Chapter 18: I Meet the Student Council!

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A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more then you love yourself.

-Josh Billings-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

3 days later...

Hunter Westerdyk

Rin and I walked into the Occult research club, Rin was wearing a different outfit to everyone else, but she after discussing it with Rias' Pretend father {read threatening}, She was allowed to.

Rin and I walked into the Occult research club, Rin was wearing a different outfit to everyone else, but she after discussing it with Rias' Pretend father {read threatening}, She was allowed to

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"Hunter, Rin, I'm glad you've arrived, Please, take a seat" Rias said, welcoming us. I wasn't exactly sure of what was happening, so I sat down, with Rin sitting opposite of me. I looked around at everyone else in the club, but there faces didn't offer any answer. "So, why are we here Rias?" I asked. Rias crossed her arms below her breats, "I've decided that you both have handed out enough phamphlets, and that you are ready to recieve your Familiars". I frowned, "A familiar? Isn't that a magical creature that aid's a magician. I didn't know I could get one". Rias smiled nodding "I see you already understand the basics of a Familiar, Yes they are magical creatures that aid Magical beings. They can aid us in many ways, such as being our eye's and ears in a large area. But certain Familiars can be strong enough to aid in battle. There is a forest nearby, a familiar forest, there with luck you will both find familiars to your liking" I smiled, sweet. 

Knock Knock.

Akeno turned her head towards the door "yeah?". The doors opened and to my surprise, around 8 other students walked in.

 The doors opened and to my surprise, around 8 other students walked in

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"Sorry to interupt" Said the girl with glasses and short hair. Narrowing my eye's, I realized that they were all Devils, I didn't sense their power, as I had learned that could notify them of my ability, if they were strong enough that is. "Why are they here?" I asked looking at them, I was pretty sure I recognized them from somewhere, but where? Rin walked up to me, "Do you know them?" Rin asked, I shrugged, "I'm guessing there the student council, I recognize short hair as the presidant, but I forgot her name" Rin elbowed me, "How can you forget someones name so easily? You remembered mine", I scrathed the back of my head, "Well, It kinda helps when I fight alongside them" I whispered. Rias walked up to the presidant, "Hello Sona, What can I do for you?" "Nothing, I just wanted to congratulate you on increasing the number of your servants" Walking up next to Rias I said, "hold on, how do you know about that?" Akeno turned to look at me, "Her real name is Sona Sitri ,and she's not just the student body president, She's the next head of the house of Sitri, a Big devil family" I nodded, "So, how many more Devils in the school?" I was mentally cursing myself for not constantly searching for other Devils and whatnot, It was just to annoying to keep up, now it looked like it had come back to bite me. "Rias I'm hurt you didn't tell your little boyfriend about me, But I suppose if you don't trust him with inside Info then he must not be worth much to you huh", I narrowed my eyes but before I could beat the living crap out of him Sona interuppted, "It's considered bad form to get involved in the affairs of other households. Saji, It's only natural Rias held this back" I looked at Saji, "Hold on, I know you, aren't you that guy from 2-C who just got elected student council clerk, I think I might've voted for this guy, or maybe not, I don't really care either way" "Saji Genshirou, my pawn" Sona said. Rias held out her hand in my direction. "And this is my pawn, Hunter Westerdyk, and Rin Tohsaka my Bishop". I scoffed as I looked at Saji, "Looks like we're quite similar, So prehaps a little less with the foul mouth?" I said holding out my hand, Giving Saji his last chance of retribution. He scoffed and waked my hand away, "Can it D-Bag your cacle of slutty sluts don't deserve to be in the same room as extinguished devils such as the sitri's" I turned my head to face Saji slowly, "What?" I said quietly. Saji laughed, "Aw, he's mad, not even Gay prince charming over there could protect you from me" He held up a hand sticking up 4 fingers, "I took up 4 pawn pieces bro" I clenched my jaw, at his multiple insults. First he called Kiba 'Gay Prince Charming' which was insulting to me as well, and second the notion that Kiba and I were weaker then him, third the assumption that Kiba couldn't wipe the floor with his arse and finally, the fact he thinks I would be the one who needed protection. I stood up straight and gave him a deathstare, before saying quietly, "and I took up eight bitch" Saji laughed, "what did you say prince ugly?"

I swear I was going to kill this bitch.

"And he took up eight pieces, It's always better to check your facts before you make a complete fool of yourself" Saji's face turned from boastful to shocked, much to my amusment, "Wait, your freaking kidding me right? how did this lame ass butt munch manage that?" I grinned evily. "My apologies, He's young, I'll hope you'll forgive his actions. Newbies don't always appreciate the finer points of civility, do they?" Sona said, turning her head towards Saji. "oh, right" walking forward he shook Rin's hand. "My pleasure" he said unenthusiastically, Rin raise her eyebrow before she shook his hand as well "No, the pleasure is all mine" She responded. Then Saji preformed a total 180 in terms of attitude. "hey, you're sure you're not an angel? Because I'm pretty sure you just fell down from heaven" Saji said. My eye's widened and I walked forward raising my hand as I did, Sona stepped forward to stop me, but Rias shook her head saying, "don't, Hunter is no pushover, his power very well could be above your own" Sona's eyes widened and she stopped. "Hey, Saji, where's my hand shake?. Saji looked at me sighing, "Oh fine, my pleasure" He held out his hand and I shook it. "I would say likewise, but..." Then I electrocuted Saji with enough power to make him defy gravity and scream in pain. Smiling I said, "Keep your hands off my Friends or I will fill you with enough lightning to power Vagas for a week? Understand?" I let go of Saji's hand and he dropped to the floor, letting out a small puff of smoke. Saji recovered quickly however and jumped up. "Really? Well how's flyer duty treating you captain wacket? I don't do lame shit like that, Cause i'm actually a member of the team, getting a Familiar and everything, Bitch" I just shook my head, did this guy not remember what I just did to him? "What a coincidence, I'm getting a familiar two, so shut the fuck up" Sona looked at Rias in surprise "Oh, is that your plan Rias?" She asked, Rias nodded, "Yes, I was planning to go next week, actually" Sona's face turned to deep thought, "Well that's a bit of a problem for us as he only takes people once a month" Rias smiled, "In that case why don't we have a friendly little contest to sort this whole thing out?" Sona looked up at Rias "A contest?", Rias nodded, "Yes, whoever wins has the right to make there request first". Sona's face hardened, "Surly your not talking about a rating game?" Rias shook her head, "Oh no, we would never get permission to do something like that", Sona nodded, "Your right, besides nows not exactly the right time to draw attention to yourself now is it?" Rias's gaze hardened, "Don't go there" She said sharply. Akeno and I looked at Rias in confusion. "I know, we should settle this the highschool way, with sports"

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now