Chapter 41: The White One, and The Inspection

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-Broly, The Legendary Super Saiyan-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

Hunter Westerdyk

I narrowed my eye's, I opened my mouth to speak, but suddenly Vali was infront of me a Finger to my forehead, "How vulnerable you are, It wouldn't take much to defeat you with my magic. Almost to easy" I growled and slapped his hand away, stepping back. I readied to summon my Gear when two swords crossed infront of Vali's throat. It was Kiba's Balance Breaker, and Xenovia weilding Durundal. "Don't you think this joke has gone on for long enough?" Kiba said, "It wouldn't be smart for us to allow you to start a fight with the Black Dragon Emperor here. Now would it?" Xenovia said. "What's going on?" Rin asked walking up beside me, Her hand's glowing with Magic. "Careful Rin" I said. Vali scoffed, "Is this really the best move? If all of you fighting still couldn't bring kokabiel down. You'll never beat me. But don't take my word for it. Keep going if you don't care about causing a scene" Vali said calmly. Kiba and Xenovia lowered their swords and as the blades vanished, they walked over next to me. Vali looked at me "Tell me Hunter, How do you think you compare with the power in this world?" I frowned, "Explain". "I'm taling about your Balance Breaker. It looks quite weak if you ask me, But still a four digit rating. On a scale of strongest to weakest that is." Vali said. "I'd say between 1,150 or lower" I growled, "Your point is?" I said. "My point is that your a valuable player. You should be taken care of and properly nurtured. Don't you agree Rias?" Vali said as his gaze went behind me. I looked behind me at Koneko, Rias and Akeno. "Yo" I said. "I don't need your advice" Rias said walking forward, "Mind telling me what this is all about? If you've come here on behalf of the Fallen Angels. I can assure you It's a huge waste of Time." Rias said. Vali laughed, "Calm down I didn't come here to fight with you." He began to walk past us, "I have much more important things to do today." he said as he walked off. I growled, but as I felt Rias' hand hold mine I looked at her, "You okay?" I asked. 'Her hands are sweating in fear'


As I walked to class I thought back to Vali. 'So he's the White Dragon Emperor, I've gotta admit he's impressive. And his armor, It's like-' 'Like ours, But his is stronger, Sadly we couldn't even begin to compare' I sighed, 'Thank's Zekrom, so what do you know about the Vanishing Dragon?' 'I don't know much, I was already sealed away by the time that they were born. But I do know that Albion, and Ddraig the Boosted dragon, are arch nemisis with every user. Whenever one is awakened, the other follow's suit, and one almost always dies fighting the other.' 'Okay, but what about his Balance Breaker? You said it was more powerful then mine, so is Albion stronger?' 'No, at least not to my knowledge, when I was sealed I was stronger then when Albion was. But I do not know if my power as faltered, or if his has grown. We have never battled either. As for the Balance Breaker, it's partly because his is complete, and because you don't completely meet the requirements for using my Balance Breaker to it's full capacity.' 'What requirements?' 'You need to either be stronger, or more dragon in biology.' I sighed, as I headed for class. Walking In I blinked as I saw Xenovia in my class. 'Fuck I forgot she was in my class, I hope she's got the common sense to keep the pool incident quiet.' 'Doubt it'

Timeskip, Class Inspection:

"on your desk you'll see a lump of clay, your assignment is to create something original. It can be whatever you want as long as It's meaningful to you" I stared down at the lump of clay infront of me. 'Any idea's?' 'My face? maybe?' I glanced back at the parents at the back of the room, 'If it wasn't enough that my Parents were here, I'm not exactly that good a Clay. Oh well, Might as well try' I closed my eye's and breathed in through my nose, and out through my mouth. When I opened them I blinked in surprise at my clay, It had changed into exactly what I had been thinking.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now