30. Do You Get Deja Vu ?

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Thank you to @slytherinhousehoe for the brilliant idea !


Remus wonders who'll come visit him next. So far it's been a steady stream of his dear friends. James, Lily and Arthur, to name a few. He stretches his arms, feeling the hospital gown slide as he reaches up. Remus feels better already.

The werewolf hears a small knock. Guessing it might be another healer, he calls them in. It wasn't a healer but a strikingly handsome young man. He could tell he's clearly not here to make him drink another nasty potion from the worn leather jacket and chunky boots.

"Oh, hello ?" Remus greets. Who might this be ?

"Moons ! You're alright!" The man smiles.

Remus couldn't help but smile back. He must be one of Prong's friends, the fact that he knows James' nickname for him.

"Hey, do I know y-"

The man skids on the white tile floors to squish him in a  hug. "Quit playing Moony. It's me !"

Remus fails to form words. He awkwardly pats this stranger's back. "I would definitely remember a beautiful person such as you."

Black haired man slaps his shoulder lightly. "You've always been a sweet talker ! But seriously, c'mon drop it. It's Padfoot ! I know you're pranking me."

Someone clears his throat. The Potter was back.

"James, mind introducing me to this pretty boy ?" Remus winks.

The man roll his eyes as he pulls away. Remus could see a blush flourishing on his cheeks. Maybe he does have a chance with him. He'll make James spill every detail about this mysterious Padfoot once he's out.

"Sirius, can I talk to you ?"

James doesn't radiate the same sunshine he usually does. Seeing the dimming light, Remus grows worried. Should he remember this Sirius ?

Sirius... Sirius... he sounds familiar. 

Remus locks eyes with Sirius again. He notices the light colored irises and the eyeliner and the thick eyebrows.

He certainly looks familiar.

Suddenly, Remus sees flashes of the same eyes. Squeezing as if Sirius was squinting. Then half lidded like he had just woke up or was about to fall asleep. Finally, closed eyes. Remus could count his lashes if he tried.

The weight lifts off his bed and Sirius bids him a "See you later" with a kiss on his forehead. Remus wishes the later would come soon.



"You might find difficulty in sequencing timelines, retaining new memories and recalling tiny details like dates or names or time. You might also think in a slower rate but don't worry, that'll re-sharpen. You might forget certain people," The healer says, Remus' report in her hand.

Remus finds that unbelievable.

"But I remembered every person who visited me. I remember what the Deatheater did to me. My mission was a trap but I'm not obliviated."

The healer fixes her glasses. "There is one person you forgot."

"Sirius ? I just met him today."

She glances to James. Remus follows the stare.

"What ?"

The healer quickly defused the situation. She tells Remus he could leave St. Mungo's by the end of today, packed her healer kit then left. Remus turns to James again.

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