79. Why ?

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I had inspiration, i just need to get this outta my head. Inspired by the song Supermassive Black Hole by Muse ♡

C/W: lemon, smut, sausage through a doughnut, friends with benefits, jealous trope, possesiveness and claiming but they both like it, they Fuckin, that's all *drops mic*


Remus sipped his glass of champagne peacefully.

Or that's how he thought he seemed; keeping his peace. Over the glass, his brown eyes gazed piercingly at his date dancing with the other drunkards. He sighs, half annoyed at his predicament.

Remus wasn't the type to go out till the AMs on a Saturday night. He'd rather stay home and recharge before the horrors of Monday roll in. But last night, Sirius had called him.

No, not for a fuck.

Not this time at least.

"Remus, my buddy's getting married and they told me to bring a date."

The taller had rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. Sirius is cute when he's whining.

"And ?"

An impatient huff. "Will you go as my date ?"

Then, I guess you can tell what Remus' answer was. He really can't say no to Sirius.

Now they were in the after party, only the couple's closest friends and their dates in a rented out club. Remus was indulging in the delicious nibbles prepared while Sirius indulged his inner demons and swayed on the dancefloor.

Remus knows what he's doing, the little minx. The drunks don't realize that Sirius wasn't interested in them when he graces them for a dance. His eyes teases all the way to where Remus stood. A smirk playing on his lips.

Jealousy is a trait unsuitable for friends with benefits and yet jealousy is boiling in Remus' veins this very second. If he held the champagne glass any harder, he's sure it'll break.

Sirius had moved on to his next victim, head still turned to Remus' direction. He stays coy. Afterall, it's a game they both like to play. Sirius ruffles Remus' jealous feathers, he snaps, then they go fuck it out.

It may look like that on the surface but Sirius was hoping he'd get a reaction. The truth is, he'd fallen in love with Remus and was confused on how to get out of their FWB cycle. Remus jealous-fucking him was as close as Sirius could get to a claiming.

Sirius unbottons his shirt, sighing about the heat. From the distance, Remus catches a glimmer and he knew exactly what it was, his necklace. He's been looking for the item ever since the last appointment with Sirius.

He thought he'd misplaced it and the "R" pendant necklace is now gone in Sirius' apartment. Now he knows, it hangs snugly on Sirius' collarbones. Some part of him is pleased. That's his name on Sirius. As if to say "he's mine, back off".

Remus didn't need to do that though because as soon as the drunks get too touchy, Sirius pushes himself away. Getting closer and closer to Remus.

C'mon... snap!, Sirius taunted.

Sighing through his nose, Remus sets his glass down. He rolls his sleeves and heads to where Sirius was to collect him. Enough is enough.

An arm circles itself around Sirius' waist, pulling him back against a hard chest. Remus puts both hands on either side of him. Successfully playing it off as dancing.

"You seem to be having fun." He whispers to Sirius' ear.

"So much fun. They sure know how to move me."

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