Chapter 31: Holy Sword Wielders

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You've got to flaunt the weird my friends.

-Alex Fierro, Daughter/Son of Loki-

Location: Japan, Kuoh Academy

Hunter Westerdyk

 "Very well" Summoning a Lightning Bolt, my right hand was covered with Lightning. "What?" Irina said in surprise. When the Light faded It revealed my Sacred Gear. Irina gasped "A Sacred Gear?" Irina's shock wore off quickly, much to my dissapointment. And she continued her charge, jumping she attempted to strike me with the Holy Sword. I jumped back, but her sword still cut my Clothes. 'She's fast, I'll have to be carefull' I thought as I looked at her. "Hunter, Try to avoid her direct attacks" Rias shouted. I nodded, "That's the Plan, mostly" I charged at Irina and she did the same. Bringing her Sword in a swideways cresent she attempted to slice me. But I blocked the sword of my Sacred Gear, Surprising her. "The Deep Black Gear is a Sacred Gear with defences stronger then any other. Even God cannot Destroy it, much less in a single blow!" I grinned as she looked at me. Suddenly the ground shook and I stumbled, Irina wasn't as lucky and fell over. "What the hell?" I said looking at Kiba's and Xenovia's battle. "Even after being split into seven pieces it's still this strong, I guess there's going to be a lot of carnage when I destroy all of them" Kiba said. I looked at Kiba, "Kiba? What's gotten into him?" I looked at Irina as she stood up. "Hey Xenovia, Warn me the next time you wanna destroy the ground" Irina crouched and picked up her sword. "Any way, It's about time you and I finished this game" I nodded in agreement. Before saying, "you know, Irina, You're not half bad, Unlike Xenovia over there, you didn't insult Rin, and you're kind." Irina looked at me confused, "Are you... Flirting with me? Right now? In the middle of a battle?" She said, closing her eye's and shaking her head. I grinned as she closed her eye's and I rushed at her. "Only Half Flirting." I said as I coated my Fist in Lightning and drew my fist back for a punch. Irina's eye's opened and she gasped in surprise. "Woah!" She shouted as she jumped away from me, "Not so fast!" I shouted as I continued to run at her. Eventually Irina jumped to the top of a Boulder to avoid me. "What the hell are you trying to do? Half Flirting? Are you trying to confuse me?" I smirked as I sprouted my Dragon Wings. "Yep" Placing my hand on the Boulder I activated Anti-Gravity and lifted it. "Woah!" Irina yelped as I held her over my head. I grunted as I threw the boulder away and Looked up as Irina jumped down at me. "Thank's for the Lift!" She shouted as she brought the sword down into my shoulder.

I roared in pain as I felt both the Sword and the Holy Energy chew at me. It was worse then Dohnaseek. "Hunter!" Rias shouted. Irina looked at me in surprise, "What? You should've been able to dodge that! Why didn't you?" I grinned despite the pain as I placed my Hand on her shoulder. "To do this" Irina's eye's widened as I point blank Thunder'd her. She screamed as the Lightning scorched her and coarsed through her veins. When I stopped she smelled like smoke. Falling to her knees Irina chuckled. "You've got, a will stronger then Iron" I gritted my teeth as I pulled the Holy Sword out of my Shoulder and dropped it to the ground next to her. I knew that in a prolonged fight, I could Win. But I didn't know how Powerful Irina was, nor how skilled she was. If I had failed even a single attack, she could've won. And I needed to make an impression, So I rolled the Dice and let her land a strike. "Man that fucking Hurts" I said. Rin ran over to me and I felt the familiar magic as she healed my wound. "That was reckless, Didn't you hear me? A single scratch can mean instant death, and you let Irina almost cut your arm off?" Rias scolded as she looked at me with worry, I smiled. "A life of almost is a life of never" I said. Rias chuckled. "I aknowledge Hunter Westerdyk's victory"  Irina said, My breathing evened out as Rin finished healing me. Standing up I looked down at Irina "Heal her" I said. Rin and Irina looked at me confused  "Why?" Rin asked, Irina nodded in agreement "Yeah, Why heal me? not that I wouldn't appreciate it, But I'm the enemy." I shook my head, "No, you're not, I know my enemies, and I rarely allow them to survive. Not because I want them dead. But because my enemies are those that will not change, and will oppose my Dream for the future" I held out my hand for Irina to take, "Take my Hand, you fought well" Irina smiled and blushed slightly as she took my hand and I lifted her up. Rin nodded and began to heal Irina. Once Rin was finished we heard a solid impact, we all looked and saw Kiba laying on the ground, with Xenovia standing over him. "Your only weapons are a few swords and a little speed. Not only do you lack the power to use a large sword, but in the process your sealing that speed you're so proud of. Please don't tell me you didn't realize that fact." Xenovia walked away from Kiba, "No, Wait" He said holding up a hand. "You should now only to fight when your rational, after all you are my superior" Xenovia said looking back at him. "Looks like the end. So then are you satisfied. Rias Gremory?" Xenovia asked, seeing an unharmed Irina and me still looking weak. "Yes, I'm great neither my own, nor your's were dealt with final blows" Xenovia frowned in surprise as she looked at me. "Wait, Irina did he?" Irina nodded, "Yes, Letting me drive my excalibur into his shoulder, he zapped me with a really powerful lightning attack. Defeating me." Xenovia's frown deepened, "But why are you?" "Healed?" I said. "Because I asked Rin to heal her." Xenovia scoffed and began to walk away. "Just out of curiosity," Rias said, making Xenovia stop and look at her "did you find out which Fallen Angel was guilty? Of stealing the swords I mean" Xenovia looked back at Rias. "We know who was behind it yes, The leader of the Greekedi, named Kokabiel" I frowned, "Who are the Greekedi?" Akeno looked at me, "Fallen Angels, It's a group of them who are also known as the ones who watch over the children of God" "The two of you are after a leader class? are you planning to die?" Rias asked. "We do what we must to defend the holy swords. I am willing to trade my life to annahilate them" Irina walked up beside her. "We understand the danger. There's already been one casualty. A priest that came to town ahead of time to check things out was killed" "I know who killed him. Freed Selzeen" I frowned at Kiba's words. "Who's Freed?" "Really the stray priest did?" Rias said in surprise. "Hello? Who's Freed?" I asked. "I happened to be there when the Priest was murdered. And Freed definetly had a holy Sword" Kiba said. 'Okay, just ignore the Dragon Emperor' 'No respect' "Interesting it was a stray priest. At least we know what we're up against" Xenovia said. Kiba looked at her out of the corner of his eye. "I appreaciate the information you've shared, but don't involve yourselves further in our affairs. We'll take our leave" Xenovia said walking away. "Hold on, Wait for me Xenovia" Irina said. "Well anyway, this has been such fun. Hunter I'll be here to fight you anytime" Irina said cheerfully before following Xenovia. I smiled lightly, 'Irina Shidou, she could be a good Friend. If not then a valuable Allie.' 'Did you just consider making a Friend with a lowly Mortal?' 'Yes, Zekrom, I Did, and If we meet again, and I have my way, she won't be a lowly Mortal forever'

Timeskip, Shortly After:

"Where are you going Kiba?" I sat down on the edge of a couch in the research club, and watched as Kiba stood infront of the door. "You do realize I will never permit you to leave me. Remember you are a knight of the house of Gremory" "I know president, and I'm sorry" Kiba said, opening the door and leaving. "Kiba" Rias said. "Great, He left" I said sarcastically. "Oh Kiba, why now?" Rias said. I frowned, 'He's going to need help'

*TO BE REVAMPED!!* The Black Dragon Emperor of WillWhere stories live. Discover now