13. The Baker and The Dog

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I imagined this as a Ghibli style movie


"Calm down pup, I'm just the baker." Remus chuckles.

The large black dog growls from behind the gate. It snarls and bares its teeth while Remus sifts through his bicycle basket for Sirius Black's order.

Oh That Sirius Black. The richest bachelor in town. Not to mention the lovely face as well. No wonder the boys and girls trip over their own feet to get him in their arms.

"Aha got it !" Remus pulls a bag of bread with its recipient's name.

He hangs it on one of the black gate's intricate curves. The devilish dog snaps its teeth when Remus gets close.

"Oh don't be too mad. I got something for you too."

Remus rips a page of his newspaper. It doesn't matter, nothing's exactly new in this small village of theirs. He lays it on the ground a safe distance away from getting his hands bitten.

"I made you a dog safe peanut butter cookie."

The light brown treat was still warm as Remus had baked it along with the morning's orders. He'd become accustomed to Sirius Black's ill tempered guard dog so he figured perhaps a treat would lighten it up.

"Alright then, see you around." Remus waves at the dog.

He hops on his bike and wheels away to the next house on his daily rounds not knowing that as soon as his back disappears beyond the hill, the angry dog turns into a fair man.

"Mmm, always so punctual that Remus." Sirius smiles.

He twirls the cookie between his fingers. Appreciating the peanut butter icing for a moment before plopping it in his mouth. Taking the paper bag of bread, Sirius hums his approval.

"Good hand too."


"Hey, you, behind the counter."

Remus looks up. "Can I help you ?"

The boy looked neat in his suit. Guessing from the bouquet of roses in his left hand, he's got a date to impress. The boy clears his throat again.

"Uh you deliver to Sirius Black's house right ?"

Remus nodds. "Yeah, to everyone in town actually."

"What- what does he like to umm order ?"

Ah so that's what this is. The young man's one of Black's neverending sea of suitors.

"He usually buys the almond croissants, apricot danishes and the ocassional fruit tart. He gets the sourdough too when we make it."

The boy thanks him and scampers to the shelves with an array of pastries. Remus shakes his head with a small smile playing on his lips. It's quite endearing how every young person in town fawns over Sirius when he himself had never seen the man.

Yes, he delivers to the house every day but it seems he's better acquainted with the grumpy canine more than its master. Remus' lips press into a thin line. It's not like The Sirius Black would want a simple baker anyway.

"Do you think he'll like a cherry tart ?" The boy pipes up.

Remus nods instantly. "He's got a sweet tooth from what I can tell."

The boy lays all the baked goods on the counter for Remus to pack.

"And I'm guessing you'd like the pretty boxes for your date ?" He teases.

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