60. Better Than Me ?

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I felt bad for the last chapter so heres sum sexual tension

Also, inspired by that tiktok trend


Sirius spins the pencil in his hand as he watches the wretched man make his points.

Remus sees the look in his eyes and inwardly, he smirks victoriously. He knows the professor will favor his argument now.

Sirius' tongue pokes the insides of his cheek. Ugh. Can this human get any more annoying ? First, he's always one up-ing Sirius academically. Second, he's such a know it all. Last, and the worst part, he's beautiful.

"So, to conclude my rebuttal, the first amendment did change the course of history. This is a fact that team A," Remus raises an eyebrow at Sirius who snaps the pencil in half. "Chooses to overlook."

The students watching lean forward in interest. This whole time, they had their heads turning from one side to another as if they were watching a tennis match. The audience were divided in half. Partly to Sirius, the charming debater with a quick mind and a sharper tongue. Another to Remus, the calm and collected force to be reckoned with.

It doesn't help they're both pleasing to the eye.

Sirius, unable to contain his annoyance for the so called smarty pants, rises to continue his argument. Just then, the professor steps in.

"That was an exceptional debate from both sides but unfortunately our time is up. We can continue this next session on Tuesday."

The lecture hall erupted with rustling. Students shove their notes and books in their bags and hurried to leave. Of course, Sirius and Remus' names were on everyone's lips.

The professor claps them on their shoulders. "Now boys, I'm impressed with your performance today. I think you both earn extra points for this topic."

Neither of them were listening.

Sirius wanted to wipe that smirk of Remus' face. That stupidly, annoying face he wants to punch so badly. To punch with his lips, slowly.

The taller stands there, proud and tall. His shoulders square and both hands in his pockets. He wanted to laugh at Sirius because of how readable he is. The latter was like a 5 page story book to Remus. He can think he's all mean tattoes, leather and attitude but Remus knows he means nothing of it.

"Thank you professor, see you next week." Remus says before sauntering out.

The hallways were a lot quieter now since most of the students were either in class or loitering outside. The emptiness made Sirius' footsteps, or stomping, louder.

Remus' smile grows with every step that comes nearer. He didn't have to wait long for a hand to whirl him around and push him to the nearest wall. His back lands with a thud.

"How's the weather down there Black ?"

Sirius' grip on his collar tightens. "Worse that you're infecting it."

Remus lets out a chuckle. From his point of view, Sirius was like an angry chihuahua.

"Uh huh. So what are you gonna do about it ?" He leans his face lower, nose almost ALMOST brushing against Sirius'.

The smaller avoids the question.

"You're a pebble in my shoe Lupin. Why'd you have to volunteer to debate against me ?" Sirius scolds him. "I could've gotten a higher mark if it weren't for you."

"Admit it Sirius, you enjoyed it. Finally up against someone your size." Remus pretends to gasp. "Not literally though."

Sirius wanted to crumple him like paper. He lets Remus' collar go and walked off. Obviously, not before cussing him.

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