Chapter 13: End to the Peace

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If you can't tell the difference between Good Devils and Bad ones, Then you don't deserve to be a Hashira!

-Tanjiro Kamado-

Location: Japan, Forest

Hunter Westerdyk

I charged at Issei, Lightning covering my Hand. Our fists collided, creating a shockwave of power and force as Magic emnated from us. I grinned as I pushed Issei's fist away, "HAI!" I shouted as I jump spin kicked Issei in the face, then preforming a series of Blow's that definetly did damage. 

{Just I didn't break his Bones}

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{Just I didn't break his Bones}

Issei was sent flying into a tree as I rushed forward, "THUNDER PUNCH!" I shouted as my Fist was coated in lightning again and I punched him through multiple more Tree's. "BOOST!" Issei stood up, again his Power doubled. "Bitch! I'm goinng to break your spine!" He shouted, 2 Black wings sprouting from his back as he flew at me. I jumped to the side, Grabbing Issei by the back of the throat I slammed him into the ground with a "HAI!!". As Issei stumbled to his feet I punched him in the Gut, making him bend over, I then Uppercutted him onto his back. "urrghh" Issei said, I cracked my knuckles and neck, "Face it Issei, you can't-" "BOOST!". Issei's power doubled again and he jumped to his feet. Cracking his own neck and knuckles, "This fight, is just getting started" He rushed foward, Throwing a haymaker. With a smile I jumped into his attack, Grabbing his arm, stopping him. "huh?" Issei said, right before I elbowed him in the Nose, then grabbing his Head I knee'd him, making him stumble back. "THUNDER PUNCH!" I shouted again, uppercutting Issei into the air where I ambushed him with lightning coated attack's.

 "THUNDER PUNCH!" I shouted again, uppercutting Issei into the air where I ambushed him with lightning coated attack's

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"HAI!!" I shouted as I kicked Issei away. "BOOST!" Issei stumbled to his feet, a grin on his face, "Oh, you're dead" He said. My eye's widened as I realized that Issei's power, was now on par with my own. I rushed towards Issei, channeling all of my Magial power into my fist. "HAI!! THUNDER PUNCH!!" I shouted, But issei smiled, "DRAGON BOOST!!" My eye's widened as issei caught my fist. 


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*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now