Chapter 62: Date of Akeno

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It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.

-Vin Diesel-

Location: Hell, Gremory residence

Hunter Westerdyk

"Thank you once again, mom and dad, we're off," Rias said as she looked at her family and their servants who had assembled to see us off. I sighed quietly as I fidgeted impatiently 'This is taking too long, can we just go already?' 'That's insensitive' 'that's efficient' "Bye Millicas" She said looking at her little brother, "but you only just got here, do you have to leave already?" he asked sadly, "I'm sorry Millicas but yes we do" Rias responded.  Grayfia put a hand on Millicas' shoulder "lady Rias is incredibly busy, we can't be greedy and keep her to ourselves" She said softly, 'that's the first time I've heard her speak softly' I realized with surprise, "Okay, guess you're right mom" 'Finally, we get to leave!' I mentally celebrated.


I sighed in relaxation as I sat on the train, when I suddenly felt something, no someone, lying on my lap. Opening my eyes I came across a sight I had only dreamed of. Koneko was laying on my lap, but if I knew Koneko, this wasn't out of the good of her heart. "uhh, Koneko?" I asked, Koneko smiled, "She's wrong, I'm here and I found peace, Meow," Koneko said looking up at me,  making me gulp, 'Holy cow she literally just said meow... Focus Hunter! Fantasy later!! Why is Koneko on my lap?', "Koneko, why are you laying on my lap? not that I have any objections, but it's kind of... strange for you," I said slowly, not wanting to discourage her from laying on my lap. "I'm comfortable, do I need another reason?" She said sleepily, 'Is she going to have a literal cat nap?!' I looked up and saw Issei glaring at me with jealousy written clear on his face, I smirked and eyebrow waggled at him {I had to search that up so you better appreciate it! I basically raised and lowered both my eyebrows in unison a couple of times}. Before Issei could explode, Habriel laid on his lap, shutting him up instantly.


"SUCK MY ASS!!" Issei shouted in anger as he stood up and ruffled his hair, "There's still so much to do!" He shouted as I nodded in agreement, remembering the prior conversation with Rias, where she told us to play 'catch up'. 'the proposition of burning down the school is quickly getting more appealing' "Here I was thinking I wouldn't have to worry about it with my parent's being on vacation, but I guess that was just a dream" I said banging the table in front of me with my forehead. "And besides' I've got something more important on my mind." I looked up when I heard Issei's serious tone, "When I was training, I tried to shut down the horn talk inside so I could get stronger, but spending all that time sweating with young sexy ladies made me realize the truth", I sighed as Issei spoke, "Which was?" I asked, "I'll never not want to bury my face in sweeter bazookas, I can't deny who I am, In the end I even had a fantasy that I was talking to a giant pair of space knockers, it was the moment of perverted clarity, I have come one step closer to the truth of erodica" Issei said, and I facepalmed, "With this knowledge, I swear I will develop a new skill in addition to dress break!" he proudly proclaimed, as I deadpanned and started to clap, "That is the most stupid fantasy I have ever heard Issei, congratulations," I said sarcastically, making Issei deflate a little. "Will you ever grow up? Talking with boobs, especially giant space ones, only shows me how childish you are." I continued, looking at my homework, ignoring the pervert, when I heard a knocking on the door. I looked over at the door, "Yeah?" I called. "Hunter? Sorry to interrupt but I brought tea" Akeno said, walking into my room. "Oh thanks," I said while Issei nodded, "Yeah, thanks a bunch"

Putting the tea down on the bench, Akeno walked over beside me, looking over my shoulder at my homework, "Well done, you've nearly got them all right" Akeno said before pointing at one of the questions, "although, I don't think that one is correct" blinking I inspected the question realizing that Akeno was right, and I was wrong. "thanks" I said, "It's all right, you just need a helping hand sometimes" she said. "yeah, okay" I responded. Leaning closer Akeno whispered in my ear, "Now don't be shy, I'll be happy to tutor you until it comes naturally".  I shivered at her seductive tone, "Is something wrong?"  Akeno asked, standing straight. "well no, but you don't need to help me with my work, I'll feel guilty" I said, "No problem at all, I know my math, I was in that class last year" I frowned, 'Don't we share a homeroom?' 'I think you have a mixed year homeroom, you know, multiple students from different years, all in one homeroom' "But now, in return, I need you to do something for me" Akeno said taking one of my hands in her own. I gulped, "Which is?"

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