Chapter 70: Winter's Beginning

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The Days are short, the sun a spark, hung thing between the dark and dark

-John Updike-

Location: Japan, Westerdyk Residence

Hunter Westerdyk

My blood ran cold as I stared at the ice sculptures before me. "What? How?" I muttered to myself, my breath creating puffs of steam. I walked forward with wide eyes holding out my hand to touch the Frozen Rias' face, but quickly I drew my hand back, she was colder than ice, ironically. I looked around, "Mum!? Dad?!" I called, running around, searching, until I came to a scene that shocked me to the core, my parents, frozen like everyone else. That's when the tears began to fall, as I fell to my knees I muttered to myself, "No, this can't be it..." I hugged my sides, trying to keep my grief and sorrow as that, rather than the destructive, berserk rage I knew would arise. "Hunter, check for a pulse" Zekrom said, I frowned, and reached out.

"Bu-dump.... Bu-dump... Bu-dump..." 

My eyes widened as I felt the heartbeat of my mother, quickly I reached for my father, and again I felt a pulse. "They're alive?" I said in wonder and disbelief, "Zekrom how is this possible?", "It's a Satan-level Ice user, that's certain. This spell is known as ice slumber, but I don't know who cast it" Frowning I looked around, "What do we do? I'm nowhere near a Satan" but as I spoke, a lightbulb went off in my head, and I said, "But I know who is" Running back to the others, I held out my hands, and focused. "Yasaka,  Youkai, Nine-tailed princess, I provoke our pact, and summon your aid," I said, as I spoke, a magic circle appeared before me, and as I spoke the final words, Yasaka appeared looking at me. "So you've already changed your mind? I guess you don't like to keep women waiting" she said, as she walked forward, I held up my hands, "No, Yasaka, I didn't summon you to fuck, look around" Yasaka frowned, before looking around, and her eyes widened as she shivered. "What happened here?" she asked turning her gaze back to me, I shrugged, "I don't know, but Rias and the others, are frozen in an ice slumber spell, can you break it?" I asked, Yasaka nodded, and turned around to face my friends. Raising her hands she chanted, "Ice Slumber, halt your chains, release your victims from your rain" as she finished speaking, fire erupted from her hands, and engulfed Rias and the others. My eyes widened at the display. "Woah," I said, mere moments later, the ice vanished, and everyone that was frozen fell to their knees coughing and gasping for air.

I couldn't stop the smile that broke out on my face, stopping for only a moment, I hugged Yasaka, and mouthed thank you, before running over to everyone else and bringing them into a bear hug, causing them to gasp and yelp. "You're alive! Thank the gods!" I said happily, as I released them from my clutches, they looked at me strangely, "Hunter? what's wrong? and who is that?!" Issei asked seeing Yasaka, I frowned, and put my hand up, "She's Yasaka, and she just freed you all from an Ice slumber" Rias blinked, before looking around, "By my brother, what happened here?!" She asked in disbelief, as everyone else began to look around, emotions of shock and disbelief on their faces. Standing up I shook my head, "I don't know exactly, but all of Kuoh has been frozen solid" I pointed upstairs to where my parents were, "My parents are frozen, I need to know, how long until they're hurt?" Rias shrugged, "I don't know, maybe 10-12 days? but it would be best to leave them frozen, they would only be in danger if we released them" I frowned as I looked around, "Wait, Where's Morael?" I asked, Issei turned around, "He's right... oh... he's gone" he said in confusion. Rias clapped her hands, "That doesn't matter, we need to find out who caused this, and make them pay" I nodded in agreement, before looking over at Rin, who was looking outside, walking up to her I put an arm around her, "you okay?" I asked, turning her to look at me, Rin nodded, "yeah, I guess, I just, feel so worthless, I'm the daughter of Athena, I should know how to fix this, but, I don't" I sighed before saying, "You don't know everything, you can't and you never will, there will always be something more to discover, another question to answer. But you can always be the one to discover the answer, to the questions that others cannot. Don't doubt yourself" I said, before blinking, "I've been reading too many fortune cookies", but Rin smiled, "Thanks Hunter, and I think I know where the cause is" I frowned as Rin pointed in the direction of Kuoh Academy, and my eyes widened, "How did I miss that?" I said, seeing the ginormous Piller, no tower of ice that rose from the building. "Uhh, Guy's?" I called, hearing them walk over to me, I pointed at the ice tower, "I think we know where to go" Looking back, everyone nodded, and looking at Yasaka I asked, "Will you help us?" she nodded a fierce determination clear on her face, "You helped me, So I'm going to help you" I smiled again, before turning around and looking at the ice tower, holding up my hand I shouted, "Deep Black!" and called a lightning bolt down on my arm as I summoned my Sacred gear. 


I looked at Kuoh academy, like the rest of the city, it was covered in ice, snow lined the ground, and the roads were icy and slippery. Icicles stretched down from the edges of the building, hanging like spiders in wait, each one different in size, some only the size of my pinkie finger, and others the size of Gram. 

As we walked toward the academy, I felt multiple auras gather, and as I frowned I recognized some of them. "Great," I said sarcastically, as 4 figures appeared before us. "Vali" Issei said angrily, seeing his Archrival. "Issei" Vali answered already in his Balance breaker. "Kuroka" Koneko said, seeing her sister standing beside him, "Yes, Shirone, I'm here", "Bikou" Kiba said, seeing the warrior, Bikou smiled, saying, "I can't wait to brawl with you guys", and Yasaka looked at the final figure. "Fenrir" she said, I frowned as I looked at the wolf. "He's stronger than before, far stronger," I said, sensing the potency of his aura. I pointed at Vali, "Get out of the way Vali, I don't want to fight, I just want to free Kuoh", But the White Dragon Emperor shook his head, "Sorry Deep Black, but I'm not calling the shots, not here anyway." Vali's eyes suddenly glowed blue, as a massive blue aura erupted from him. My eyes widened, as Issei muttered, "Juggernaut Drive"

Issei stepped forward, frowning, before holding up his own Sacred gear and shouting, "You're not the only one! Juggernaut Drive!" As a Red aura erupted from him

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Issei stepped forward, frowning, before holding up his own Sacred gear and shouting, "You're not the only one! Juggernaut Drive!" As a Red aura erupted from him.

Issei stepped forward, frowning, before holding up his own Sacred gear and shouting, "You're not the only one! Juggernaut Drive!" As a Red aura erupted from him

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I rolled my eyes, "Show off" I said, before clenching my jaw as I looked at the others. "Hunter, Go with Rias, We'll take care of these bastards," Issei said, as he stepped forward, "Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!" I nodded and taking Rias hand, sprouted my wings, as I flew past the Chaos Brigade. "Not so fast!" Vali shouted, turning to us, but Issei tackled him, "Focus on me! go!" I nodded again, and together with Rias we ran up the Ice tower, leaving behind the battle as it exploded behind us.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now