Chapter 14: I Discover the Truth

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In the absence of Willpower the collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless.

-Aleister crowley-

Location: Japan, Occult Research Club

Hunter Westerdyk

I opened my eye's, Ow. Looking around I realized I was in the Occult Research Club, laying down on one of the Couches. Sitting up I looked around, I was currently alone in the room, but I could sense multiple Demononic Energies outside, Rias and the others. "I'm awake now!" I called, moments later they all walked in, with varying emotions. Yuuto was beaming, Akeno and Koneko were smiling lightly, and Rias was, well Rias. 

"Hey" I said, looking at them. I sat up, but no-one sat down next to me. Yuuto and Koneko sat on the Couch opposite me, while Akeno and Rias stood at the table. "It's good to see you're awake, Hunter" Akeno said, breaking the silence. I shrugged, "Awake, although I definetly would like to go back to sleep". My words made Yuuto chuckle and Koneko smile, I frowned, "I'm not joking, I really do want to go back to sleep, the only thing stopping me is this" I raised my right hand, making everyone frown, "Sacred Gear" I said as the Gear appeared on my arm. I narrowed my eye's, It still looked like It had when I beat Issei into the ground.

 I narrowed my eye's, It still looked like It had when I beat Issei into the ground

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I heard a gasp emite from most of the Club, but Rias just said "Oh". Litterally, I mean come on! "What happened to it? It's definetly... evolved or something, But it feel's different, more... Potent then before" Looking at Rias I said, "Rias, do you know what happened?", I didn't refer to Rias by her first name often, but now that I had saved her juicy ass I reckoned that I had earned the right to say it whenever I damn wanted. Rias nodded, "You're right, In a way it did Evolve, but to be more accurate, It awakened" I raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Rias crossed her arm's beneath her boobs before saying. 

"Your sacred gear is no longer a Stormbreaker. It has become one of the Ponitus Gears. Or to be exact, The Deep Black gear, Which grant's the user the power of the Dragon sealed within it. The Black one. Otherwise known as the Black Dragon Emperor of Will, Zekrom, Who is said to be the strongest Lightning Dragon in existence." As Rias said the Name Zekrom, the entire room was filled with the faint scent of Ozone, and thunder could be heard in the distance. But in my mind an image appeared in my mind, of the 2 Red eye's in the Lightning. I looked at my Gear, "That's pretty cool". "excuse me, President" I looked up at Kiba, "Yes Kiba?". Kiba frowned lightly, "What are the Ponitus Gear's? I've never heard of them." I noddded, I had done research on Sacred gears, But I had never heard of Ponitus, not once. But I did recognize the name Ponitus, or rather Pontius. "Ponitus sounds an aweful lot like Pontius, The guy that was the judge of Jesus' Trail according to the Bible", I felt a slight head ache when I said the name Jesus, and again when I said Bible. Rias nodded, "That's because the Ponitus gear's, are also called the Gears of the Judge. You see, While the Longinus Gears grant the wielder special effects, such as Boost or divide, The Ponitus Gear's grant pure Elemental Power instead. They allow the user to control the element's of the dragon within." I nodded, "But how does Zekrom fit in with Judgeing?" I asked. Rias closed her eye's for a moment, before opening them. "Zekrom was known for an Unbreakable Will. According to legends he sought Heroes with Powerful Ideal's. But if people lose the rightousness in their hearts, or a Leaders Ideal's became corrupted, Zekrom would raze their Kingdoms to the ground with his lightning, Without mercy" Rias took a deep breath. "Zekrom's Wrath was unstoppable, his Judgement, absolute and was feared even by the God's themselves, earning him the Title, Judger of King's, among other's, The height of his power was never known, but It was theorized that his power was on par with that of a Dragon king, if not even higher." I smiled as I looked at the Deep Black gear, Zekrom sounded amazing. But then something occured to me, "You said one of the Ponitus gear's, but you never said how many their were, Also I never learned of them in the Book of heaven, which detailed all of the Creations of Allah. Why not?" Rias shrugged, "God, or as you insist to call him, Allah, Did not create the Ponitus Gear's, he simply named him. As for how many there are, we can only confirm the existance of 4. The Deep Black, Vast White, Boundary and Gigantic. The Locations of Vast White and Boundary are unknown, But the Gigantic Gear is rumored to be in the possession of the most powerful Fallen Angel alive." I tilted my head after a moment, "By the way Rias, I have a question" Rias tilted her own head, "Oh, and what is it?", I gestured at the others, "I haven't said anything, because I was occupied with other stuff, But why am I the only Pawn?" Rias smiled, "Simple, you took all 8 to revive", I nodded, my question answered, standing up, "Well then, It seem's I'm in desperate need of something". Rias frowned, "What?", I chuckled, "Training, If I host the Judger of Kings, someone feared even God's, and I'm willing to bet one God has a grudge, I need to be able to Defend myself don't I, Not to mention I need to unlock my Balance Breaker" Rias looked unfomfortable, "Rias? What's wrong?". Rias sighed, "Ponitus Gear's Don't have Balance Breaker's, Not one in History has any Ponitus Gear user entered Balance Breaker, much less hear the Dragon within there Sacred Gear". I blinked in surprise, before saying, "Well, then, I guess I'm going to be the first one!" Rias blinked, "Huh?", I smiled,

 "Everything is impossible until It's achieved. Everything Happens for the first time, History doesn't write itself after all." With those words I began to walk outside before saying, "Well, I guess it does, technically, for Historians at least..." I chuckled as I got ready to Train.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now