23. Remus to Sirius

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I sat on the dinner table, minding my own business. Sometimes taking a handful of biscuits to keep me distracted and focused at work. Distracted at what you may ask.

At Remus of course.

He's seated a few steps away from where I am. Ever since we renovated the house to have a window seat, he'd baptized that spot as his. Remus reads, writes, grades, sleeps, eats and paints there.

It is a good spot. Always bright and warm from the sun that filters through it. A fitting place for Remus, who is also bright and warm.

Watching him under that light, I'm reminded again of how beautiful he is. Even when he's frowning at whatever plot twist that's happening, he's so, so, so beautiful.

Starting from his hair. He's alway told me that my hair was better, I think that's bullshit. Remus has the curliest brown hair I've ever seen. When the sun hits him just right, they turn a shade redder. Almost strawberry blonde.

I know for sure, if I ran my fingers through them right now, it'll feel like petting a dandelion. I'm still waiting for the moment he'll let m dye it. I think matching black hair would look cool on him.

Then it's his face. God, he annoys me so much with that splendid face of his.

From here, you can't really see it, but his eyes are like chocolate. It made so me confused when I helped filling in his ID information. Clearly writing down "honey" in the eye color coloumn wasn't acceptable. There aren't many ways to describe Remus' eyes.

But what I love the most about his eyes, is when they're looking at me. Showering me in the same sunlight that bathed him. He doesn't have to tell me about love because I see it in his eyes everyday.

His lips are equally tempting. Sometimes he brings his fingers to his lips before flipping the page of the newspaper. At those times, I forget what I'm doing. He knows about that too. I rant and groan about it to him. Remus could also tell from the amount of times he had to heal my hand after spilling hot coffee on it.

I mean he knows I get distracted easily. Not my fault he's being a deliberate tease every God damn day. So each time he does the lip-finger-page thing, I roll up my newspaper and wack him. Can't have me sinning in the morning, no sir.

I could talk forever about his lips. Lovely and anything but holy. The things he could do with them.... I'd rather not elaborate.

"Pads ?"

I got shaken out of my thoughts. "Yeah ?"

"Wanna go for a walk ? The weather's nice out."

I grin instantly. He must've caught what my smile meant because he quickly said, "In human form please."

Again, not my fault he was standing near a puddle on our last walk and I so happen to jump on it. Wow, coincidence am I right ?

I reach my hand for Remus to take and we head out the door. Naturally, Remus was right about the weather. It was just right.

The gusts of wind keeping us cool but the warm enough to go without coats. When we hit the concrete, Remus lets my hand go. Before I could protest, he swings it over my shoulder. That shuts me up automatically.

"Look, the flowers in bloom today."

This man is unbelievable. He'd just made my legs turn into jelly and now he's talking about some flower ?

Remus stops by a tree and easily plucks a white blossom for one of its lower branches. It must be nice being up there. I can't relate. He slips the flower behind my ear. Once he's smoothed my hair back neatly, he smiles, satisfied with his addition.

"A pretty flower for my pretty flower." He says.

I pull my turtle neck higher up my face. What's with him and making me flustered today ? Remus' smile turns into a malicious one. That git.

"Wipe that smirk off yer face Wolf." I chid, pushing his face away from mine.

He guffaws and steals a kiss. "So cute." He says before taking me under his arm again.

We walk. Following the street as it winds through the sleepy city. Flower petals litter the ground, some blown over in the air above.

Aside from his lovely face, Remus has got better hands. Believe me, I've tried them myself.

When we're side by side like this, he usually hold my hand. When he's deep in thought, my hand is his rubik's cube. When our hands are clasped together, it is the most natural thing in the world.

Right now his arms rest around my waist, guiding me through the streets and pedestrians. Remus once said he likes me close to him. At first, I thought what he meant by that was when I am near him, presence wise. Apparantly he meant it literally.

I'm not complaining either way.

"Ah it's a little windy." Remus says shivering.

He turns to me, rubbing my side. "Are you cold sunflower ?"

"I'm standing cheek to cheek with a walking furnace, I don't think I'll ever be cold." I lean on him even more.

Remus grazes his lips on my temple. "That means you're not allowed to be far from me yeah ? For health purposes."

He's such a romantic. I roll my eyes at that. Who knew shy Lupin had that tongue ? 3rd Year Sirius would've laughed at your face if you said Remus was like this.  A man who could turn you inside out with a few words.

We turn a corner and decide we should go home before the sky darken. Our steps were in sync as we quickly retraced out route.

He swings our hands. At the third swing, I let go and stop walking.

"Padfoot !" Remus yells for me. I drowned his voice.

I admire him. I always have. Since our younger days, I like holding my steps back. Just to watch him walk ahead, sweeping me away with each stride. In those days, when we barely knew what the world had in store for us, I already knew that I wanted to spend my life with him.

I remember running up to Remus after finishing that thought. I snatched his hand and held it tight because I was sure of him. I might be named after a star but he was more of a light than I was, a light I won't ever let go.

"Hey, Pads ! It's getting dark !" Remus calls for me again.

This time I answer. I run to him. Run to the light at the end of the tunnel. I hit his firm chest covered in soft fabric. Circling his waist, I closed my eyes happily.

He must've been surprised because it took him a few seconds to hold me. His palm runs up and down my back, tracing the S shaped bone.

"What wrong Little Star ?" Remus whispers by my ear.

"Nothing." I mumbled against his collar. "I just love you, that's all."

"Damn Black. You got my heart fluttering like a 15 year old."

I pull away and I see my love looking down at me. He tucks my hair behind my ear, right under the white flower.

"Do you want to cook instant noodles and sleep in ?" He asks.

I find myself falling in love all over again. I link my arm in his. "That sounds like a plan."

And that's Remus to me. A man I admire, I love, I worry for. He's the most annoying, insufferable, silent flirt I've ever met. He whispers the most obscene things in my ear while he smiles like the "cute Lupin boy" he is.

A wolf in sheep's skin I tell you.

(I'm giving myself a pat on the back for that line)

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