61. Grow a Boyfriend

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Sirius has been single for a good couple of years now.

Yes, I know, not so like him.

After a particularly bad break up, Casanova decided to stop his adventures. He stepped back and worked on himself as he waits for another chance. Hopefully, a better one.

Cue James, the bestfriend. The bro. The annoying little dipshit.

"Thanks Brocolli Head." Sirius shoves him.

James cackles away, throwing a careless arm over Regulus' shoulder. Meanwhile the others were busy devouring party food, James had presented Sirius the perfect birthday gift.

"D.I.Y. Boyfriend ?" Sirius sends a disbelieving look.

In his hands was a tiny plastic box, similar to a kid's figurine. The only striking feature on the box was "Expands in Water !" written in bold red letters. Sirius was reminded of those dinosaur toys you soak in water and wait for it to grow.

"I got the one's just your type !" James laughs. "Like the nerdy boys don't ya ?"

Sirius rolls his eyes. "I'll get you back for this."

Indeed he will.


Sirius comes home that night with a tired smile. His friends were there to spice up his birthday, they got to play games and shove James into the pool. What more could he possibly want ?

The emptiness of his apartment contrasted the environment he was in mere minutes ago. To be frank, there is something he'd like.

Sirius reaches into his pocket and finds the plastic box. He scoffs, putting it on his shelf for good memories' sake then continues his merry way.

Each day, he passes by the shelf. When he's grabbing his keys, his knuckles would brush on the box and Sirius would ignore it. When he's taking the TV remote behind it, his hands would accidentally brush on the box.

He tries TRIES to ignore it. But he's in his mid 20s and he's lone- Single ! Sirius prefers the term "single".

Until one saturday night spent at home, Sirius takes a good look at the damn box. Should he try it ? It's not like it'll actually turn into a human. A mini figure at best.

Huffing in defeat, Sirius takes the box and stomps to his bathroom. He reads the instructions on the back before ripping it to take the tiny doll out.

His supposed "boyfriend" had brown curly hair. He was dressed like a typical nerd;  a thick sweater and comfy pants that matched his hair.

With the doll in his hand, Sirius reads his next step.

"Fill in with 3 litres ? God, my water bill !"

Still, Sirius fills the tub with the amount of water. The next step was to put the doll in and wait for 8 hours.

"Might as well get some sleep while we're at it."

Sirius turns to look at the floating doll in his bathtub one last time. He chuckles to himself at how stupid this whole thing was.

"Pshh whatever. Guess I'll have a bath tomorrow."

With that, he closes the bathroom door, thinking this was definitely a weird prank from James.


The next morning, Sirius goes on his usualy routine. Fill up his coffee maker, water the plants, play some music and brush his teeth.

"Right. The boyfriend."

A grin makes its way to Sirius' lips. Thought his expectations were low, he was excited regardless. James would be delighted at the sight of his Annabelle doll sized "boyfriend".

He turn the knob, swings the door open and stops. His breathing, logic, thoughts ? All gone.

The "boyfriend" was very much alive. Matter of fact, he was standing naked, save for the towel around his waist. Water droplets dripped down his chest as steam bellowed behind him. His hair damp from the bath.

Sirius' jaw dropped, staring up at the man.


Sirius had closed the door again.


Hellow everyone, this is a short chapter because I'm actually expanding this oneshot into its own independent story.

If you're interested in reading Wolfstar in this universe, head on to the book on my works under the same title !

Danke shön, bis bald ♡♡

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