10. Worth It

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Inspired by Elizabeth and Will's marriage scene in PotC. Cus im a big pirate whore and they were my gay awakening.


It was a flurry. A riot. A raid. A mess. Any word you'd use to describe complete disorder. Sirius was in the midst of it all.

Like the eye of a hurricane, Sirius is the centre of all catastrophe. He looks to his right and there was James and Lily standing back to back. Once he makes out they're safe, he looks for his own Lily.

Remus was not too far ahead. He was a skilled duelist whose steps are always calculated. As if the battleground was a huge chess board and he was the knight.

"Moony !"

The man turns his head for a split second. "Pads ?"

"Checking if you're still alive." Sirius laughs.

Unlike Remus, Sirius' dueling style is more... spontaneous. Perhaps 'spontaneous' is one of the only words that could properly explain what Sirius was. He surprised his opponent, never giving off his next move.

Sirius taunts his enemy. Pulling and pinching on their patience. He dances around them, devilishly, like a spark hopping from one wood to another. It works though. If he plays with the right words, the Deatheaters get angry and lose their touch.

Sirius catches up to where Remus was. Leather jacket bound back hitting Remus' shirt.

"How's the weather down there?" Remus asks airily as a Deatheater drops.

"Haha very funny. Not my fault you're taller than the Astronomy Tower." Sirius bites back.

"Duck !" Remus warns just in time for him to shout a protection bubble over Sirius.

"I'm a dog, not a duck." Sirius whirls to finish the assailant off.

"Shit, Marlene's down."

Sirius glances over Remus' shoulder. The witch was leaning weakly against a broken wall. His decision is made.

Sirius pulls Remus down for a kiss. It's not the time, Sirius is well aware, but you never know. They break apart and suddenly everthing was alright.

"Go. I'll cover you." Sirius pushes him away. "Hate to see you leave but love to watch you go!"

Remus flips him off and he runs, throwing spells to his side, to where Marlene was. Sirius cracks his neck.

Oh he's definitely asking Remus for a shoulder massage after this.

"Let's dance, shall we ?" He winks at a masked dark wizard.


"Oh don't give me that look Lupin." Marlene hisses.

"Shut it, c'mon I'll carry you."

Marlene gives Remus her arm. "If I go down, I'll be going down on my own feet."

Remus hooks it over his neck. "Yeah ? You look like you won't make it after 2 steps."

"You kidding ?! I'm as.." The witch violently cough. "..fresh as a daisy."

The taller rolls his eyes. Be damned if Marlene charms his socks to always be wet next week, he's carrying this woman to safety.

"Yeah sure, a dying daisy with like 2 petals left on its disc."

Marlene rolls her eyes. "Just apparate me to the healers, I'll be fine."

Remus nodds and follows her wishes. The healer tent wasn't any better. The best hands were working left and right. They look sickly pale, anticipating more injured fighters.

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