. Is this small boy?" I deadpanned "Yes, But I don't like being called small." Rias turned to look at Grayfia "I will listen to what you have to say at my headquarters, You won't mind if Akeno joins us" "The priestess of thunder? Of course I don't mind. Infact it's only proper for a noble devil to have her queen by her side in times like these." Rias turned back to me, and leaned close until her face was mere inches from my own. "Forgive me for putting you out. Please" I gulped, "No problem" With a sad smile, Rias kissed me on the cheek before standing back up. "Then I suppose I should excuese myself." She walked back to Grayfia, and the pair vanished. 

Timeskip, The next day:

I walked into the Occult Research Club with Rin and Kiba. "Wassup?" I said. I stopped when I saw Grayfia there already. "Grayfia?". Rias stood up, "Well, Everyone's here, Good" Grayfia looked at Rias, "My lady, if you don't mind, May i have your permission to speak openly?" Rias held up her hand, "Let's hear her out" But just as Rias spoke, a Red glow enveloped the room. 'A Demonic Circle, and It's a big one', But much to my surprise, Instead of Light It bursted into Flame. 'Who the hell?' As the flames died down, it revealed a Blonde Devil.

"Ahh, And Riser has arrived in the human realm" 'Who speaks in third Person like that?' Riser turned around, "I've come all this way just to see you, my beloved Rias" I narrowed my eyes as I looked at Riser, I didn't know how powerful he was, so s...

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"Ahh, And Riser has arrived in the human realm" 'Who speaks in third Person like that?' Riser turned around, "I've come all this way just to see you, my beloved Rias" I narrowed my eyes as I looked at Riser, I didn't know how powerful he was, so sensing it could backfire. "And who's this?" I said, Not giving voice to the many insults that were already swimming in my head. "This gentleman is Lord Riser Pheonix. He is a pure blooded Devil of Noble birth, third heir in line to the house of pheonix" I looked at Grayfia, "Meaning?". "He is also Fianced to the next head of the house of Gremory" "say what? He's Rias' Fiance? You're joking right?" I said, looking at Riser, His face screamed 'I'm a self absorbed Bitch with an Ego bigger then my mouth' But looks can be decieving, hopefully this is one of those times. "I am not, Rias has been engaged to lord Riser for quite some time now" I turned to look at Rias, who definetly didn't look happy. "Are you sure about that? Maybe you've got the wrong Rias Gremory?"

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now