Chapter 17: I... get a new friend?

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Blessed are the young...

For they shall inherit the national debt.

-Herbet Hoover-

Location: Japan, Mountain Range

Rin Tohsaka

"WATCH OUT" I turned to look at Hunter as he ran towards me, I frowned, confused, What was he doing? His body began to glow with magic and he lept towards me, pushing me away. I rolled across the ground. My head shot up, What the? I looked at Hunter in confusion, why did he push me? The next moment I got my answer, a Huge chunk of Stone fell down on where I had been, crushing Hunter. My eye's widened and I stumbled ot my feet as I limped over to where Hunter was. The Stone broke in half, revealing Hunter, But he was brutally injured, almost dead. As I looked at him I remembered something my Mother, Athena had once taught me.

"If an enemy saves you at there own peril and out of the good of there own heart, cherish them, follow them, for they will lead you down a path brighter then any other"

coming to a decision I pulled Hunter out of the rubble, He was bleeding in multiple places, Using the rest of my magic, I healed him as best I could. With a grunt I lifted him up. 'Jesus, what the hell are you made of? Concrete?' I thought as I nearly collapsed under him, but using all of my Will I managed to return into my Divine form. And slowly I carried him outside, But as soon as I passed through the Cave enterance I collapsed, returning to my mortal form. I was to weak to carry him, and I didn't have enough time to rest and regain my strength. Placing Hunter on the ground I searched through his pockets, surely he had. "ah-ha" I said, pulling out a piece of paper, no doubt a return pad incase he got in trouble. Holding my hand over the Pad, and the other on Hunter's chest. Despite myself I blushed slightly, Hunter's chest felt like Iron. I shook my head, focus. Pulsing my already drained magic into the pad, red energy pulsed around us and light encased us. When the light faded we were in some kind of, Medieval style room? Looking around, I saw 4 other people, no Devils. In the room, They all stood up quickly and rushed over, wide eyed and Concerned. "Help him" I pleaded. The red heared Devil, whom I assumed was Rias Gremory, Nodded. I stepped back looking at Hunter, my mind in turmoil. 

I had never been saved by anyone, much less a stranger, an enemy? forget it. My mother was far from perfect, but she made damn sure I would repay my debts, and sometimes, when my mind couldn't work properly, like now, That I threw all logic out the window and followed my gut and Heart. And as I looked at Hunter, both were in agreement. Follow him, Protect him, Cherish him. They said.

"Were losing him" Said the Devil with the long ponytail. The boy nodded, looking at Rias with worry. "What can we do? We don't have any healing spells that can save him, and we can't exactly reincarnate him again, we don't have the pieces, he took 8 Pawns" Rias nodded, looking around quickly, "We need a clergyman, a Bishops healing abilities could save him" Rias and the ponytail looked at one another with knowing eye's, but I stood up, "Make me a Devil" I said. The Devils all looked at me in shock, I stepped forward, urgency leaking into my voice. "My name is Rin Tohsaka, Make me your Bishop, and I'll heal him" Rias didn't wait another second and stood up, bringing a Bishop out of her pocket and giving it to me. The Piece began to glow and float towards me. 

"In the name of Rias Gremory, I call to Rin Tohsaka, Hear my command and become my servant"

The Evil piece floated within me and I felt an influx of power as It merged, I knew that most of the pieces power, and the perks of being a Devil would happen during my sleep, due to my drainded magic, but thankfully the Bishops magical enhancement wouldn't be halted. I felt my magic regenerate faster then before as I held my hands over him. "Everyone is going to have to help in order for him to survive" Rias said, I nodded as I held my hands over him. All of the other Devils copyed my movements, and together our hands began to glow. 

{Multiple Demons, The energy is Red, the rest is self explanatory}

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{Multiple Demons, The energy is Red, the rest is self explanatory}

The red light coated Hunter as his body began to float. His wounds began to smoke, and vanish, His blood evaporated. The Light grew brighter as small sparks began to coat Hunter, and the smell of Ozone filled the air. Then as the last of Hunter's wounds closed, The magic faded and he fell back to the ground. All was silent for a moment, all of us held our breath. Hunter's eye's snapped open and he sat up in an instant. "Holy Mother of Jesus!" he shouted, shaking his head. We all sighed. Hunter looked at each of us, then to me. When he saw me, for a moment his eye's flashed with hostility, but that Hostility turned into realization and then well, nothing. "Hunter, what happened?" Rias asked, Hunter looked at me out of the corner of his eye for a moment, before saying. "I was attacked..." my heart stopped and as I felt the pain in my wounds, I knew i wouldn't be able to escape.  "by a Fallen Angel, fucker caught me off guard, Luckily Rin here was able to save me" I smiled, and Rias looked at me suspicously, "Is that so? Tell me Rin, your aura, it isn't human, so what are you?". "I'm a Demigod, a Daughter of Athena to be precise" My words surprised the others, "A Greek Demigod? Why are you here?". I looked at the roof, "Well, I was supposed to be on vacation, but then I met Hunter, he saved my life, nearly at the cost of his own, I'm indebted to him, that's why I didn't hesitate to help you save him". Hunter's face sported a small smile for a moment, but it was gone the next, Rias stood up and clapped her hands, "Well, you seem to be injured, and now that you're a member of the peerage I'll have to work on the Transfer papers, I assume you understand what a Peerage is?" I nodded, "Yes, I understand completely, And I'm ready for any burdens that being a member will bring." Rias smiled and nodded, "Good, because, since you are indebted to Hunter, and you saved his life, You'll be living together". Both my own and Hunter's eye's widened, as we shouted in usion. "What?!"

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