38. Yours

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Sirius, just like everybody else, has a possesive streak in him.

I mean it comes with the territory of being a dog animagus. Peter joked that Remus was like his favourite bone to which Padfoot would die to protect. Well, he didn't need to know that he's correct even when the meanings are altered ;).

But Sirius isn't the type to act on it. He simply doesn't need to.

For instance, during pre-OWLs week,  all the smarty pants of Gryffindor came together to host a study group. That includes sweet ol' Remus. The kids just love him and his brain. Begrudgingly, some more than others.

Sirius chose not to go breathe fire on the students eyeing his boy up. He stares at Remus with a coy smile on his lips. His boyfriend is indeed charming. The type of handsome you only find in book characters that seem too unrealistic by human standards.

Remus transfigurated a table into a black board then a few candles into chalk. He must be tired from prefect duties but he doesn't show. Afterall, Sirius knows his passion was teaching. This was a glimpse of what his boyfriend will become.

"Alright," Remus says while rolling his sleeves, successfully making a few hearts flutter. "What do we know about werewolves ?"

From across the room, Sirius snorted. For a brief moment, Remus looks to his direction with a knowing smile. He too was holding in a good cackle. He taps his pointer against his lips, leaving the other kids wondering what could be so funny about blood thirsty werewolves.

"They can't control their behaviour for the duration of the tranformation !" A girl said.

Remus nodds, adding that to a bullet point. "But there is a new but rare potion that could help them keep control. Can anyone tell me what ?"

"Moonflower ?"

"Just because it has moon in it doesn't mean it helps werewolves."

The group erupted with laughter, pushing the answerer around. Some of them started scooching close to Remus, using the blackboard visibility as an excuse. Hell, anyone would know the blackboard's not the thing they're looking at.

"Wolfsbane." A calm voice says from the back of the noisy room.

The students draw a gasp, whispering amongst themselves. Those who fancy Remus wonder with envy why his attention was never on them. But it only took a level voiced quip for him to look up and smile at Sirius.

"Good boy Black. You get a cookie." He chuckles at the inside joke.

Remus magics a chocolate chip from his personal jar and floats it to where Sirius was sitting.

The girl who answered earlier huffed. "I answered correct too but I don't get a cookie."

Without tearing his eyes nor his dopey grin from Sirius, Remus says,"Well your name isn't Sirius Black so you'll never get a cookie."

After a second too long, Remus returns to the mini class. He asked why Wolfsbane was so effecfive yet not used by all werewolves. He continued with how systematic poverty keeps werewolves poor and how that affects their full moon transformations.

While Remus spoke, the girl glared at Sirius. The boy wasn't threatened in the slightest. He leaned back on the chair's two hind legs and twirled his wand between his fingers. Sirius raises an eyebrow, daring her to speak.

She doesn't. Sirius smiles, expecting that outcome.

The next time something like that happen was on the night before graduation. 7th years were having a final party in the common room and of course, the life of the party is invited.

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