Chapter 51: New House Mates?

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Darkness and light exist in a perfect balance, anyone trying to destroy that balance, Light or Shadow, Is equal in Sin.

-Tenebris, Toa of Shadows and the Void-

Location: Japan, Westerdyk Residence

Hunter Westerdyk

Once I was finished getting dressed, I walked outside, or rather into the hallways of my massive house. "Bloody Hell, this place is massive." I said in surprise looking around, 'Zekrom, Any Idea on where to go?' 'hmm, I can sense someone nearby, but with this new terrain and residue magic left over from the...' 'Get to the point', 'no respect, Go left, up the stairs, and you should see them' I smiled 'Thanks'. I followed Zekrom's directions, eventually seeing Issei, I raised my hand to wave at him but before I shouted out his name I stopped. Issei was acting might sus. I narrowed my eyes and sensed around me, and to my disappointment, Issei was spying on Koneko. 

My right eye twitched in annoyance as I stormed over to him and grabbed his collar, making him yell in surprise. "You, are, dead," I said as Issei's face became that of fear. I prepared to notify Koneko about Issei's presence when Zekrom interrupted me. 'Hunter, stop' I stopped moments before I knocked, 'What is it Zekrom?' I responded as Issei tried to run away but only fell on his arse as a result. 'It would be best to learn about your new allies personalities, Issei is observant, and obviously well connected with them, So it may be in our best interest to ask him. It will save time as well.' I sighed and looked down at Issei, "Follow me" I said, letting him go as I walked back to my room. As I entered I sat down on a chair, "Issei, I need you to tell me about your teammates, accurately, remember." Issei looked at me in confusion, "Why?" I sighed, before saying awkwardly, "I'm not good at... making friends" Issei blinked, "Wait what?" Again I sighed, "I'm an Introvert, so I'm not really social, It takes me a long time to figure people out, years in some cases, and I rarely ask about their pasts or opinions, so I need you, to tell me about the others in your peerage." Issei narrowed his eyes at me and frowned, "Now hold up, Those girls are mine! So back off!" I groaned, "Issei! I'm not trying to get chubby with them! For Pete sake!" Issei blinked, "Oh, okay" he sat down on another chair and closed his eyes for a moment. 

"Well first there's Olivia, Our Queen, and I guess equal to Rias Gremory in terms of power. She's got kind of an Anti-heroic personality, she's devoted and driven, but also competitive. She took 4 queens to turn. But she's also kind of a Slut, and a Thot." I raised an eyebrow at this but nodded,

"Then there's Habriel, One of our two Hearts. From what I've seen she rivals Akeno in power, but she uses Shadow magic instead." Issei suddenly began to smile pervertedly, "She's really thirsty, and she's the one who took my V-card." I clapped my hands, "Back on track Issei, She seemed the most accepting out of all of you, Why's that?" I asked, Issei shook his head, "Oh right, Habriel actually has a rather unique look on Devils, She always thought of you guys as another race, a stereotype, and apparently, She's even fallen for a few. She's really Kind and sympathetic" I blinked, "Oh? Really, I thought she was Shy and quiet?" Issei nodded, "both, although she is really smart"

"Asia's" I held up a hand, "Stop, I already know about Asia, on to the next one" Issei grumbled but continued on. 

"I guess you could Say Cadriel is our version of Koneko, she took up the 3rd heart, before Asia." I nodded, "And what about Morael? Or your King?" Issei blinked, before holding up his hands, "Oh sorry, But I've never really met the King, Hell I don't even know his name, But I do know Morael is our Jack, and our only Jack at that. He uses Void and Chaos Magic in tangem with his Sacred Gear, which grants him instantly regenerated magic, an inexhaustible supply of it. But I don't really know much else, he's really cold and I guess, shadowy?" I sighed as I rolled my eyes, "That all?" Issei nodded, and I stood up, "Great, now get out of my room and let's find the kitchen."


We eventually did find the Kitchen, everyone else. And Morael. 

I stared in shock, just like everyone else, at Morael as he finished his last dish of what was easily a 12-course meal. "Holy crap" was all I could say. Issei nodded, "Holy crap indeed, Morael why are you here?" He asked, Morael looked up at us, if he was surprised he didn't show it. "I'm part of the peerage, aren't I? So I live here now" He then stood up and with a wave of his hand, all the dishes he ate from were cleaned and returned to the pantry. He then looked at all of us, "Don't you have school?" I blinked as I realized with a shock, that yes, I did indeed have school. "AH FUCK!" I shouted running off, "RIAS!! WHERE THE HELL IS MY ROOM!!"


I breathed a sigh or relief as finally, we arrived at the school gates. "Issei?! Is that you?" I heard a voice shout, Looking over I saw the Perverted Duo running over, their faces in complete disbelief. "Woah! Issei it really is you!" Glasses said, before looking behind Issei and saying, "And you've got some hot babes with you" Issei chuckled before walking over to them and saying. "Guy's, It's really great to see you, really, and I can't wait to catch up, but first things first" Issei's face turned serious, "Stay away from them, Got it?" Glasses and baldy gulped, "Uhh- Sure, Bros before hoes right?" Baldy said, Issei's smile returned, "You got that right! I'll catch up with you later, kay?" Issei said, Both Baldy and Glasses smiled and nodded running off. I walked up beside Issei, "I've gotta admit it, you surprise me, I'm proud of you Issei for protecting your friends." Issei crossed his arms and looking proud nodded, "Exactly! They're my Harem, And I don't share with anyone!" I deadpanned at Issei's words, "I take it back, you disappoint me, but that's my own fault."

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