Chapter 68: Undecided Victory of Blades

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All battles are first won or lost, in the mind

-Jeanne D'arc, Saint of God-

Location: ???

Hunter Westerdyk

I narrowed my eyes as I looked at Jeanne, "I've gotta say, It's disappointing, that a Saint would kidnap anyone" I said, as Jeanne and I circled one another, Jeanne frowned, "For a Dragon, you're not that impressive, I was expecting a big tough guy with teeth sharper than knives, and wings bigger then cars." Jeanne pointed at my wings, "But you're wings, they're like a baby's!" she said as she laughed, my eye twitched, and I shouted angrily, "Hey! My wings are awesome!" Jeanne shrugged, "Sure, whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night", 'Can I kill her?' I held out a fist, "Can we fight or are we going to keep hurling verbal insults?" I asked, and Jeanne nodded, "Sure" then without warning she charged at me, I growled as I lept back and flew in the air, but only barely dodged her attack, Jeanne grinned, "Guess those wings are good for something!", again my eye twitched, "Buzz off!" suddenly, Jeanne lept into the air and shouted, "Blade Blacksmith!" my eyes widened as hundreds of swords erupted from the ground, and raced towards me, "Oh shit!" I shouted as I flew back and forth attempting to avoid them, then an idea popped into my head. Reaching out my hand I shouted, "GRAM!" and in a flash of light, the dragon-slaying sword appeared. 

I grinned and flew down to Jeanne, who looked at the sword in surprise, "Gram? The Dragon Hunter?" I nodded, "Yep, How about this Jeanne, rather than destroy the surrounding area as we fight, why don't we battle with our blades?" Jeanne looked at ...

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I grinned and flew down to Jeanne, who looked at the sword in surprise, "Gram? The Dragon Hunter?" I nodded, "Yep, How about this Jeanne, rather than destroy the surrounding area as we fight, why don't we battle with our blades?" Jeanne looked at Gram, then at me, then back to Gram, before saying, "Fine! But no Balance Breakers!", I blinked, before nodding, as I disengaged my Balance Breaker "Okay" Jeanne seeing my face frowned, "What's up with the red eyes?", my eye twitched, and I charged, "FUCKING HELL!! DOES EVERYONE ASK THAT?!" Jeanne grinned, but as she took a fighting stance, she quickly realized that I wasn't a slouch with the blade, with a yell, I overflowed my body with lightning and draconic energies, until a yellow aura appeared around me. "Bolt Strike Constant!"  I shouted with a grin, as I blocked Jeanne's blade. "Did you really think I wouldn't prepare for this?" I asked. Jeanne's eyes widened, as she threw me back, and we both jumped away, "No I wasn't, but this makes this all the more fun" Jeanne shouted as she charged at me, and I yelled as I leaped at her, our blades clashing in a brilliant explosion of light.

P.O.V Xetre

"Xetre! Do you really think you can best us alone?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked at Heracles and Cao Cao, "Please, you should've kept the Fox with you if you wanted half a chance against me, Heracles, you can step out of this one" Cao Cao said, making my right eye twitch, It took many things to anger me, but arrogance, was right up that ally. Taking a deep breath I exhaled through my mouth, calming myself, 'I don't want another Atlantis', I opened my eyes and looked at the two, before holding out my hand and summoning my Sacred Gear, "Please attack me both at once, if you want to challenge me" I said, making Heracles growl, but Cao Cao lept at me first, summoning his Sacred Gear, a spear, and attempting to impale me. 

Sighing, I blocked the attack, and threw Cao Cao away, surprising Heracles, as he was hit by the flying 'god killer', and a yelp of surprise came from him as they were thrown into a tree. Holding out a hand I taunted them, "I told you, come at me together", when Cao Cao and Heracles stood up, they were clearly angry, "you're finished" Cao Cao said before he looked at me in the eye and shouted, "Medusa's gaze!", His eyes turned green in a flash of light, but I felt nothing. Cao Cao's eyes widened in shock, and I shrugged, "No-No! How are you still alive?!" Cao Cao said in shock, again I shrugged, "No surprise, I did reap Medusa's soul, and I am a master of petrification" I smiled, before looking at them with a calm, stone-cold face, "Don't try that again"

P.O.V Hunter

Jeanne and I panted, as we held up our blades once again, and prepared to attack, "I won't lose" I said, as I summoned my Bolt Strike once again, and Jeanne looked at me, determination written across her face, "Neither will I!" She shouted as she leaped at me. 

Quickly, I raised my sword and deflected her blow, before throwing her blade to the side and creating an opening I quickly took advantage of, Jeanne yelled as I sliced her across the shoulder, but she evaded the worst of the damage, and threw up her guard, narrowed eyes, I raised Gram and brought it down into the ground, shaking the earth as I discharged electricity. Shouting, "Thunder shaker!" Jeanne stumbled, and I charged at her, bringing Gram in an overhead Arc, our blades met once again, quickly she countered but I blocked, back and forth the exchange went, block, attack, counter, block, attack, counter. The air around us became hot from movement, and the wounds we had suffered began to show in our performance, as we faltered I lept back.  And brandished Gram, "Jeanne, Give up, we are equally matched in the blade, and my sacred gear is stronger than yours, surrender". Jeanne narrowed her eyes, but before she could speak, again reality seemed to have a seizure and we were pulled back to the forest. 

I blinked, looking around at Yasaka and Xetre. Jeanne did the same, but as she looked her allies were on the ground unconscious. Xetre raised an eyebrow at me, "You didn't defeat her?" I grinned awkwardly, "uh, no?" Xetre rolled his eyes and turned to look at Jeanne, whose face was pale. "Take your allies and leave, you have lost"

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now