81. 72 Days

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[Day -40]

Remus looks Sirius as they sat watching the new Thor movie. Friday nights are supposed to be Marauders' nights but James is off on his month long honeymoon and Peter is somewhere in Costa Rica, spicing up his love life. Now it's just them, two bros with nowhere to go.

Sirius was hugging a pillow, eyes trained at whatever Valkyrie was doing. He didn't notice the other had his sights on other things.


"Uh huh." Sirius says, shoving pop corn into his mouth.

"Let's get married."

Sirius had never turned his head so fast. "What."

"We're both single, into men and it's cheaper to live together so.. Besides.. my mum's been nagging at me to get married."

The smaller thought Remus was joking until he brought Hope up. Although it's cute to imagine small Hope Lupin pestering her son to bag someone, this.. was quite a serious matter in Sirius' books.

"Are you sure ?" Sirius asks. "I thought.. you had a.. something.."

"Nah. Like you said, noone's caught my attention." Remus shrugs. "It doesn't have to be anything. Like roommates with extra steps."

"Roommates with extra steps.." Sirius parrots.

Honestly, the idea doesn't sound so bad. He shared a dorm with Remus through university. How different would that be ?

"Wanna go ring shopping tomorrow ?"

Remus chuckles. "Sure."

[Day 1]

The wedding was not a big ceremony. With Sirius' family out of touch and Remus' older parents satisfied with a private gathering, only their inner circle are invited to the small procession. The Marauders were finally united for the "special" day.

Remus remembered getting clapped on the back so often that it's beginning to hurt. The amount of people telling him how lucky he is to marry the Most Wanted Bachelor Sirius Black is uncountable like the grains of sand in their beach wedding. To think about it, he is lucky.

From a distance, he hears Sirius' laughter over the sound of chatter, music and utensils clattering. His ears always manage to pick Sirius' laugh out no matter how far apart. Remus stands there quietly by the shore, staring at his new husband.

"So.. someone finally tied the knot." Lily elbows him.

The red haired girl had the knack of popping up unexpectedly. Remus rubs his nape.

"Yeah. Came as a surprise really."

"Sirius told me. Roommates with extra steps." Lily says with a teasing smile.

"What ? It is true. We both agreed on that and no feelings involved."

Lily nodds, facing the ocean. "I don't know Re. Something tells me that'll change."

"And how'd you know that ?" Remus challenges.

With a mysterious twinkle in her eyes, she smiles wistfully. "Female intuition."

Throughout the party, Lily's words kept echoing in his mind. While there is a possibility... Remus shakes his head. One step at a time. He just got married. He could think of lovey dovey ness later.

That night the two grooms take a taxi back to Remus'. Sirius had moved in with him a few weeks before the wedding, seeing that it's no use to buy a completely new apartment. Saving money is one of their motives afterall.

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