Chapter 15: I train to master the Dragon!

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Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will.

-Frederick Douglass-

Location: Japan, Westerdyk Residance

Hunter Westerdyk

The following Weekend...

I stood on the top of an oak tree in the middle of a Green field. Raising my arm, and my sacred gear, towards a single nearby cloud.  Closing my eye's I focused on the cloud, Slowly I willed it to become a thundercloud, then... I opened my eye's as a Lightningbolt struck my hand, I smiled as I absorbed it. Sweet. But as I smiled I forgot to turn off my Lightning summon. 15 more Lighting bolts struck the ground at my feet, destroying the Oak tree branch I was on. "WOAH!" I shouted as I fell, I sprouted my wing's and tried to fly, but nothing happened and I landed on my head. My body sticking up like a flag pole from the impact "Ow..." I muttered as my leg's hit the floor. Getting to my feet I tried to figure out what happened. I sprouted my wing's and flapped, but I didn't fly? I looked at my wings, Like usual they were coming out from my shoulder blades, small but defined, and thick. I shrugged and looked at the ground before stopping. "Wait a minute", I looked back at my wing's again. "WHAT THE HELL?" I shouted looking at them, they had changed!

 "WHAT THE HELL?" I shouted looking at them, they had changed!

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{Just the wing's, They sprout out of hunter's shoulder blades. Zekrom's head is the same size as Hunter's in comparrison to the WIng's}

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY WING'S?!" I shouted looking at them in confusion. "Hunter? What's wrong?" I turned to look at Rias, Who was in a different outfit then usual.

 "Hunter? What's wrong?" I turned to look at Rias, Who was in a different outfit then usual

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I had asked Rias to help me train in mastering my Sacred Gear. Thankfully she had agreed, and while she and I were the only one's in the Field, or within sight, The rest of the Occult research club was resting up at my house. 

"My wing's are what's wrong!" I shouted in panic. "They've shrunk!" I turned around to show Rias my wings, waving them up and down as I did. "Oh, my" Rias said, looking at them. "So what the heck happened?" I said. Rias shrugged, "Well, according to legend, Zekrom's wing's were to small to fly with, I'm guessing your wing's have changed to mirror Zekrom's". I cried anime tear's, "Oh come on!" I stamped my feet in anger, "I just got the hang of flying! Now you're telling me I can't! That sucks Balls!" Rias laughed at my anger, "Now hold on, the Legends do say that Zekrom could fly" My tear's instantly stopped and I looked at Rias "How?", Rias smiled, "Apparently he could create anti-gravitational fields to fly" My jaw dropped, "So I think it's in your best interest to learn how to create and Control Anti-gravitational Fields if you want to fly again." I sighed, "you've got to be kidding me!"


It had been a couple more hour's, but still no dice. I groaned as yet again I couldn't activate Anti-Gravity, or anything reminiscant of it. "I think we need to try... different methods" Rias said cautiously as she walked up to me.

 I couldn't exactly blame her, now that I was a Dragon emperor, my temper tantrums had escalated to a whole new level, Now, like a mini Zeus, I threw lightning around when I got mad, Smiting anything that annoyed me.

"Different how?" I asked, taking deep breath's to calm down. Rias held out a hand and her Destruction magic appeared over it. "When I first learnt to channel my power, people that had the same power helped me to channel it, to control it. But Sacred Gear's, they are, different. Their power's should come Instinctually, Prehaps' instead of trying, you should let go, and allow your body to take over" Rias closed her hand and the Magic vanished. "Alright, I'll not try?"  I said, slightly confused. Rias smiled, "That's all I ask"

The next day...

I shot through the sky, faster then I ever had before. I grinned, turns out Rias' advice had been a real help, I had been trying to hard, Before everytime I unlocked a new power It would alway's come to me Instinctually, Then I would be able to use them on command, and experiment with them as well.

Shaking my head I got back to the task at hand, Looking around I spotted the Mountains that Rias said the request came from. Landing on the ground infront of a large cave I looked around. "Guess this is it" I said walking into the cave. Looking around I could see stalagmites and stalactites everywhere.

I continued my path through the cave, eventually coming across a large open area. I saw a faint glow coming from the centre, Curious I walked over. When I reached the source I saw that it was a Symbol. I frowned, standing up I decided against touching it. I didn't know what it did after all, but as I stepped backwards, suddenly a red barrier closed off all exits! 

My eye's widened, "Oh crap" I said, running up to the barrier, I reached out to touch it, but it burnt. I hissed as I withdrew my hand "Ow, what the fuck?". Gritting my teeth I summoned my sacred gear and drew my hand back. "Thunder fist" I said slamming my hand into the Barrier. But the barrier held strong, and my fist bounced off it. But that wasn't what worried me, "Where's the lightning?" I asked, I knew I had charged up before I left, there's no way I ran out! even if I did, I could just use my own magical reserves instead. Then I heard a voice. 

"It's useless, That Barrier can only be broken one way, and that's by killing me" I turned around seeing the source of the voice. 

"Who are you!" I demanded, getting into a fighting stance

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"Who are you!" I demanded, getting into a fighting stance. The Girl remained emotionless, before saying, "My name is Rin Tohsaka and..." Rin's body suddenly began to glow red, as her clothes and appearance changed.

" Rin's body suddenly began to glow red, as her clothes and appearance changed

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A red spear appeared in her hand's. "I'm here to kill you"

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now