Chapter 16: I battle a Demigod?

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Knowing to much about your future is never a good thing

-Percy Jackson, Son of Posiden-

Location: Japan, Mountain range

Hunter Westerdyk

"... And I'm here to kill you"

I looked at the girl, apparently called Rin, with wide eye's. This sucked, another person trying to kill me. But as I sensed her aura I smiled, "Sorry Rin, But you've forgotten something, I've defeated stronger then you" I held up my right hand, It was true, When I had defeated Issei, he had been stronger then Rin, although he would need a couple boosts to defeat her. Rin nodded, "That is true, but when you defeated them, you were able to channel your Lightning" My eye's widened as I remembered earlier, My lightning didn't work. "That was you?" Rin nodded, "This Barrier nullifies any Lightning magic short of a God, Face it, struggle is useless, give up, and you will have a quick and painless death" I narrowed my eye's and deepened my stance. "If you think I'm going to go down without a fight, then your wrong, Dead wrong." Rin shook her head, "I offered you a quick, painless death, but now you will die in pain"

Rin charged at me, Her spear pointed towards me. I clenched my jaw as I ran at her as well, "Dragon Claw!" I shouted channeling my Dragon magic to my hand. As my sacred Gear was coated in Draconic energy, Rin's eye's widened. I didn't smile, my face didn't change, This was a fight to the death, and I was in serious trouble. Rin's surprise quickly wore off, and she thrust her spear forward, attempting to impale me. Jumping to the side, I sliced her spear in half, as it fell to the ground it vanished. I smiled, "Can't fight without your spear can you?". Rin shook her head, and another spear appeared, "As the daughter of Athena, I don't need weapon's, I can create them myself." When I heard Rin's words my jaw hit the floor, "What? You're the daughter of Athena? You're a Demigod!?" Rin didn't respond and just ran at me. Again I charged, This time covering both of my hand's in Dragon Magic.

Rin summersalted over me, her Spear turning into two Swords. Spinning around I managed to deflect one of her blades, but only one. I growled in pain as one of Rin's swords went through me, Luckily it wasn't that wide and didn't cause much damage, but it went through my stomach. I swung my claw's at Rin, who jumped away, out of reach. "It's only a matter of time now, Give up" She said. I yelled as I ran at her, losing all composure as I tried to rip her to shreds. I lunged at her, my hand's swinging back and forth as she dodged each and every strike, and every time she would stab me again, and again. I would swing, miss, get stabbed and get angrier. Eventually I swiped with both hand's. Rin jumped back, out of my reach, looking at me without emotion. "give up, you have lost, and you will now die" She said as I fell to my knees. 

I was angry, no, I was beyond angry, I was furious, and with every second I could feel the Rage building. A small part of me, unchanged from the anger, tried to find the source of said anger. The stomach, or to be more precise, the Sword. It was imbued with somekind of angering magic. For some, they would try to fight against the fury others would lock it away. They would try to control it. But as I looked at Rin, my anger overflowed, and I let it.

Opening my mouth, I roared, My voice shook the mountain itself, and carried for miles. I looked at Rin, my eye's glowing Red. A Red aura erupted from me, taking the form of a Dragon. "OUTRAGE!!" I shouted as the entire mountain shook from my power. Rin's eye's widened as she looked at me. With another yell, I shot towards her.


I shook my head, what happened?

I could feel the dragon energy fading, and infront of me, or rather under me, a defeated Rin. Her clothing was torn, she was cut in multiple places, and my foot was on her head. "I... Give, I surrender, you win" She said. I breathed in and out, I was exhausted, my throat was dry, and my Magic was almost empty. Taking my foot off of Rin's head, I realized my Clothes were torn, my Shirt was non existant, as were my shoes and socks, my pant's were the only thing remaining. With a shock I realized I was cut and injured as well, from what I could gather I went Beserk. Stepping back I realized that the area around was heavily damaged, What had I done?

"Take down the barrier" I said, Rin nodded and a moment later the Barrier vanished as if it was never there. I nodded and began to walk away, when I heard rumbling and cracking stone. Turning around I saw a large chunk of Stone right above Rin, cracking dangerously. My eye's widened as I realized that she would be squashed and killed if she didn't move. My body was moving before I could fully comprehend this. "WATCH OUT!" I shouted quickly as Rin looked at me confused, she didn't see the Roof. 

The Chunk of stone broke free and I leaped, summoning the last of my Magic to create a shield around me as I pushed Rin out of the way, But I was to slow to get out of the way myself. 

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now