47. Gold

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Lowkey Yuri On Ice vibes. Cus I had a vision of Sirius with Viktor's long hair.


"I'm not using the penguin."

"You're gonna use the penguin."

Remus scoffs. "I don't need the bloody penguin."

Karma bites his ass by making him almost fall backwards not 2 minutes later.

"That's exactly why you need the bloody penguin."

Remus glares at the plastic black bird with great distaste before sighing at Sirius. "Y'know I could've dated a commoner. Why'd I have to go, fall in love with an Olympic figure skater, and now have to use a dumb penguin skating guide designed for kids ?"

Sirius laughed sweetly, going on the tips of his skates to give him a kiss. "Because you love me."

Remus pinches the Black's nose. "That I do."

Finally touching the penguin, he looks determinedly at Sirius, who in turn watches him fondly. How he wishes he had his phone with him right now, Remus looked so cute !

"C'mon Olympian, teach me how to skate."


Peter takes pride knowing he was the one who got them together. If it wasn't for his continuous nagging at his 2 friends, they wouldn't have went ice-skating with him that faithful day.

James had relatively ok skating skills. Having spent many summers on in-line skates, he didn't find much difference on ice. Pair that with Peter, who grew up with a frozen pond next to his house, they were fine on their own. So of course, the idea of an ice-skating day out wasn't bad for them.

But terrible for Remus.

Remus spends all his winters staring out the window to the local kids skating nearby, thanks to his frail body. He tried sneaking out once but, well, that didn't end exactly great for him.

"S'alright Moons." Peter hands him his gloves. "We'll teach ya."

James spins around in circles on the ice. "We're lucky the rink's kinda empty right now. Heaps of room to fall."

Remus looks at him fearfully. James shakes his head chuckling while he helps Remus to his feet. "You have insurance, don't sweat it."

That clearly didn't comfort Remus one bit. As much as he's afraid, there's the inner child in him that jumped around in glee. He's finally skating ! 10 years after he was actually a child.

"Okay, you start with a V position. Yeah like that then you kinda sway from one side to the other while kicking your foot."

Remus watches, kicking his foot while still holding the sides of the rink. It seems easy enough. Tiny kids around him, already smoothly gliding, proved it wasn't impossible. Peter even made it around twice.

"When you're ready, hands off the rails and we'll slowly move." James says.

Peter moves behind Remus, acting as a guard. Falling backwards is the last event they'd like to happen to newbie.

Remus felt foolish. He was awkwardly gaining balance, looking like a new born bambi. But really there was no shame in being a complete beginner, Remus was just.. a little flustered.

Especially once he lays his eyes on a black haired man jumping a triple Axel. Remus' jaw dropped the moment the man leaped, turned and landed back on ice all in a few seconds.

"That's impressive alright." James murmured.

Peter nodds. "That's Sirius Black."

Remus' head whipped up. "The Sirius Black ?"

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