63. Immortality

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"Welcome, welcome to History 101." Professor Lupin greets the lecture hall.

Students nodded, some mumured their reply.

"Thank you for choosing this course. I promise I'll try to keep it interesting." He winks.

"Today, I'm not going to go through the syllabus. It's the start of the term so I'd rather not get into academics too quickly. In fact, I want to show you something."

The students, hearing they didn't have to think about studying, looked up in interest. Their professor pulled a huge folder, started flipping through it and pulled a piece of yellowed paper. His gloved hands carefully set the paper under the visualizer.

"Can everyone see this ? If not, you're welcomed to come down, closer to the screen."

Some did. Abandoning their bags to trot down wit their friends. Curiousity getting the better of them.

"Now, a little bit of history. Judging by the paper and the ink's quality, how old do you think is this letter ?"

"100 years ?"

Remus smiles impressed. "Smart guess. Might add more to that."

"150 ?" A girl spoke up.


"170 years !"

Remus chuckles. "Good guesses. It's 177 years old. This is called Rag paper. In the olden days, paper is a rarity. You see here ? The writings ?"

The students leaned and squinted.

"You see how this person wrote in one direction, turned the paper around, then continued to write between the spaces ? Yes, that's typical for them then. It's hard to read but it's better than buying more paper."

Remus zooms in on the lines.

"Let's read together shall we ?"


[12 February 1845

My Star,

Are you well ? I'm sending my love from London and how I wished you were here with me. Everything is grey and tasteless without you.

I know how you'll look like reading this. Nose wrinkled with a slight pout of your lips. You hate when I fill my letters with longing. You say I keep writing the same things to you. Why would I not when that was all I felt ?

I kept imagining your hands in mine. How my winter was a warm summer's day because your hands held mine. I kept imagining your voice. How sweet you sounded when you sang. I must seem out of my mind for I heard an endless melody.

I will visit Greece soon, I can promise you that. I could not hold it much longer if I have to stay here alone. My legs felt like running, my hear beat racing, as if they were ready to take flight. My wish is plain, I want to see you.

By the time I arrive, it will be spring. I plan to take you to sea. You always said you wanted to visit the islands. Let us go to every land you read in legends. Let us go to Cyprus, the Love Goddess' birthplace. Perhaps she'll bless us while we visit. ]


A fratboy shouted, "Simp !"

The boys next to him slapped and shushed him. The girls sat behind him kicked his chair.

Remus chuckles. "Yes ? Repeat that please."

"He's a simp !" The boy says with a mischievous grin.

"Oh shut up Benson !"

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