62. Mind Reader

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Remus is a smart guy.

This is a trait he's been told multiple times; by friends and teachers alike. Some students confide in him for academic advice. Others plainly come for his observation.

Remus helps. He always tries. Even when he could care less about Hufflepuff Prefect, Alicia, who's boyfriend is ignoring her. Or about some dispute between Ravenclaw friends. He's just there, with his logical senses and he helps.

Like Achille's heel, all this intellect had a weakness. That is for one person and one person only.

A bright young boy who had a smile so contagious, the whole school would've copied if he demanded it. A young boy who's black hair reached his shoulders and his eyes a startling grey. A young boy who steals his sweaters and socks and parades around in them as if they were his.

A young boy who has Remus' heart. Now that, was trully his.

Sirius would come to him too. Talk about anything and everything they could think of. Sometimes it was stupid like guessing the exact number of hair Flitwick has left on his head. Other times, the words had strangled Sirius' chest so tightly, he was left clutching on to Remus as he poured his tears.

Remus wanted to help him and love him and show him that he was someone's universe. But, as stated before, his mind seemed to stop its advancements when it comes to Sirius. He just.. doesn't know how to act with this boy.

Even right now, as they sat closely under their willow tree by the Black Lake, Remus didn't know where to look. Sirius had invited him to tea by "his" lake.

"Just because it has your name on it doesn't mean it's yours Padfoot." Remus shakes his head, laughing.

Sirius looks at him in disbelief. "And why not ? It's called the Black Lake for a reason."

"Yeah ? Then it belongs to Narcissa Black, Bellatrix Black,  Andromeda Black-"

Sirius made a gag sound that drew more laughs from Remus.  "Ew. Not them. Just me."

"And why are you so special ?"

That moment made Remus hold his breath.

Siriud might've taken the question as a challenge. He leaned so close that Remus could count the freckles on his cheeks. With his infamous teasing smirk, he flicks his pointer under Remus' chin playfully.

"Have you seen me Lupin ? Compare me to the lot of them. You'll see why." He adds a dangerous wink.

Remus must've been blushing hard. He mumbles about the heat. Of how jarring the summer sun has been treating them. Sirius kept his smirk, turning it into a knowing one. So certain, Remus fears he might already know.

"Here, a dandelion. " Sirius presents the tiny flower between his pointer and thumb.

"Ah yes, I've never seen a dandelion before."

Sirius smacks his arm. Remus chuckles, pretending the light slap hurt. 

"I'm giving this rare chance to wish for something to you Lupin. I'm bestowing my specialty to you."

Remus bows. "I'm honored your highness.  You do realize we're sitting on a plot of dandelions."

"Not the point !" Sirius scolds him. "Now make a wish."

The dandelion stood between them. Sirius looks at him expectantly.

"What if I wish for something stupid ?" Remus asks, just to tease.

"Then you'll have to wish for me."

A pause then a snort.

Sirius seemed to laugh in slow motion. Maybe Remus was just trying hard to remember all of him. Wanted to keep this moment in an envelope, like a letter sent from decades ago yet held the same emotion.

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