75. I'll Go

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Inspired by that wedding scene from Crazy Rich Asians. Cus if i dont get married like that, i ain't getting married at all



The boy looks up from the bouquet he's arranging. "Yes Miss Evans ?"

Lily smiles smugly, wiggling her left hand's fingers. Where a giant diamon ring sat. "Soon to be Mrs. Potter."

Remus rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah. What's up ? By the way, the bouquet's almost ready."

The red haired girl didn't want to ask about that. She's sure her flowers are in capable hands. There was a bigger question on her mind. The reason why she came over to the Black-Lupin apartement for brunch in the first place.

"Would you.. want to uhhh.. walkmedowntheaisle ?"

Remus blinks. He suddenly remembers Sirius and his tendency to rap (surpassing Eminimen he's sure) whenever he's nervous.

"Lils, honestly mate, I don't know what the hell you just said."

Lily takes a deep breath. "Would you walk me down the aisle Re ?"

Remus almost drops the bouquet. He pushes it further on his work table and turns to face the bride.

"Are you serious ?"

Before Lily opens her mouth.

"Let me rephrase that. Are you sure ?"

Remus knows how immature his friends could get. All thanks to his corny boyfriend. He loves his corny boyfriend though so he'll deal with it.

"Yes. Yes ! My dad he'd.." Lily diverts her eyes. "He'd want you to walk with me."

Remus pulls her into a warm hug. "You can count on me. I'll be the best bride walker in the universe."



Sirius watched from their dressing table as Remus frantically runs around, suit jacket half worn. His brown hair is a nest, his tie is somewhere under the bed and he's missing a shoe. Sirius bites down a chuckle at his boyfriend's state.

Remus had practiced tons of times. He perfected his walk and even joined Lily when they rehearsed the wedding 2 weeks ago. But right now, on the day, Remus' nerves is making his eye twitch. And where is his fucking tie !?

"Re.." He hears Sirius call him.

"Mon Loup, come here will you ?"

Remus stops his pacing and looks up. In Sirius' hand was the very tie he's looking for. Sighing, he comes over to where Sirus was.

"Merlin, I'm so.. so.. uh.." Remus massages his temples. "Yeah."

Sirius smiles, eyes crinkling with endearment.  "Let me help."

Remus nodds, standing still so Sirius could loop the tie around his neck and fix it into a properly tied tie. He could've easily tapped his wand and the tie would magically tie itself but Sirius enjoys doing this for his boyfriend. Meanwhile, Remus watches quietly, letting his brain shut down at the beautiful sight.

Unlike himself, Sirius was already dressed up.  He's wearing a black suit to compliment Remus' white. His ebony hair isn't styled in a particular way but it always looked perfect on him. Or maybe he's just too enamoured to think otherwise.

Sirius was scolding him about something. Telling Remus if he continues to pace and move around, his shirt's going to get wrinkled. After the tie was done, Sirius reaches up with a comb and neatly does Remus' hair.

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