Chapter 72: Winters Fire

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Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice.

-Robert Frost-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

Hunter Westerdyk


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My eyes were wide with fear as I looked at Birn, "What? How!" I shouted in shock, "White Kyurem... The combination of the boundary and vast white gears..." Zekrom muttered, and my heart stopped, as Birn laughed, "Indeed! I killed Foral Blaze, and took his Sacred Gear, now I wield two, Ice and Fire!" I growled and charged at him, "That doesn't change a thing!" I shouted, bringing my hand back I clenched it into a fist and thrust it towards him, But as It met his head, he didn't even move. My eyes widened in shock, as Birn scoffed, "Weak" he said, before bringing his right hand back, and punching me in the stomach. 

Agony shot through my body as I coughed blood and choked on my spit. The remnants of my strength left my body, as I fell to the ground and my Balance breaker vanished. "Hunter!" Rias shouted, "Damn you!" a roar of power was heard as Rias fired Destruction magic at Birn, but he didn't even flinch as it washed over him. Then Raising his hand he said, "Burn", snapping his fingers I watched with wide eyes as a tornado of flame erupted from the ground around Rias, burning her and her clothes. Then he grabbed me by the back of my neck, and walked over to Rias, before grabbing her hair. "Pathetic," he said, before walking over to the edge and jumping over. 

As he made contact with the ground, a large dust cloud erupted, and when it faded my eyes once again widened, shock paralyzed me and fear smacked my heart in the face. Before me, all of our friends and allies were trapped in Ice chains, without even a sign of exertion, Birn tossed Rias and me next to them. I grunted in pain as I made contact with the ground, and rolled. Moments after, I felt hands pull me up, and Cold chains wrap around me, as they did, I felt my strength, or what remained of it, leave me. "Power dampening chains, impressive aren't they?" Birn said, before turning to look at everyone else. And laughed, I looked at them, and every pair of eyes was filled with fear at Birn's new form. Issei sat up, and shouted, "You better run! Morael's going to be here soon and he'll kick your ass!" at Issei's words I jolted, 'That's right, Morael he could stop this' I realized but no sooner had the flash of hope been ignited, was it extinguished as Birn laughed, before raising a hand he snapped his fingers. And the sound of footsteps and chains was heard, my eyes widened, and my heart plummetted as Morael, battered, bruised and bleeding was brought before us, and tossed to his knees. Anger flowed through me I growled, before standing up, and with a Yell I charged at Birn, "Die!" I shouted, but Birn merely raised his arm and backhanded me away easily. "Hunter!" the others screamed in panic

The air left my lungs, as I was sent rocketing away, into a nearby building that collapsed on me. 

I coughed as the dust clouded my lungs, and I gasped as I tried to fill them. And slowly I felt my blood pumping again, then the pain erupted, agonizing, cruel pain that filled my every moment, it became my existence, my companion, my only ally. 

"It's pointless to resist," Birn said, looking over to me he pointed, "Soon I will absorb the Deep Black Gear, and become the one true Dragon, After of course, I have some fun..." As Birn spoke, his voice took a more poisonous tone, more deranged. My eyes widened in shock as Birn walked toward the Chained girls, before picking up Irina. Then with a deranged laugh, he began to tear her clothes off. "No! Let go of me!" Irina screamed in panic as she struggled in the man's grip, but it was for naught. I clenched my jaw, harder and harder as I watched, I tried to move, but I couldn't, all I could do was watch the scene of horror unfold, and try to control the rage, the hatred, the loathing that raised within me, that boiled my blood and turned my vision red. "I will enjoy using you all until you break,"  Birn said, each word shook me and filled me with anger, yet I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move, I couldn't even look away, All I could do was hope that someone would stop Birn, before it was too late. "No! Let me go!!" Irinia screamed as the others yelled their protests, "Let her go!" "Don't do this!" "Please stop! Take me instead not her!!"  "Don't hurt her!" Each scream cut through me like a knife, each word a plee that I could not fulfill. Birn growled, before raising his hand and shooting fire above their heads, making them scream in fear. "Quiet! You will all get your turn" Birn said, Kuroka stepped forward, "Birn, this may be too far, you should stop" she said, but Birn looked at her, and smacked her away, "Quiet devil! Another word and you'll be next!" Kuroka's eyes widened, and she snarled, but before she could leap at Birn, Vali grabbed her neck and pulled her back, "No, We cannot beat him as we are now, I'm sorry", Kuroka turned to look at Vali, tears flowing down her face, "Let me go Vali! He's going to hurt my sister!" she tried to pull away from Vali, but he held tight, a face of Grief on his own face as well. Seeing this my eyes widened, and my jaw clenched so hard that it drew blood. Irina shook, turning she kicked Birn in the face, but it did nothing, Birn growled, "You dare to strike me? Then you'll die!" Birn shouted, bringing his arm back my eyes widened, "NO!! IRINA!!!" I screamed as he thrust his fist into Irina's stomach, blood erupted from her mouth as her body went limp. I felt a damn break within me, as Rage as hot as the sun erupted within me, boiling my blood, turning my vision red with rage. My eyes glowed Red, as Lightning crackled around me, "BIRN!! YOU'RE DEAD!!!" I roared as a Cyclone of power and thunder erupted around me.

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now