55. Prison Break

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Inspired by that one scene from Banana Fish. RIP Ash


The sound of the warden's baton rings through the hall. It drags in the cell bars, shocking anyone inside. All except one.

Sirius Black is used to this. When he was caught, again, the mob boss saunters in prison. He fistbumps his old officers and slap his old inmates' backs.

A wolf whistle comes from his left as Sirius passes followed by a melodic chorus of "Black~". He turns momentarily to the girls, sending them a polite wave and a mischievous wink. Naturally, they swoon. (Even the older ladies who could snap your neck in 2).

The newer officers could only stare. Their minds frantically matches the "King of Crime Sirius Black", known for his strategic operations and this Sirius Black, a charmer and an all around friendly guy. The only logical restraint from chatting Black up was the lengthy criminal record they read before he arrived.

Sirius sighs in content when he sees the cell on the far end of the hall.

"Home sweet home huh ?" The officer next to him chuckle.

"Nah, this is only temporary." Sirius smirks. "Did you keep my decor ?"

The officer knew he was referring to the paintings hung and kepts there. The officer unlocks the cuffs then the cell door. "Yeah, head officer didn't bother touching it. We knew you'd be back anyways."

"Right you are." Sirius smiles.

No inmate has looked as calm nor happy as Sirius is in prison. The officer shrugs it off, thinking it's just his personality. Sirius goes in without a fight and the man leaves him to it.

"Also, officer... John !" Sirius' smile grew similar to his fans, whipped.

"Oh you remind me of my husband. Anyways, I'm scheduled to meet him today right ?"

"Yeah, at 2. That's in 6 more hours." The officer points to the giant clock. "Sit tight Black."

Without further suspicion, the officer heads back to his station. His job was to monitor this floor's inmates through CCTV. Nothing tough, most of these prisoners are either complete newbies or terribly skilled. Strategic placement to avoid collaboration.

They just haven't met Sirius Black.

"Are you.. The Sirius Black ?" A young man asks him.

"I don't see anyone else with that name." Sirius laughs.

Sirius subtly analyzes him. He looks fairly young, bright blue hair. He's tall. Almost lanky. Sirius smiles a little. It seems like verything reminds him of Remus today.

"How old are ya kid ?" He asks, lighting a cigarette. "Want one ?"

"No thanks." The boy declines. "I'm 23."

Sirius doesn't judge. Not everybody gets to have the safe life. Sometimes, you're plunged in the world of crime without you knowing. This young man might just need a little push.

"Got a name ?"


"Teddy what ?"

The boy didn't want to answer. Choosing to glare at the concrete beneath his feet.

"Nevermind. I don't associate myself with the Blacks either."

Sirius takes a deep drag.

"Something tells me, you won't be here for long." Teddy says quietly.

Sirius shrugs, he leans closer with a dangerous smirk. "And ? What if I get out of here ? Wanna come with me ?"

Teddy's eyes widened for a bit. Sirius smiles. The kid's really just a kid huh ?

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