Chapter 21: A Self-Obsessed Bitch

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It isn't the ups and downs that make life difficult. Its the jerks.

-Charlie Chaplin-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

The Next day

Hunter Westerdyk

I stared at Riser as he played with Rias' hair. "Lovely, the tea prepared by my Rias' Queen is most delicious" he said after taking a sip. Much to my dissapointment it wasn't poisined. Akeno bowed, "Thank you for the complement Sir" Akeno then walked away. We all stood on the other side of the opposite couch, watching as Rias sat next to Riser. 'I know I shouldn't hate him, I barely know the guy, But all of my instincts are screaming to make him drink with a straw for the next century.' I narrowed my eye's as Riser began to rub Rias' Thighs. 'Pervert' Rias stood up, "That's enough Riser, Let it go, why don't you understand? I have no intention of ever marrying you" My eye's narrowed even further. 'No intention? If Rias doesn't want to Marry Riser, something likely changed her mind, Likely he is a Jerk. Last night, Rias tried to seduce me, could he be why?' Riser held his hands up making a W. "But my darling, Riser believes your family circumstances are still such that you cannot afford to be so selfish" I rolled my eye's, so apparently he constantly refer's to himself in third person, yeah, My hate is justified now. Rias turned her head to look at Riser, "I will not bring my family to ruin. I have no intention of denying you your right to our name. However, let me be clear, my husband will be my choice" At Rias words I raised an eyebrow. 'Her choice? She doesn't want to marry Riser, and it seems that she has no choice, that can only mean that she is betrothed, Likely from her father or her Brother, this Sirzechs fellow'. "Remember, It's imperative for devils to remain pure blood, We're recovering our numbers from the last war. Both your father and Sirzechs decided on this arangement with the future of devils in mind". Rias turned away from Riser. "My Father, my brother and my whole clan made this decision because they are in to great a rush. For the final time, Riser, I will not marry you" Rias said turning back to face Riser. Standing up, Riser grabbed Rias' chin in a similar way that Lovers do. "For the final time Rias, Riser bears the reputation of the house of pheonix. Besmerching our good name is unacceptable" I stepped forward, "Enough" Riser turned his head to look at me, "Riser doesn't care if he has to incinerate everyone in this room" He turned his gaze back to Rias, "You will return to the underworld with me" Risers eye's filled with Flames as he spoke, In response Rias filled with her destructive energy, and my own began to glow dangerously. "There's no need for incineration" Grayfia said, defusing the situation for now. Riser turned to look at Grayfia. "My lady Rias, Lord Riser, As you know I'm here by order of Sirzechs, which means there will be no distruption of peace." Riser turned around and shrugged, "When told such an ominous thing by one who is known as the ultimate Queen, even Riser can become somewhat fearfull". 'I guess not sensing Grayfia's power was a smart move after all'. "My master anticipated there would be conflict of somesort, as such he has assigned me a last resort, should communication break down" Rias crossed her arm's beneath her breasts. "Yes of course he did, would you care to be a little more specific?" Grayfia looked at Riser. "My lady insists on putting her personal preferances above those of her family. She is to settle this via a rating game with Lord Riser" Rias gasped when she heard the words Rating game. 'Hold on, Didn't Sona mention something like that?' "What's a Rating game? Sona mentioned it right?". Kiba didn't look at me, "It's a game noble devils play with each other, long story short they and their servants compete in battle to determine who wins" I nodded, "Like Chess". "Exactly, It's the reason we have individual powers that were inspired by what we call Evil pieces in order to play the rating game" Akeno explained. Riser looked at Rias out of the corner of his eye "Riser has played through numerous rating games and has scored several wins for himself. Unfortunately my inexperienced Bride has never even qualified for an offical game" Rias scoffed. "He knows only mature devils are allowed to participate, so it's not as if she's had a lot of opportunity" I sighed, "Great, were at the disadvantage". "We've got more to worry about then that" Koneko said. I frowned, Great now what? "Rias, I have to ask, is this adorable group the extent of your servants. They're all you have?" Rias looked at Riser defiantly, "And so what if they are" Riser laughed, before snapping his fingers. Making another Demonic Circle appear. Just like before, It burst into flames. Revealing 15 more Girls. "Riser has 15 pieces, In otherwords, I have a complete set" 

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now