Chapter 35: Fallen Clash

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But courage need not be remembered...
For it is never forgotten.

-Princess Zelda of the Wild-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

Hunter Westerdyk

I looked up as Sona and her Peerage created a Magical barrier around the school. "We've covered the entire school with a protective barrier, if nothing drastic happens it should be able to keep everything within it from getting damaged." Sona said. "Thank you Sona, This means so much" Rias said, with the rest of us beside her. "Understand that this will only work if conditions remain the same" Sona warned, "Got it". I heard a magic circle behind me and I turned around, "Tsubaki, How's Irina?" "Her condition is not life threatening, she can thank Rin for that" Tsubaki said as she walked past us. "What a relif" Rin said. "Where's Xenovia? I wonder if she'll even come now" I said darkly. "Have you heard from Kiba either?" Saji asked. I shook my head, "No, nothing, But we know he'll be here" I said. Koneko nodded, "Right". "I'll keep the barrier up, But I might not be able to keep the school from collapsing, as much as I'd prefer to avoid it" Sona said. Rias frowned, "I'm not going to let that happen". Sona looked at Rias, "Rias, It's not to late, you can still contact your brother" Rias shook her head, "You know what I don't see? You trying to contact your big sister." "With Good reason too, Sirzechs loves you, you know he would want to assist us. There's no doubt he would come here as soon as you called him. So call him" I frowned, 'Does Sona not share a positive relationship with her sister? or prehaps it's something else? Temper? Destructive nature?' "There's no reason, I've already contacted Sirzechs" Akeno said. Rias turned to face her angrily, "How could you do that without asking me first?" "Look Rias, I understand you don't want to bother your brother unless we absolutly must, our enemy is a leaderclass fallen Angel. He's not someone you can take on your own. I think that qualifies this as a must" Akeno said. Rias sighed, "Fine". Akeno smiled, "I thank you for your consideration President. Sirzechs is on his way, I believe his forces should arrive here in just about an hour" Rias smiled, "Good grief girl, I cannot win against you can I?" Rias turned back to face the Barrier, "Should be a fun hour"

"Hunter, I need you to be on support this time." Rias said as we walked throught the school halls. "Support?" I asked confused, "I want you to use your ability to help the rest of us, That and your not exactly a good mix with Akeno if you keep eating her lightning" I shrugged, "Sorry, but it's a habit" Rias looked to Koneko and Akeno "In the mean time, I think we can stall until Sirzechs arrives?" Koneko and Akeno nodded, "Hunter?" Rias asked, "Yes?" "We're all counting on you. Let's focus on being on the offensive during this battle, We have to get into the school and prevent kokabiel from releasing his power, whatever that may be. Unlike the fight with Riser, Our lives will be at risk this time. But believe me, I will not allow us to die today, We will survive my dear servants, We'll survive this fight so we can come back here and go to school once more" Everyone else Nodded saying, "yes ma'am" But I just groaned, "I don't think that's good motivation, but okay" Closing my eye's I said, "Promotion Queen" My eye's snapped open as I sensed a magical presence. "Something's going on outside" We all ran outside and we stopped as we saw a large and tall Golden spell. "What in the world is that?" I asked. "It seems like the four excaliburs have been made into one." We all turned around and saw a floating Throne, sitting upon it was Kokabiel. "That's just so Valper, you know?". "Kokabiel!" Rias shouted. "So is big brother on his way yet? Or is it Serafall instead?" Kokabiel asked lazily, "Right now, we're the ones here ready to fight. That's all that matters" Rias said. Kokabiel snapped his fingers and summoned a Light spear. "Careful!" I shouted. Kokabiel sent the Light Spear at the gym, causing an explosion that pushed us back. "The Gym" I said looking at the crater now present. "ahh, this is so boring, I need a diversion" Kokabiel said lazily. "Jesus" I said, 'What's wrong Hunter? You scared?' Zekrom said in my mind. 'Never seen a Light Spear that big or powerful before.' 'Of course it's powerful, Kokabiel survived in battle with God and a Devil King' I looked back to Kokabiel and clenched my teeth, 'Can we even beat him?' 'Prehaps, But if not then their is another option' A dash of Hope filled my heart, 'what?' 'I can forcibly activate Balance Breaker, but to do so I would need to transform parts of your body into a Dragon. The only downside to this would be that you would stick out like a sore thumb in a crowd' I looked back at Kokabiel, 'If it comes to that, you can turn as much as you like into a Dragon' "Since you came all this way to see me, I might as well let you play with my favorite pets!" Kokabiel shouted as Magic erupted from the bottom of his Throne and struck the ground. A magic circle appeared and flames erupted like a cyclone from the ground. Within those flames the sillouhettes of 3 heads appeared. My eye's widened as 3 creatures stepped out of those flames.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now