Chapter 9: Death to the Fallen Angel

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Never abandon your saiyan pride!

-Prince Vegeta-

Location: Japan, Streets

Hunter Westerdyk

I readied myself into a fighting stance as I looked at the Fallen Angel. "So, you're the third Fallen Angel, I guess you get to die like the others then" I said looking at her, She snarled as she formed a Light spear, throwing it at me. I jumped to the side, dodging the Attack, I then sensed her aura, It was strong no doubt, but It wasn't stronger then Akeno's, and no where near Rias'. I smiled as I preformed Backflip's to dodge her attack's, I loved my new strength It ruled. 

Now, I'm going to be honest here, If I hadn't been a Devil by now, I would've been dead, But luckly I was so my physical strength was increased, although, My stamina wasn't, that would need to change.

I narrowly dodged one of her Light spears, "Are you sure you're a Fallen Angel? Raynare had better aim then this!" I shouted, hoping it was a taunt. The Fallen Angel snarled, "You will die" she said, guess that didn't work. 

An Idea sprouted in my mind, so I sprouted my Devil Wing's, They hadn't seemed any stronger or developed then Rias', so prehaps they could support my weight? I jumped and flapped my Wing's as fast and Hard as I could, for a moment I spun around, "Nope, Nope, Nope" I said trying to straighten myself. When I Succeded I smiled as I looked to the Fallen. Before shooting into the sky like a rocket. "FUUCCK!!" I shouted, probably insipring some poor kid to get his arse beat. I shooted through the cloud's, and I was left speechless at what I saw. The Night sky was clearer then I had ever seen it before. I could see the star's, the galaxy's, I could see it all. I clenched my fists, this universe had God, but something was nagging my mind.

Somewhere within me, an instinct told me that God, the True God, was Omnipotent in everyway, the strength of his magic was infinitly stronger then anything else, and his Power itself was boundless. But as I looked around, was this truly the work of The True God? or was it the work of one that claimed his name? One who wasn't Omnipotent? I frowned, Racism, I hated it, It needed to end, And as I looked at the Fallen Angel that flew up to me an Ideal came to me. A world, filled with magic, where Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils walked side by side. A world where the truth wasn't hidden. Unlike other's I had the Courage to bring the Truth to the surface, I had the Will to bring my Ideal to life. But as I looked down at the Fallen Angel, I didn't have the power yet to turn people like her. I clenched my fists as I swore this to not only the True Omnipotent God, but the two taint's that I felt throughout the entire Universe. I would fix this World, I would end the Hatred and Distrust between races. And I would protect my friends until Death took me from them. 

As I swore this, The Fallen Angel threw another Light spear at me, I narrowed my eye's, not this time. Acting on instinct I held out my right hand and a bright light came from it. The smell of rain filled the air around me as a Lightning bolt shot forth from my hand, destroying the Light spear. "What?!" The Fallen Angel shouted in shock.

I looked at the object on my right hand and I smiled, there was only one thing this could be

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I looked at the object on my right hand and I smiled, there was only one thing this could be. "You awoke your sacred gear!" The Fallen angel shouted in surprise and fear. I looked at her and smiled, "Damn right I did" I flew at her as fast as I could, surprising her, "No!" She shouted, shooting Lightning at me. This turned out to be her final mistake. With a yell I raised my right hand and the Lightning froze. Then Closing it the Lightning was absorbed into my sacred gear. The Fallen angel's eye's widened as she tried to fly away, but I was diving at terminal velocity. I grabbed her by the face and drove her into the ground moments before I hit it. A small dust cloud was formed by the impact. 

As the dust cleared I looked around with a sigh, It was done, another Fallen angel was dead. But my body screamed to me to jump, without even thinking I did so. Moments before a Spear of Light scratched my leg, if I hadn't jumped it would've gone through my heart. I grunted in pain as the Light burned me. Landing on the ground I saw the Fallen Angel, she was alive, but battered and bruised, with cut's all over. "You.. Bastard" She said, forming another Light spear. "I'll, kill you!" She shouted. I narrowed my eye's as I wiped the blood from my Leg. Then I looked at her, my eye's narrowing. She had killed before, and now, it was time for her to join the others. I ran at her with my blood in my hand, "Eat this!" I shouted, slaming the hand that had my blood on it on her mouth. Taken by surprise she tasted my Blood, swallowing it. I kicked her away with a side kick immediatly. Before she could even stand up she was choking, spazzing, flailing. I closed my eye's and shook my head. "I fell sorry for you, truly I do, you were rejected by your own father for a single action, never given the chance to repent and return to him." I walked up to her, charging a lightning attack. "Let it be known, I will find a way to save your kind, to return them to the light, Or I will kill your creator myself" The Fallen Angel's eye's widened, a hint of grattitude in them. Before I vaporized her.

As her feather's floated away, I thought back to what I said, I had threatened her creator, not God. Until I learned the name of her creator I decided to refer to him as Allah, one of the names of God. If Allah truly was the Omnipotent lover of all, then he should've given the Fallen every chance to return to him, and he wouldn't have hated Devils as he would see them too as his children. I needed to get to the bottom of this, and I would in time. 


I was back in the Occult research club, telling Rias and the others about what I did. "That's when this awakened" I said, holding up my right hand, which still had my Sacred Gear attached. Rias raised an eyebrow at it, "Intriguing" She said, I frowned, "What? Do you know what it is?" Rias nodded, "It's called Stormbreaker" I smiled as I looked at the sacred gear, Stormbreaker, nice name. "Although It's a rare sacred gear, It's not overly powerful." I looked at Rias confused, "Stormbreaker grant's the user Electrokinesis, over both Magical and Natural Lightning, It can store Lightning for later use and in a thunderstorm, can summon a near unlimited amount of lightning." I nodded smiling, Stormbreaker sounded OP to me. "But you have to be careful, even though you've awakened your sacred gear, It doesn't mean you can run around fighting Fallen angels, You're not invincible" I nodded, "Don't worry, I don't intend to throw away my new life anytime soon." Stormbreaker vanished as I flicked the mental switch to turn it off. Useful, like moving a limb or blinking. "But now that we know  your sacred gear, that does beg a question" I looked up at her, "You have managed to Kill 3 Fallen Angels, two of which mortally wounded you". I looked around, worried, I knew where this was going and I didn't like it. "Dohnaseek died in the same way that Raynare did, white foam, and spazzing, Before I thought it was your sacred gear, shining through, but now I'm not so sure. Tell me hunter did you use magic?" I looked at the faces of the other's, I hadn't known them long but I already considered them Comrades, Friends even in somecases, They had risked there life for mine, brought me back from the dead, and saved my life. If I didn't trust them, how could they trust me? I sighed, they needed the truth. "No, it wasn't magic, What happened to them, I've had it long before I came to Japan" The others looked to one another curiously. "If it wasn't magic, then what was it?". I looked at her in the eye, no going back now. 

"It was my blood, or to be more precise, My Venom"


This is the last chance you have at guessing what caused the scar on hunter's face as in the next chapter he will reveal the truth. 

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now