Chapter 56: To meet other Devils in a party

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At some point in history, someone looked at a cat and said to themselves 'I wonder what a girl with those ears and tail would look like' and someone else said, 'dude, that's #$*&ing genius'

-Vanadis, Eye of Creation-

Location: Hell, Gremory Residence

Hunter Westerdyk

Issei and I walked down the hallway, each of us deep in thought. 'So, we're going to meet other devil servants, who knows how strong they are, and how many there will be' 'We're going to have to be careful, without our Balance Breaker, we're significantly decreased in the hierarchy of power.' I looked back as I realized Issei had stopped and saw him looking at what I guessed was Koneko's room. So I walked over to him. "This must be Koneko's room," Issei said, we looked at each other, Curiosity winning over caution. Issei knocked on the door once before opening it, and we both stuck our heads through the door, "Hey, you sleeping? Don't say anything if you are" Issei said quietly. 'Reminds me of a child's story, like sleeping beauty or some shit like that' I thought, 'Yeah, only this time it's sleeping Tsundere' Issei and I snuck over to her bed, like a pair of wraiths, until we looked at Koneko. 'Good to see she's getting some rest' 'We shouldn't wake her, glad to see she's okay though' Issei and I were about to leave, when we both noticed something at once. 'wait, are those?' "As the saying goes, the cat's out of the bag" Issei and I looked at the open doorway where Rias stood, "Rias?" I said quietly and in confusion. Rias walked past Issei and I quietly and opened the balcony door, looking at each other for a moment we followed her. Both of us wanting answers. 

"The reason she pushes herself like that is because she's fighting against her own power in existence" Rias said, looking out the balcony at the Gremory land. "That's grim," I said "A long time ago, there were two nekomata sisters" I frowned, "oh yeah, I heard Nekomata were like cat spirits or something" Issei said, making me look at him in surprise, 'I guess he isn't useless beyond battle after all' "They were orphaned and homeless but they had each other, as long as they were together they had someone they could depend on, Eventually both cats were picked up by a devil, in time the elder sister became their servant and finally had a chance at a good life. But by turning into a devil her hidden power began to overflow. Having lost control, she killed her master and vanished without a trace, she became a dangerous stray that decimated an entire pursuit force, fearing that the younger sister would follow in these footsteps, the devil community set out to dispose of her before another catastrophe could occur. However my brother intervened and gained dominance over her, Sirzechs then assigned her to my service in hope that I would fill the poor girls' life with happiness, but first I had to give her a name" I frowned already knowing who that girl was, "This feels like it's going to be a big reveal" Issei said, 'no shit' "It's me numbnuts" A voice said behind us. Both Issei and I looked back to see Koneko standing there, but she was different. 'She's a cat girl'

 'She's a cat girl'

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