Prologue: The prophecy

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All there is, or was, started with a dream...

-Lava Girl-

Thousands of years ago...

Location: Greece, Delphi


A golden light soared through the sky, clashing against the black night sky. Anyone watching would've called it a second sun, or a comet. But those that new better called it by another name. 

Apollo, Greek God of the Sun.

Apollo frowned as he neared the Oracle of Delphi, his Priests had summoned him, saying something was wrong with the Oracle. Apollo had immediately left for the cave, worrying for the Oracle. Arriving he slowed down and dropped on the enterance of the shrine. 4 Priests ran out, "Lord Apollo!" They praised, bowing quickly, Apollo waved them off as he walked forward, he didn't have time for this now. "What is happening to the Oracle?" The God asked, they looked to one another nervously, "We don't exactly know, my lord, she just started Flailing and shouting, saying 'Bring me apollo' over and over again", Apollo frowned again, This was peculier indeed. Eventually he began to hear a voice. 

"Bring me Apollo!"

Apollo recognized that voice, it was his Oracle. Picking up the pace, Apollo arrived in the Oracles room, to see what could only be called as a Spaz attack. The Oracle was flinching, rolling around, Her limb's flailing and spinning around. As she screamed, "Apollo! Bring me Apollo!", Apollo coughed to grab the Oracles attention, Her head spun around and seeing him, she went completely still, somehow this creeped Apollo out even more. "I'm here Oracle, Speak" He said. The Oracle sat up slowly, resting on her leg's and knee's. Then the Oracle's eye's began to glow Green. Apollo stepped back, But it wasn't the Oracles Eyes that made him do so, that was normal for an oracle. No, It was the Snake made of Green mist that was now circling her, before standing up behind her. The Pair then spoke, each one saying a verse after the other.

"The Boy with Eyes, filled of Blood.

The Fallen Emperor, Born of Aversion.

Thunder and Rain shall roar beneath the Earth and Flames.

The Daughter of Wisdom and War, shall heed the call.

Will Incarnate, His Fury Unharnessed,

With the Forsaken, Awakens,

Heed Thunders Tale,

For only with the Eldest of Scales, may you prevail..."

Apollo sighed as the Oracle and the Snake stopped talking, prehap's it was over. "Prehap's it's over" he said, foolishly. As both The Oracle's and the snakes eye's glowed brighter, until a Green Aura encased her, and The snake became more apparent, more solid, greener even, as it started to glow as well, sharing the Green aura that the Oracle had. They spoke a Final Verse together. 

"Lest the world be covered, in eternal Extinction."

The Snake vanished, as the Green Glow faded from the Oracle. Apollo's eyes widened as he rushed forward to catch the Oracle. But by the time he reached her, she was already unconscious.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now