120. Where Are My Fucking Cuddles?

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Inspired by that one tiktok sound


Remus has been sitting on that couch, nose buried in a book for hours.

Sirius had just arrived home from work and has yet to receive his daily dose of Remus Cuddles.

But why the hell is Remus not doing anything ?


It's routine. Habbit. Second nature at this point. That as soon as Sirius' bag hits the floor and the front door closes, Remus' arms should be around him. He should be encased in that warmth by now.

But today, Remus had only kissed him on the cheek, hung his coat on the hanger, and continued with his reading. What has their marriage become ? A cuddle-less boring one ?

No. Sirius won't budge. If Remus is going to play this game then he will too.

He'll sip his tea right here on the counter. He won't say it. He won't admit it. He'll stick his nose up and pretend it doesn't bother him.


Nearly an hour have passed and Remus is yet to do anything. The man stayed put on the couch, calmly flipping to the next page as if nothing's wrong

Sirius squints his eyes, burning holes to the back of his head. He's sending mind waves to that thick skull. For a second, he perks up as Remus shuts his book. Finally, his chance is here !

"Alright, I gotta go do input work for a bit," He says, stretching his arms above his head.

Sirius' eyes trails down to the stomach revealed from the shirt that's ridden up. His mild annoyance almost (almost !) dissipated.

"I'll be done in an hour to cook dinner."

The taller walks past Sirius, kisses his head, and goes into their home office like it was no big deal.


Once the door clicks shut, Remus presses a palm to his lips to quieten the chuckle that threatened to spillover. He wished he could take a picture of Sirius' face and send it to James.

"Good Lord, I'm sorry Padfoot but this is too funny," He mutters to himself.

Remus didn't actually plan on doing work. He just wanted to see how long it took for Sirius to snap and demand proper cuddles. He did tell him to be more outspoken with his needs. Perhaps, this little prank was the step closer to achieving that.

He checks the time on his screen and only 5 minutes have passed. He wonders how long until his door is kicked open and a grumpy Sirius stomps in.

Apparently, Remus didn't need to wait long. The door slams open and a pouty Sirius stands in the doorway.

"What's up with you ?" Remus asks innocently.

"It's been an hour Remus John Lupin. I want my fucking cuddles."

Remus laughs, spreading his arms to let Sirius in. He walks in a mixture of scampering and stomps, still adamant to show his discontent with his husband.

Sirius sits in his lap and hooks his chin over Remus' shoulder. Meanwhile, the taller wraps his arms tightly around his lover's waist.

"I hate you." Sirius murmurs.

Remus chuckles. "Sorry darling. It's getting too peaceful so I had to prank you."

Sirius breaks away to look him eye to eye. "You're terrible !"

Remus does the only thing he knows. Sirius is completely silenced by the kiss, only letting out humms here and there as Remus works his magic.

"Mmf !" Sirius pulls away. "I'm still mad at you."

Remus kisses him again. "Uh-huh."

"This does not change anything !" Sirius diverts between kisses, though really he's melting in the inside.

"Of course, princess," Remus teases.

The soothing palm running up and down his back and the petname made Sirius' brain go completely silent.

"Then how do I make it up to you, cariño ?"

Those chocolate brown eyes. Sigh, Sirius could get lost in them forever. Anyway, he came up with a few ways really. But, for now, he'll settle to get his demand.

"Cuddle me."

The smirk playing on Remus' lips becomes an endeared smile. He nodds solemnly before standing up, strong arms holding Sirius as he moves to the bed. Ever so gently, he lays his lover down on the soft sheets. Immediately hovering over him to busy Sirius' lips with kisses.

"Cuddle me and cook dinner, then you'll be forgiven."

Remus shifts the stray locks of hair covering Sirius' face. He'd like a good look at his husband thank you very much.

"Yes Sir. Your wish is my command."

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