Chapter 25: Thunder Burns The Pheonix

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The question isn't who's going to let me. It's who's going to stop me.

-John Wick-

Location: ???

Hunter Westerdyk

I held Koneko in my arms as I looked at Yubelluna, the one responsible for the state she was in. "Damn you Yubelluna!" I shouted in anger. Yubelluna chuckled as she looked down on me, further infuriating me. "I'm sorry" Koneko said weakly. Tearing my gaze from Yubelluna I looked at Koneko, "Hold on Koneko". " I just- I just wanted to serve Rias well" Koneko said weakly. "Don't worry, We'll get Rin, she'll heal you". But as I finished my sentance, Koneko was enveloped in Blue Magic, and she began to grunt from it. "No, Hold on, You're not-" I stopped as Koneko vanished in my arms. Yubelluna laughed. "One of Lady Rias' Rooks, Retired" Grayfia's voice said. I stood up, my eye's glowing Red. "Damn it! You Killed Koneko! I'm Going to rip you Limp From Limb!" I shouted. "Calm down Hunter, When someone can no longer fight. They're transported to a more appropriate location where they they're treated for their injuries. Koneko is not dead, You need to try and Focus" My anger faded, but not completely, at Rias' words. "It's time to give up the fight little Boy. No matter how hard you struggle, you won't win, You can't win" Yubelluna said, pointing her axe at me. I growled, ready to beat her into smitherines. But Akeno floated infront of us, "Well this is exciting", "Akeno" I said looking at her. "Hunter, I can take care of this trash, you go on ahead okay? Oh and don't worry, I'll make sure she pays." I gritted my teeth, taking a deep breath. "Make me pay? How exciting" Yubelluna said as Akeno turned back to her, A yellow aura surrounding her  "I'll be fine Hunter, Just go". I growled, "Fine, But you better not lose" I began to Run towards our meeting point with Kiba. "Three of Lord Risers Pawns, Retired" Grayfia's voice said. "Three? I guess Kiba won then" No sooner had I finished my sentance, a hand shot out of the shadows and pulled me towards it. "Hey" Kiba said. I grinned, "You seem to be in one piece, I guess you did that?". Kiba smiled and nodded, "Yeah, thanks to akeno's barrier, she made it pretty easy for me." I followed Kiba to a place more secretive. "I assume you know about Koneko" I said. "Yeah I heard, none of us knew how close she was to her limit. she was really on fire today. I'm sure she was dissapointed though" Kiba said, looking down. I nodded, "It doesn't matter how, but we Will win this, I swear on my life". Kiba smiled at my words. "Yeah, you're damn right we are". "Kiba, Hunter, Do you read me?" Kiba's smile fell as Rias spoke. "I'm planning a sneak attack on their base with Rin, I want you to draw as many of the enemy away from the enterance as you can to by us time." I held my hand up to the side of my head, "That doesn't sound safe" I said. "I don't have a choice, I was planing to give Akeno time to recover so she can blast them one by one, But now, Riser sent his queen, so I need her focus there" Kiba stepped forward, "Yes of course, But don't you think It's to risky to have the King leave the Base?" "With any luck, Riser will be thinking along the same lines, heres helping I can take him by surprise, If we can strike him strong and hard enough, we just might be able to take the fight out of him and Win, his body may be immortal but his heart is not, and trust me, I will have no problem what-so-ever breaking that Devils black heart". I sighed, "Well, I know when People won't budge, and when to apply force, I may not like it, But it's one of the best plans we have left, Lets go beat the crap out of some spoiled brats". Kiba smiled, "Balls to the wall my friend"

Kiba and I ran into a large open space, the oval. "Oi! Cock Suckers! We know you're out there! Show a bit of courage and face us!" I shouted. My words were met with feminine laughter. A wind erupted and kicked up some dust. "I am Karmaline. A knight in the service of Lord Riser, To be perfectly honest, requesting to be attacked by us makes me question your sanity, although, Far be it for me to refuse an idiot his reckoning!" Karmaline said, drawing her sword and it burst into flames. Kiba walked forward, "I am Kiba Yuuto, A knight in the service of Lady Rias. I sure hope you're ready!" Kiba drew his sword and smiled almost vilainously, "I've been looking forward to battling another knight, Can't wait to get started" "Very well said, En-Garde Knight of Rias Gremory!" Karmaline shouted as she charged at Kiba. I watch as the pair battled and turned into blur's. "Not bad, Though It would be rude to get in the middle of it" I said looking at them. "plus you'll be busy" I turned my head and saw the Red head with a mask step out from behind a Bush. "Oh, that karmaline" I again turned my head to face the source of the other voice, "Her head is filled with nothing but sword, sword, swords. It's freaking ridiculous. She was way to bothered by those other pieces we sacrified two. You ask me I think she needs to get it together" I narrowed my eye's, I recognized her, it was the girl who called me a barbarian! I looked around as another Girl began to approach me. "And now, Right when I think I've found a cute boy, Turns out he's a sword freak two" 3 more girls appeared. It was the rest of Riser's peerage. "Guess this just isn't my lucky day now is it?" Short stack looked at me in disdain, "And what am I even looking at? Lady Rias has the worst taste in boy's" I growled "You better watch you mouth girl, or I'll have to punish you" 'Oh crap, I just sounded like Akeno' I pointed my fist at her, "Deep Black Gear!" I shouted as my sacred gear came into existance. "Please, don't point that thing at me. I have no intention of fighting you" She said, holding up a hand and looking away. "excuse me?". She looked back at me,  "Isabella" she called. White mask walked forward, "My name is Isabella and I'm a rook in the service of honourable Lord Riser pheonix. Prepare yourself to fight, Pawn of Rias Gremory!" Isabella shouted, charging at me. I narrowed my eyes, as Lightning began to crackle. 

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