126. Funeral

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Today was the funeral of the great duchess. 

People have gathered. TV stations to nosy aunties, all standing around the coffin. All trying to catch a glimpse of the pale body. All trying to catch a glimpse of the mourning grand duke. 

"We can see his grace, dressed in velvet black to convey the sadness we feel today." A News anchor reported.

Standing rigidly,  Sirius wonders if they could see him already slipping his wedding ring off his finger. He wonders if they'd noticed his bodyguard standing rather too close for just protection. Sirius adjusts his coat, pulling a silk handkerchief with his initials embroidered on it. Delicately, he dabbed the corner of his eyes. The camera will only catch the handkerchief, not the smirk under it. 

"Your grace, you will be called for a speech in 2 minutes," Remus whispers to his ear. 

Sirius nodded, sniffing a little too loudly. "Thank you Lupin, I am ready." 

The whole kingdom was watching. Cameras zoom in on Sirius' pale face. Everyone watching sat extra close to their TVs. 

"I would like to say thank you for your presence with me today," Sirius starts. "It has been a long journey for our great duchess..."

Behind him, Remus chortled in his mind. It was a long journey indeed.

Remus remembered the look in the duchess' eyes. The pure horror and panic as she realizes her life is slipping from her fingertips. 

That night, the ailing duchess complained that her medication had left her more drowsy than awake. She complained left and right that her treatment was killing her slowly. Remus fixed her statement for her.

"I am killing you slowly, your grace."

Her glaring brown eyes pierced into Remus' skull. Burning themselves into the bodyguard's memory. In all of his career, through all the violence he'd endured, Remus had never seen such vengeful, such angry eyes. The duchess has always been a snobby, rageful person but that night, her anger seared through her soul.

Well, it might have something to do with the grand duke standing on the opposite side of her bed. 

"We will remember her smile," Sirius's voice wavered, fighting through tears. "We will remember her kindness, her gentleness and her spirit." 

Those angry eyes shifted to Sirius' stoned cold face. 

"How long until she's gone, my moon?"

Remus pushes his gloves down. "In 3 minutes," he returns to look at the dying witch. "Any last words?"

"Y-you- fu-fuck-" 

Sirius rolls his eyes annoyedly, handing Remus the empty medicine bottle. "She's never been much of a public speaker, haven't you love?"

The woman choked on her own breath, sputtering, gasping and fighting for her last. Meanwhile, Remus had already arranged for his doctor connection to come and pronounce her death.

"I knew you were going to hell from the first day I met you," Sirius said as he put eye drops into his grey eyes.  He then rubbed harshly on them and bit his lips to mimic a cry. 

"I'm simply paving the way." 

Camera shutters go off, guns are fired, and dirt is thrown. The duke stares into the grave stoically. Remus thought Sirius was indeed perfect. Who else could fool an entire nation? No Oscar-winning actor could pull the stunt he just did. 

Slowly, the audience dissipated. Cars belonging to conglomerates drove off. Nobody truly cared about the duchess. She was as much of a pain to everyone as she was to Sirius. Perhaps secretly, those princes and princesses knew her death was unnatural. Perhaps they knew and were relieved. Perhaps that's how the murder was buried with her forever.

"Your grace, we must go." Remus murmurs. 

Sirius nods, giving the grave a last look, before following Remus to his limousine. With the cameras gone, nobody caught the glance the two shared as his strong bodyguard opened the door for him. The duke enters his vehicle and la fin, the curtains drop. 

"Cue the applause," Remus joked. 

The two burst out laughing. After Remus entered the highway, Sirius jumped to the front seat. He was free. Now the world opened, blossomed, bigger than before.

"Thank you, my love." Sirius kissed Remus' shoulder. 

The bodyguard smiled. "Of course. I'd do anything for you. I'd kill for you."

Those warm, honey eyes look at Sirius with so much love. 

"I have killed for you. Who else can say that?"

Maybe they've taken that phrase literally but Sirius sighs, Cupid's arrow has struck him again. 

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